After seeing that "black blade" killed the last pursuer, Ghana drogan, who had been holding on, couldn't hold on any longer. After throwing his body on the ground, Ghana himself fell straight to the ground. He suffered a serious gunshot wound. Without conditions for emergency treatment, he and "black blade" were still fighting and fleeing. Finally, Ghana drogan fell because of too much blood loss.

"Just like before, old man, you always work so hard..." Ye Feng looked helplessly at Ghana drogan who was in a semi coma.

"Ghana drogan? Are you okay? Get up." Lisa ran to Ghana and helped Ghana to stand up. But the situation of Ghana drogan is very bad. He is out of his mind now.

"Still nobody cares about me? Well, everything depends on yourself, doesn't it?" Ye Feng looked at Lisa and helped Ghana to move forward. He complained a few bland words. He followed Lisa slowly behind him.

"You don't have any strength. Don't complain," Gemma told Ye Feng on the communication channel.

"Shut up, what do you mean you don't have any strength? I took an arrow to replace Lisa!" Ye Feng shouted discontentedly.


In the dark

Lisa and maple leaf carry Ghana drogan through the forest.

With the passage of time, Ye Feng finally recovered. He began to help Ghana drogan, who was almost completely incapacitated, with Lisa. The strong man with a tiger back and a bear waist is on the verge of death due to excessive bleeding, which makes Ye Feng and Lisa anxious.

Ye Feng is really worried about whether his old man can live to see the sun tomorrow. Although Lisa is also worried about the safety of Ghana drogan, she thinks more that if Ghana drogan dies, the mission will undoubtedly be a complete failure.

Killing the pursuer was just an accident. Lei Zeyan's attitude was very clear. He wanted Lisa to bring back the living Ghana drogan, not just a body.

The body can't make a confession in court. Ghana drogan must expose the crime of "chimera plan" in court and let the company pay the price they should bear. Otherwise, some people may still be illegally transformed in the future, which is a major hidden danger to the security of the world.

Not everyone is fit to have power. The vast majority of people will fall into madness after having power beyond ordinary people, which is essentially the same as the retaliatory consumption after suddenly having money. If a person does not have a mature mind or a normal three outlooks, when he suddenly becomes a superman, he is likely not to become a hero, but an lawless super villain.

In fact, similar things happen one after another. If a person doesn't have mature mind and wisdom to control his behavior, he has nothing to do with animals that only rely on instinctive action. This is an important reason why a person can become a person. A person will do what he doesn't want to do because of his constraints, while a person who does what he wants will succumb to his desires, Do something that is good for him but not good for others. There will even be people who harm others but not themselves. This kind of people are few, but not none. Whether a hero's ability is strong or not is not a standard to measure a hero. What really determines whether a person can become hero is his heart. Whether he has done a good job and can give up some of his own things for the interests of others. If he does this, he is a hero.

So, both public and private, Ghana drogan must survive. And this goal, now it seems, has reached a precarious point.

Moreover, not only is Ghana drogan on the verge of struggle, but in fact, the state of "black blade" has also reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. Similarly, the "black blade", who is seriously injured, should not only endure the strong discomfort caused by the gunshot wound, but also guard the surrounding environment. At this time, the "black blade" is strongly supported by her strong will to surpass ordinary people.

"Almost there, Ghana drogan, hold on," breathed Lisa to Ghana, who was dying. But Ye Feng saw clearly that if he went on like this, not only Ghana drogan, who was almost bound to die, could not get out of the forest, but also the "black blade" who followed him, would have to die in the forest.

"Lisa, I think we'd better leave Ghana --" said black blade.

"You'd better not finish..." Ye Feng coldly interrupted "black blade".

"... you are doing useless work."

"No, man, I'll take you out of here. Lisa, you and black blade go first."

Lisa didn't say anything. Facing a man who put life and death aside in order to save his friends, Lisa respects Ye Feng's decision.

"OK, I'll take her first," Lisa said. "You walk slowly, or you can just find a place to stop and have a rest. When I finish treating the wound of" black blade ", I'll put it back to you immediately." Lisa said solemnly, "I promise I'll come back to you."

