"Five, or six." Ye Feng finally got up and stood up from the ground. "I have to tell you a bad news. Bad people have rushed into the vicinity of this big stone. You should be mentally prepared."

Just when "black blade" was helpless, jenma's voice came from the walkie talkie in his arms:

"Ye Feng, I think you and your friends should be people hiding behind that big stone."

"Gemma, how do you know?" Ye Feng said in confusion. "Are you still hiding safely in that combat van? I warn you, if you dare to mess around, I will beat your ass!"

"OK, I'm still in place and safe. You don't have to worry about me. You just need to worry about the situation of you and your friends." jenma said impatiently.

"That's good. We must pay attention to safety. We are all adults and can take good care of ourselves," Ye Feng said.

"Black blade" stared at Ye Feng coldly and said contemptuously, "Oh? Really?"

Ye Feng ignored her. He knew it was not time for infighting.

"In short, Ye Feng, the UAV I sent is in the area above your head, and I am now from the perspective of God." jenma is looking at the real-time picture transmitted by the UAV on her laptop, "the two nearest enemies are at the five o'clock and seven o'clock positions behind you."

Ye Feng immediately looked up. Sure enough, he found the UAV hovering in the air. Ye Feng knew this thing. Gemma often poked this thing.

After receiving the information provided by Gemma, "black blade" informed Ghana of the enemy's position in tactical sign language. The latter held the only weapon in his hand - an arrow, and "black blade" also pulled out a dagger.

"Now they are coming from both sides of the boulder. You may have ten seconds left. Another team is copying you from the front." Gemma kept telling "black blade" the battlefield information, which was very helpful to "black blade".

Nervous Ghana and "black blade", after seeing the figure of the two soldiers from both sides of the boulder, they deprived the two soldiers of their lives with their weapons almost at the same time. After taking the weapons of the two soldiers, black blade and Ghana continued to flee.

"Take me!!!" ye Fengsheng shouted at Lisa's back.

"Damn it! Ye Feng, I'm really going to be killed by you!" Lisa had no choice but to turn around and run to Ye Feng, put the latter up and run away together.

"Haven't you been able to act on your own?" Lisa said impatiently.

"Not yet. I just tried to stand on my own, but unfortunately, I failed." Ye Feng said lightly.

At this time, his body is still in an extremely uncomfortable state. Ye Feng sadly feels that he is like a caterpillar, a mollusk, and can only move forward by the wriggling of his body. For Ye Feng, he is very familiar with this sad feeling. Almost every once in a while, he will experience it. But what makes Ye Feng very unhappy is that this time it is in the face of Lisa and Ghana drogan, and the "black blade" that he doesn't see each other at all, which makes Ye Feng feel surprisingly angry.

"Ye Feng, I really have nothing to say to you. I will refuse any tasks related to you in the future!" Lisa said angrily.

"Hey, honey, my feelings, what about the good happiness?" Ye Feng muttered discontentedly.

"They're all dead!" Lisa roared and continued to drag the paralyzed maple leaf forward.

Fortunately, with the help of zhenma, Ye Feng and his party can grasp the enemy's position in real time and set the escape route in advance. Reminded by zhenma, Ye Feng and his party started a cat and mouse game with the pursuers behind them in the forest. But Ye Feng's side has a kind of UAV that is close to perspective cheating as support, which makes them not be annihilated in this pursuit war, although almost all of them were injured.

"Black blade" and Ghana drogan ran ahead. Their injuries were the most serious, but there was no time to estimate the wounds. Lisa, who had suffered almost only some skin injuries, lost her ability to move, and Ye Feng, who had been dragging her feet, was behind them. As Lisa dragged Ye Feng away, their movement speed was very slow, and the distance between them and "black blade" and Ghana drogan was slowly widening. This made lisa feel anxious.

What made lisa even more upset was that Ye Feng was still shooting at her mouth all the way. She didn't mean to shut her mouth and let Lisa be quiet for a while.

