"Hoo, Hoo", "Er, cough", "ha, hoo, ha..."

Ye Feng and Ghana drogan walked forward in the dark night. The pain made the two men groan in pain when they took every step. They were racing against time and death. But Ghana drogan knew that if he went on like this, death would take him away,

Finally, Ye Feng and Ghana drogan fell under a tree. They couldn't walk any more, they couldn't walk any more

"Hoo, hoo, ha, hoo, bury me, man." Ghana drogan, lying on the ground, said the last request in his mind to Ye Feng.

"Don't say that..." said Ye Feng. "Man, where is this? We will go out alive. Damn it, Lisa, haven't you arrived yet?"

Ye Feng shouted angrily. Lisa's anxious voice came from the communication channel: "I'm going to your position. You must let Ghana drogan insist again. I'll be here soon."

"That's what you said five minutes ago!"

"The woods at night are too difficult to walk. Do you think I don't want to find you earlier?" Lisa was also a little angry. Her voice sounded particularly harsh because of anxiety and fear.

"Hurry up! Damn it, man, you must be strong again. Really, listen to me, your rescuers will come back at any time, and we can go out alive together."

"Bury me, promise you'll bury me, okay?" Ghana drogan felt it so difficult to breathe. He knew his time had come and would die at any time.

"OK, I promise you." leaf Feng endured the double torture of body and mind, nodded and agreed to Ghana drogan's request.

"Damn, damn, damn..." Ye Feng looked at Ghana drogan, who was moaning in pain, and howled powerlessly.

This jungle will be the tomb of Ghana drogan. After all, in this dark forest, if there is no miracle and Lisa doesn't come to rescue immediately, Ghana drogan will really be close to death.

Looking at Ghana drogan beside him, Ye Feng couldn't help but fall into memories of his time on the battlefield with Ghana drogan.


12 years ago, a hot spot

"..... this terrain shows that if we want to land near here, we will certainly disturb the enemy. So we land near here -" general Zod called the two captains Ghana drogan and rezeyan and the vice captain Ye Feng into his combat tent to make strategic deployment for an upcoming operation, "- north of the cliff, go on foot. After both teams are in place, we will take the terrorist base."

"No air support?"

Lei Zeyan exchanged eyes with Ghana drogan. The operation was very difficult, which was related to the lives of himself and his team members. Tom Parker couldn't help asking.

"This is a confidential mission, and air support will lead to exposure," general Zod said.

"Anything to add, Ghana?" general Zod asked Ghana drogan, who was about to stop talking.

"Sir, I feel an ambush --"

"On what basis did you come to this conclusion, Ghana?" general Zod suddenly interrupted Ghana drogan. "These terrorists have always been our annihilation targets. When we finally confirmed his hiding place, we will never let this opportunity slip away in vain."

"So, he's here. Is he waiting to be caught in this easy to get in and out place? He deliberately chose a death terrain to be his last home? We've been doing this for a year. They know us and they want to kill us. I think this is a trap. Because if it were me, I would do it." Ye Feng said to general Zod.

"... Lei Zeyan?" general Zod asked Lei Zeyan instead of seeing Ye Feng.

"... I believe in Ye Feng and Ghana's consciousness, sir."

"And I believe in this hard won secret intelligence," general Zod said aloud. "I believe in my intelligence, not these vague guesses about action."

"Sir." Lei Zeyan lowered his head.

"..." Ghana drogan looked at the people in the tent in silence.

"... get your team ready." general Zod gave orders for the operation.

"I think our attack is likely to destroy the whole army." Ye Feng stood still and stared at general Zod.

"I pointed out the target, and now it's your turn to attack," general Zod replied coldly.

"Sir -" Ye Feng still wants to persuade general Zod, but the latter has made up his mind.

"Leave at 23. Soldiers, you all go out."

"... received."

The three of Ye Feng turned and silently walked out of general Zod's combat tent. Ye Feng knew that tonight's action would be a suicide

"He's asking us to die!" after entering the camp, Ye Feng complained angrily, "Damn, these bastards who only know how to read the map can't use their brains? He doesn't have to face bullets and enemies!"

"Well, Ye Feng, don't complain," said Ghana drogan. "It's our bounden duty to obey orders -"

"Isn't this usually Lei Zi's mantra?" Ye Feng said sarcastically.

"Hum." Lei Zeyan snorted coldly. His face was also very ugly at this time.

"- but the pig's order really made us jump into the fire pit," Ghana drogan said reluctantly.