"All right, don't make it look like a parting of life and death. You go first, Lisa. Ghana drogan and I are waiting for you to come back." Ye Feng said pretending to be relaxed. He knew that if he walked so slowly, "black blade" and Ghana drogan would die in the forest. It was better to let Lisa help "black blade" go first. They first returned to Gemma's combat van and then put it back to find them.

In this way, the life of "black blade" can be saved, and in fact, Ghana drogan can't take action. His body almost depends on Ye Feng. Ye Feng can't walk fast with Ghana drogan. They may not be able to go out at will. This is also a helpless choice. He and Ghana drogan wait for rescue and let Lisa and "black blade" Go first.

Watching Lisa and "black blade" go away, Ye Feng suddenly has a strong sense of fear. He is not afraid of himself. He is afraid of his friend, Ghana drogan. Perhaps the man with a heavy back will never see Lisa again. He may not last until Lisa returns.

"Man, can you hear me?"


Ghana drogan closed his eyes and seemed to be in some kind of nightmare. There was no trace of blood on his face. Ye Feng knows that this man has experienced too many hardships, and now, it has come to the most difficult test of his life.

Holding Ghana drogan under a big tree, Ye Feng looked at the old man beside him with some worry. He knew that Ghana drogan was struggling, wandering between life and death. But Ye Feng couldn't help at all. It was luck to arrive in time and kill all the pursuers this time. If he came a day late, he might not even see Ghana drogan's body, let alone live and die with the old man.

"Man, I'm late." Ye Feng looked at Ghana drogan apologetically and said softly, "I should have come to see you earlier. If that could be the case, maybe things would be different."

"Ye Feng, don't blame yourself too much. Your previous life was also in dire straits. It's not much better than Ghana drogan's escape life, is it?" jenma said.

"Think carefully, what you said is quite reasonable." Ye Feng smiled bitterly and said, "before I met you, my life was really a mess, full of all kinds of broken things."

"Everyone's life is like this. It's full of thorns. It depends on whether you can overcome it."

"Cut, at a young age, you're giving me a lesson? Tell me the truth of life? You're wrong," Ye Feng said.

"Except that you are a little older, you can't compare with me in mature thoughts." jenma said solemnly, "Ye Feng, if you can mature a little, maybe you will live more easily now."

"Maybe, but I really think my life is pretty good now. You know, I have deposits, no loans, you and no creditors." Ye Feng said, "there was a time when I was urged by the landlord for money. He didn't bother me until I shot a piece of pig meat in front of him."

"Why do you have money to buy a bullet, why not make complaints about what to pay?"

"This is my attitude towards life. I spend my money on the blade."

"... yes."

"Anyway, I'm doing well now. I can help old guys like Ghana drogan. You know, Gemma, people like us who wander on the battlefield, will encounter some difficulties in integrating into normal life."

"That's true," said Gemma. "You are also a special group. If you don't carry out psychological counseling, you are likely to have all kinds of mental diseases."

"Yes, in fact, I know very well that my mental state will be unstable sometimes," Ye Feng said sincerely. "This may be one of the reasons why I sometimes seem to be killing myself -"

"I think you are born to like death and make fun of your life," Jemma sneered.

"Maybe, what you said may be right." Ye Feng smiled bitterly. "Sometimes I really hate myself so much."

"... you are so frank."

"I didn't do anything wrong. After all, I can deceive others, but I can't deceive myself." Ye Feng said. He turned his head and explored Ghana drogan's nose. He was still breathing, although it was weak. "People are always competing with themselves. If they bow their heads and admit defeat, they will become salted fish, but maybe they will be happier because of relief."

"Maybe, but people still have to have some dreams," Gemma said.

"My dream is you," said Ye Feng.

"Eh, eh, it's disgusting, Ye Feng." jenma said.

"Er... Don't you feel moved? I have said such words." Ye Feng said awkwardly.

"No, not at all." jenma said seriously. "Your words will only embarrass me. Really, Ye Feng, can't you read books? You have no taste in what you say."

"... I suddenly don't want to talk to you. Haven't Gemma, Lisa and black blade felt you there yet?" asked Ye Feng.

"It should be fast. How's Ghana drogan?"

"He's still alive, but I'm not sure how long he can stop. He's really lived for a long time," Ye Feng said.

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