"You see how self-conscious I am. I don't work, talk or talk. Lisa, you should praise me. You know, I'm not easy to get along with at ordinary times. My temper is still -"

"Either shut up or climb by yourself!" said Lisa angrily.

"Honey, don't you really love me?" Ye Feng looked at Lisa wrongly.

"Ye Feng, don't be disgusting, OK?" jenma's voice sounded on the communication channel. "Lisa, did she love you before? I don't know, but I'm sure she doesn't love you now. Take a good look because of you, Lisa and" black blade " And the distance between Ghana and drogan. Do you need me to remind you? Ye Feng, if I hadn't been harassing those pursuers with drones, they would have caught up with you and Lisa. You have a self-healing gene and are not afraid of death. Lisa is just an ordinary person. Lisa, are you just an ordinary person? "

Gemma asked uncertainly.

"Yes, I'm just an ordinary person. Damn it, if I have the chance to return to the 19th branch, I must apply for transfer from Lei Zeyan. It's too dangerous to work under him." Lisa said angrily.

"Yes, especially Lei Zeyan's relationship with Ye Feng, which is even more dangerous." jenma agreed. "Lisa, if I were you, I would resign immediately. In order to live a few more years, it's still worth the price."

"Yes, I was crazy before. I thought working in the 19th branch was the whole meaning of my life." Lisa said angrily, "thank you, Ye Feng, you let me know that living is the source of happiness. Once a person dies, everything is meaningless."

"You're welcome. I'm glad I can tell you such a philosophy of life. In fact, because I rarely have a sense of fear -"

"Oh? Really? I don't think so," Jemma said sarcastically.

"- so I have always wondered what can't be tried in life. But I already know that it's a thing I can't try to keep my loved ones in danger." Ye Feng said to himself.

"So you don't love me?" Lisa stared at Ye Feng with an expressionless face. "Now you just put me in absolute danger."

"Er... What I just said is not accurate. I can't let my beloved be in danger alone. Lisa, I'm with you now. You're not alone, so I love you very much. I'm even willing to die with you." Ye Feng said seriously.

"I don't want to die with you. It will be ugly," Lisa said disgustedly. "I haven't thought about death, but these two words have been lingering in my mind for the past few hours, making me really realize that there is only a leaf maple distance between me and death."

"A maple leaf's distance, Lisa, what a good image you describe." jenma couldn't help laughing.

"... Lisa, you really make me sad." Ye Feng said helplessly, "am I not your little cute?"

"You've never been my little darling!" Lisa said in a collapse. "Why are you so cute? What's my little darling? Damn, why would I discuss the topic of what is little darling with you in a jungle, and there are pursuers behind me?"

"Calm down, Lisa," said Ye Feng calmly. "Our current situation is not the worst I have ever experienced, Lisa, you know? I once lived with primitive people for several months. In order to integrate with them, I even had to squat and pee."

"Ah? Primitive? Squatting to pee?" Lisa stared. It was the first time she heard such words from Ye Feng's mouth. She was not sure whether Ye Feng was joking or telling the truth. "Are you dreaming?"

"Of course not. It's all some bad things I've experienced. I know someone who can die better than me -"

Lisa couldn't believe it and asked, "do people who can kill more than you really exist?"

"If there is such a person, Ye Feng goes too far. Believe me, Lisa, you must not want to know such a person. You'd better not even ask his name." jenma said solemnly.

"Well..." said Lisa, "how many months have you really lived with primitive people?"

"Yes, from the beginning they wanted to eat me raw, to the end I became their leader. During this period, I have experienced many incomparable things. Believe me, compared with those, now I just walk in the forest." Ye Feng said with lingering fear.

"..." looking at the expression on Ye Feng's face, Lisa knew that he was not sensational, but it was difficult to produce a sense of picture, so Lisa couldn't empathize with what Ye Feng said. She just nodded silently and continued to drag Ye Feng forward.

"Is there any point in saying these words?" Lisa asked.

"No, just to ease your uneasiness," said Ye Feng.



"Yes, Ye Feng, if you don't want me to break down, just shut up. That's all I want." Lisa said expressionless.

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