When the mission reached here, the remaining pursuer had changed from Hunter costume to prey. He could clearly feel this, so he began to become hysterical.

His teammates were killed one by one, which was completely unexpected for him. They are a group of specially trained professional killers. For them, usually only prey dies, while they enjoy the pleasure of hunting. They have never experienced such great setbacks in the completion of tasks again and again.

They rarely even die.

But this time it's different. All his teammates are dead. This made the remaining pursuer feel unprecedented fear and panic. He knew that when he was alone, he had undoubtedly been sentenced to death. But his strong desire for survival kept him from putting down his weapons.

He wants to kill, at least before he dies, pull a cushion. For him, the task is meaningless. He knows clearly that there is no backup to arrive in time. After all, in their original plan, they should fall from the sky like a thunderbolt and leave quickly after killing the target without leaving any superfluous traces.

In the original plan, there was no backup at all. They only have themselves, because they have this confidence. But the reality is that they should be awed by unknown tasks and goals, rather than rush to other people's territory with such confidence.

They paid a painful price for their contempt for the enemy and conceit, and died.

"Come out! Come out!"

The panicked soldiers frantically pulled the trigger of the submachine gun in their hands and fired indiscriminately around. Someone once said: the unknown is the fundamental source of human fear. At this time, the soldier was completely confused in the face of unknown danger.

He can't think now, and he doesn't know where he is or whether those damn people are still nearby. He is just a desperate trapped animal, struggling in the cage.

"You can't live, you hear me? I'll kill you! You can't run!"

In the hysterical cry of the soldier, the figure of "black blade" appeared in the pile of fallen leaves behind him. Holding a sharp dagger, "black blade" quietly walked behind the frightened soldier. She suddenly stabbed the dagger at the soldier's neck.

"Ah ah!!!"

The sharp dagger in the hand of "black blade" pierced his neck, and the last soldier in pursuit was killed in a harsh scream.

"I have to say," black blade ", I may be a little worse than you in terms of assassination, but in terms of comprehensive ability," black blade ", I am more than a little better than you." Ye Feng, hiding under the pile of leaves, drilled out. He was cleaning the leaves while talking jokes.

At this time, Ye Feng has recovered his simple action ability, and the speed of 100 meters has also recovered to about 12 seconds. Compared with his peak, it has been full for several seconds, but his physical condition is enough for him to cope with the current situation with his own strength.

Although the self-healing gene is slightly weak in detoxification ability, at least after such a long time of recovery, the toxin in Ye Feng's body is better, which makes Lisa who has been taking care of him breathe a sigh of relief, because Ghana drogan now needs someone to help him walk. He is almost unconscious due to excessive blood loss.

"Ye Feng, stop being sarcastic and come and help me," Lisa said to Ye Feng.


Ye Feng went to Lisa and lifted Ghana drogan from the ground, while Lisa loosened her hands and feet and walked to the "black blade" who was examining the body.

"Hey, wait for me." Ye Feng shouted.

But Lisa didn't answer him. Her attention was attracted by the camera on the soldier's helmet. Lisa is very familiar with this thing. It is a device to provide real-time battlefield information for the commanders behind the scenes. In other words, someone is watching the hunting operation against Ghana drogan in a safe corner!

And if she guessed right, Lisa also knew who was hiding behind the scenes. It goes without saying that the person in charge of the chimera plan

"No matter where you are, I will come to you."

Ye Feng gathered up in front of the camera on the soldier's helmet and ruthlessly made his will to kill the behind the scenes. Then he kicked out the camera.

At the same time, facing the suddenly disappearing picture, William Russell, the person in charge of the "chimera plan", did not have any emotional fluctuations. He just stared at the screen flashing snowflakes and played back the faces of Ye Feng and others again and again in his mind, the faces of those who made him taste the bitterness of failure.

You want to find me? I'll find you first

In addition, the soldier who disappeared before was the one killed by Ghana drogan. He endured the sharp pain, suddenly appeared behind the soldier, directly inserted an arrow into the latter's throat, and dragged the soldier's body back behind the trunk of a tree.

So far, all the pursuers were eliminated.

