"Er, you calm down, I'll just shut up..." Ye Feng zipped up his mouth and stopped talking. Ye Feng also knows that he won't die, but he's just an ordinary Lisa. That's not necessarily. This is not the time for him to make jokes

"They're coming, hurry, hurry!" through the picture transmitted back by the UAV, Gemma saw that the two soldiers had arrived at the boulder where "black blade" hid before. The girl with high IQ anxiously reminded "black blade".

"It seems to be useful at high places."

"Black blade" didn't follow jenma's advice. She took Ghana, Lisa and Ye Feng to a nearby high slope and accurately sniped the two soldiers who came near the boulder from top to bottom. As a top secret agent, there is no possibility of mistakes in the "black blade" at a distance of about 100 meters.

Two shots, "black blade" accurately fired two shots and killed the two soldiers in pursuit.

"General." Ye Feng said contemptuously, "kill two live targets. You actually need to waste two bullets? If only I could show you, let me show you that I use a bullet to string sugar gourd!" Ye Feng said and made a shooting action, looking like an immortal.

"Shut up if you don't want to die." "black blade" stared at Ye Feng coldly. Although the latter was still unconvinced, he didn't open his mouth to stimulate "black blade".


With a cold hum, "black blade" paid attention to the pursuer. Now only she still maintains her combat effectiveness. She must fight for her own and other people's lives.

"Ghana, Ye Feng, let's go." looking at Ghana who has fallen into a semi coma due to excessive blood loss, Lisa anxiously picked up Ghana and Ye Feng and continued on the road of death. After the "black blade" broke, let go of all senses and watch the wind and grass around.

Thanks to jenma's help, otherwise, the four of Ye Feng are likely to be downsized. At this time, this situation in which no one died has been a blessing in misfortune.

On the screen in front of William Russell, who was behind all this, only the pictures from two cameras were still moving. Only two soldiers who pursued him were still alive, which made William Russell's face full of haze.

The two soldiers who were still chasing Ye Feng and others were like frightened birds, and their nerves were almost strained. After all, the target of their action, the prey of their trip, hunted and killed six soldiers chasing them in the process of escape! This exerted great pressure and fear on the remaining two soldiers.

Every step out, the two heavily armed soldiers bear a strong fear. They don't want to die. It's just their job. They really don't want to die

Damn it, I shouldn't have taken this task. But if you don't obey orders, commander Parker will not let himself go, damn it!

Just when the soldier walking behind was distracted by his wishful thinking, death found him

"Ah ah!!!"

The shrill scream startled the soldier in the front row and immediately turned back to look behind him, but there was nothing behind him. The teammates who had followed him had disappeared at this time

"There's a little fool left," Ye Feng said to Lisa next to him. They hid in a dead trunk with Ghana drogan. This is a huge towering tree. Ye fenggan bet that a car can definitely regard this tree hole as a garage.

"She's still very reliable." Lisa looked at the looming figure of "black blade" with emotion. "At least it's more reliable than some people."

"Speaking of you, Ghana drogan, old man, you really let me down. I thought you were better than before. It seems not." Ye Feng said shamelessly to Ghana drogan.

"... you really deserve a beating." Ghana drogan gasped. Due to the severe pain of the wound, in the process of running away, he was already in a coma and woke up again.

"Ye Feng, don't let Ghana drogan talk!" Lisa said discontentedly. "He needs to be quiet. Damn it, I don't have any medicine with me. I'm in that van."

"It doesn't matter. There is only one child left. When" black blade "solves him, we will take Ghana drogan back to Gemma, and the first aid kit is on the battle bun." Ye Feng said to Ghana drogan, "Man, you must hold on and hold on for a while. It's absolutely no problem. Man, we can escape from here alive. You know? Life is very colorful now. You've wasted so many years in the forest. It's a pity not to enjoy the free sweetness, don't you?"

"... man, can you shut up," said Ghana drogan weakly.

"Ye Feng, shut up!" Lisa said.