"That's right! That's what I mean. He really has a brain problem, so he can't see that this is a trap laid by the enemy. Really, Lei Zi, the suicide note you wrote before can be used," said Ye Feng.

"Hum, I at least wrote a suicide note. Did you write it? No one read it for a few days." Lei Zeyan said coldly. He was in a very bad mood at this time. Facing Ye Feng's ridicule, he chose to fight back.


Ghana drogan reached out and grabbed Ye Feng to prevent him from rushing to fight with Lei Zeyan. At this time, the three of them are in the same mood, both angry and afraid. The angry thing is that they are sent to perform a task destined to be a trap. The reason for fear is very simple. No one wants to face death.

"Calm down, you two," said Ghana drogan.

"Hum, Ghana, you should let this poker face close his mouth. He is not suitable for talking." Ye Feng said sarcastically.


Lei Zeyan gave Ye Feng a cold stare and then walked out of the camp.

"What were you doing just now? Ye Feng, we're going to perform the task soon. You can't annoy your teammates at this moment. It's irrational," Ghana drogan urged.

"Hum, I'm afraid of him?" Ye Feng lay on the marching bed with his head resting on his two arms. "Can Lei Zi shoot a cold gun behind me?"

"Don't say such words!" Ghana drogan said sternly. "We are comrades in arms. We must give each other's backs. If you say such words, rezeyan will be cold."

"Does that boy have a heart?" Ye Feng murmured, "sorry, Ghana, I'm just angry. I don't mean anything else. You know me. I believe you and Leizi, although I don't look down on him."

"Come on, Ye Feng, have a good rest. There is still a hard battle waiting for us in the evening. Damn it, do I have to write a suicide note?" Ghana drogan said to himself.

"Who are you going to send it to?"

"My father."

"I advise you not to set up such a flag. It's really easy to have problems," Ye Feng said. "I don't want to send you and Leizi's suicide note."

"Fuck off, why did you hang up with Leizi and me? Why didn't you do anything?" Ghana drogan laughed and scolded.

Ye Feng said naturally, "I'm younger than you."

"Maybe you died earlier than us. What's the matter with being young," said Ghana drogan disapprovingly.

"Hey, old man, you can't talk like that, or we won't be friends." Ye Feng complained.

"Well, Ye Feng, take a break and I'll go out for a walk." Ghana drogan stood up as he said.

"What? Are you nervous, too?"

"Of course, I'm not afraid of death," admitted Ghana drogan.

"Hey... Don't mention that word. It's really easy to have an accident." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"Who knows..."

Ghana drogan left the camp.

"Damn it, will something really happen?" Ye Feng was alone in the barracks, dissatisfied and bored.

The action that general Zod insisted on was indeed as expected by Ye Feng and others. The team led by him, Ghana drogan and Lei Zeyan encountered the siege prepared by terrorists in advance, and the soldiers suffered heavy casualties

"Once they set up mortars, they will blow us directly into the mud!" Ghana drogan shouted to Ye Feng after hiding in the bunker. More than half of his soldiers have been killed and wounded. They are the target in this encounter prepared by the enemy!

"Ghana! Leizi has been seriously injured!" Ye Feng shouted to Ghana drogan beside him in the hail of bullets. "He has lost his ability to move. What should we do!"

"Leizi! Are you all right?" Ghana drogan shouted.

"I, I'm fine. I can do it. Ye Feng, go and see. I can move alone. Damn..." Lei Zeyan insisted on getting up on his own, but unfortunately, at this time, he was at the end of his strength and on the verge of shock.

"Don't try to be brave, Lei Zi, lie down quietly!" Ye Feng roared to Lei Zeyan, "Ghana, what should we do? We are surrounded by the enemy!"

"The wounded must be evacuated from here. To hell with that damn mission! We must evacuate!" shouted Ghana drogan.

"It should have been like this!" Ye Feng agreed. "M, but what should we do? We have been surrounded by the enemy. Damn it, Ghana, I TM haven't written a suicide note yet!"

"I did," said Ghana drogan.

"... shit." Ye Feng couldn't help scolding.

"I also wrote..." Lei Zeyan said weakly. He was shot in the abdomen and his clothes had been stained with blood, but he was still holding the weapon hard and didn't mean to give up.

"Can you shut your mouth? Damn it, your TM is almost dead and still talking to nm?" Ye Feng said angrily, "do you really want to send the suicide note?"

"Shut up. I'm bothering you."

"I'm still bothering you! Leizi, you -"

"OK, Ye Feng, this is not the time to quarrel. Shut your mouth and listen clearly?" Ghana drogan said impatiently.

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