The four of Ye Feng also paid a painful price. Ye Feng and Lisa, who had hardly participated in the battle, were still in good condition. Except for some slight abrasions, there were almost no bleeding wounds on their bodies. But black blade and Ghana drogan are very miserable.

Although there was no fatal injury on "black blade", the gunshot wound on her body was becoming more and more serious in the process of her battle. At this time, she had almost exhausted all her strength and could only stagger to stand in place, a state of fainting at any time.

Ghana drogan has fainted. Ye Feng patted his face. He just whispered a few words that no one could understand, and there was no response.

"Damn it, we have to get out of here," Lisa said anxiously as she looked at Ghana drogan's clothes soaked in blood. "This guy won't last long. He must be rescued."

"Let's take him out of here. I must take him out of here alive." after listening to Lisa's words, Ye Feng looked at Ghana drogan who was in a coma. He showed a panic look for the first time. He dragged Ghana drogan's body and walked forward quickly.

"You follow the drone and you'll find me." Gemma's voice sounded on the communication channel. "You'd better hurry up. I'm not sure whether the pursuer still exists. Whether you've got out of danger."

"I'll pay for it." Lisa went to black blade and asked her to put her shoulder on her shoulder. They walked forward together.

"I'm fine..." black blade said stubbornly.

"Come on, don't try your best," Lisa said gently. "Thank you," black blade. "

"Hum, I just finished what I should have done, that's all." "black blade" said proudly.

"OK, OK, you're right, but I still want to thank you. Really," black blade ", you didn't have to do so much. You can leave alone and be safe instead of fooling around with us and almost lost your life." Lisa said, "Your task is to protect me. You can knock me out and take me away by force. You know, I have no ability to stop you."

"I seriously considered this," said heiren. "It was just that the situation was too urgent. I really didn't have time to put it into practice."

"Hahaha, luckily you didn't do that," Lisa said happily, "otherwise, Ghana drogan and Ye Feng will be taken away."

"Hum, no, I can kill those bastards alone!" said Ye Feng in a dissatisfied tone. "Lisa, you've seen my real strength."

"But your performance in this mission is undoubtedly unqualified," Lisa said calmly.

"... these are just accidents, aren't they, old man?" Ye Feng asked Ghana drogan next to him, but the latter didn't respond, "you see, he acquiesced in what I said."

"... are you sure he's not dead?" "black blade" asked helplessly.

"There shouldn't be...?" Ye Feng touched Ghana drogan's pulse and then breathed a sigh of relief. "Although he's dying, fortunately, he's not dead yet. Lisa, what should we do next after we successfully get out of here?"

"What do you think?"

"What do I think? Hurry to send Ghana drogan to the hospital and let him receive formal treatment. Otherwise, even if he survives, he may leave some sequelae," Ye Feng said.

"No, it's not safe to go to the hospital. It's likely to be found. If it starts in the hospital at that time, it may cause unpredictable losses," Lisa said flatly.

"What do you want to do?"

"If you try, Xindu will be your home," Lisa said.

"I think of a way? Hey! Lisa, didn't Lei Zeyan make a full plan? Why did I make up my mind? I can ask for nothing for my friends. By the way, am I paid for this mission?" Ye Feng asked Lisa seriously.

"I don't know. Ask your friend Lei Zeyan," Lisa said expressionless.

"Ye Feng, take Ghana drogan to the base." jenma's voice suddenly sounded.

"Base? Do you have a secret base?" Lisa asked.

"Well, it's where I used to hide. Under an abandoned factory, no one will find it," Gemma said.

"In fact, someone found it, and I had a big fight with a group of mercenaries inside. But I killed all the people who had been there except my friends, so, uh, that place is a good choice," Ye Feng said.

"That's settled," Lisa finally said. "We must protect Ghana drogan safely until the people in the 19th Bureau pick him up. That base can be our temporary safe house. Are you sure it's absolutely safe there?"

"Of course, you can't trust me?" Ye Feng looked at Lisa, offended.

"Sorry, I don't trust you." Lisa shook her head firmly.

"..." Ye Feng looked at Lisa helplessly. "You hurt my young man's heart."

"Don't be disgusting. In addition to being tender, you are actually a middle-aged uncle, Ye Feng. You are in your 40s this year?" said Jemma disdainfully.

"Less than forty!" roared Ye Feng.

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