"... well, if you have to let me do this," Ye Feng murmured, "I'm the protagonist. Why did I get killed as soon as I came up? I didn't have a chance to show, and these people still don't let me speak. It's not unreasonable?"

"What are you talking about?" Lisa glared at Ye Feng. "What are you crazy about? Ye Feng, I doubt that the maple in your name is crazy. Really, I have suspected it for some time."

"Nothing. Lisa, just complaining." Ye Feng spread out his hands and said helplessly.

"Hey... I'm really out of my sight. I didn't expect you to be an unreliable man." Lisa sighed.

"Hey! In front of my friend's face, you make me lose face!" said Ye Feng.

"I knew you were an unreliable person, Ye Feng." Ghana drogan watched Ye Feng helplessly. He pressed his hand on the wound. Although it had been simply wrapped up, it was still slowly bleeding.

"... I've always been a person who attaches great importance to feelings, but old man, your words make me have to re-examine the friendship between me and you. I doubt that we have a good relationship as I thought before..." Ye Feng said expressionless.

"Well, maybe," said Ghana drogan.

"Man, are you okay?"

He noticed that Ghana drogan's face was getting pale. Ye Feng looked at his bleeding wound with concern. Listening to Lisa's tone just now, it seemed that Ghana drogan's gunshot wound was very serious. He might fall into shock or even die at any time.

Lisa looked at Ghana drogan with the same concern.

"I'm fine..." Ghana drogan managed to squeeze out a smile. "This little injury doesn't matter at all..."

"Old man, don't try your best. You look like a big brown bear about to die. What I said is true. Damn it, you can't lose your chain at this moment. If you die like this, I TM will never attend your funeral." Ye Feng said half jokingly and half seriously.

"Don't curse me to death!" said Ghana drogan angrily. "I will never die before you die!"

"I hope you do what you say, because it's really hard for me to die." Ye Feng said, "even if I've been dying, it's hard for me to die. You should listen to the bad things that have happened to me these years. Have you ever been chased and killed by rabbit people?"

"Rabbit man?"

"Yes, you heard right. It's a rabbit man." Ye Feng said lightly. "Unlike you, I often go to outer space for a circle from time to time. Although most of the time I don't want to, I still saw a lot of interesting things and came into contact with some aliens unconsciously."


"That's right. Lisa, Ghana, why are you all looking at me with an idiot's eyes?" Ye Feng said helplessly, "I'm telling the truth without any exaggeration."

"Really? Tell me how you communicate with aliens. They also speak human language?" Lisa raised her eyebrows and looked at Ye Feng.

"Er... I really haven't thought about this problem. It seems that I can communicate with all the aliens I meet. Er... What's the reason?" Ye Feng was also very confused.

In fact, the reason why Ye Feng can communicate with all kinds of aliens is very simple. The chip Dick implanted in his body can help him quickly understand the alien language and communicate with him normally. In fact, without this chip, Ye Feng could not communicate with alien races without obstacles. Ye Feng could not speak any second language except his mother tongue. After all, for Ye Feng, learning these two words is not in his dictionary at all, and even Ye Feng has no dictionary at all

"Forget it, I don't know. Maybe human language is the most fashionable language in the universe. All alien races will rush to learn." Ye Feng didn't tangle with this problem. He quickly skipped the problem and made lisa and Ghana drogan ashamed.

"You are really big," Lisa said, "but I can make complaints about anything strange happen to you. After all, you are such a person."

"Yes, it's not a worry at all," agreed Ghana drogan.

"Hey, I'm a very reliable person -"


"- maybe it's not so reliable," Ye Feng said reluctantly, "but at least I'm a person with a bottom line -"

"Really?" Ghana drogan looked at Ye Feng.

"Maybe I don't stick to the bottom line," Ye Feng said reluctantly, "but at least I'm not a person who will harm my friends -"

"Really?" Gemma's voice sounded on the communication channel. "That's because you're usually the one who's been trapped."


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