Ye Feng said, "but I don't regret it. I thought about where I would die before. I'd rather die on the battlefield than in bed. It's cooler, isn't it?"

"Death is never cool or not," Ghana drogan said helplessly. "Ye Feng, death is death. People like us are dead."

"Er... Also," said Ye Feng. "I wanted to describe our death a little cooler, but, old man, you're really boring."

"I'm a boring person. Did you know me the first day?" said Ghana drogan.

"Yes, damn it, I forgot that you are not on the same level as me in humor." Ye Feng said angrily, "you can't understand those philosophical and interesting words I said."

"You fart, your sense of humor is worthless in my eyes."

Ye Feng said discontentedly, "Hey! You can insult my personality, but you can't insult my sense of humor!"

"You are really special..." Ghana drogan looked at Ye Feng helplessly, then pulled the bolt of the gun, "it's time for us to act."

"Well, those enemies have touched it, come on, old man." Ye Feng said.


All the way, Ghana drogan kept shooting, drawing his knife and moving forward. On the road of tens of meters, Ghana drogan and Ye Feng experienced more than ten life and death battles with the enemy from zero distance.

This crazy and merciless killing makes Ye Feng and Ghana drogan breathless. The battles they have experienced can not be compared with what they are experiencing now. In previous battles, they were separated from the enemy by at least tens of meters.

In this building, most of the time, the distance between them is only a few meters, or even tens of centimeters. In this dilapidated building shrouded in darkness, Ye Feng gradually lost his sense of direction. He just followed Ghana drogan mechanically. When he heard the footsteps of the enemy around him, Ye Feng would kill the enemy next to him and Ghana drogan with his weapons.

For Ye Feng, Ghana drogan has become his complete dependence. What kept him from losing his mind in this cruel killing was the generous figure of Ghana drogan. Without him, Ye Feng thought he might have been immersed in the killing, unable to extricate himself, and finally went to destruction in madness.

But Ghana drogan has been moving forward. He seems to know where to go and what to do. This gives Ye Feng spiritual comfort. He knows that he is not walking blindly, but that someone is guiding himself.

What Ye Feng doesn't know is that the situation of Ghana drogan is not as good as he thought. Ghana drogan's Mk14 had no bullets. Ghana drogan pulled out colt M1911 and continued to reap the lives of terrorists flocking to him. Soon, the bullets of the pistol were all gone.

Ghana drogan, stained with the enemy's blood, held the Remington m870 shotgun on his back in his hand. Besides a few sabres, this is his last weapon

damn. Ghana drogan roared in his heart. He was overwhelmed by the constant flow of enemies to him and Ye Feng. He almost danced on the sickle of death. The feeling of death beside him made Ghana drogan's adrenaline secrete violently.

His physical strength had been exhausted. It was the adrenaline continuously secreted by his body that supported him to continue to complete the killing, as if he was tireless. But Ghana drogan is well aware that his body is on the verge of collapse. There are countless wounds on his body, each of which is bleeding. But Ghana drogan knew that he was not qualified to fall. For those besieged comrades in arms, he had to fight a path of blood so that they could have time to retreat.

Ghana drogan was dizzy. He could hardly think. Relying on his instinct, he kept fighting with the enemy who rushed in front of him. Those people are so detestable and crazy, as if there is some inherent hatred between them and him

Ghana drogan knows his face at this time. It must be very scary. In this battle in which no one will surrender, everyone is for an idea they think is noble, some for life, some for others, at least in their thinking, they are right.

For my comrades in arms, you can only die!

Ghana drogan frantically killed the incoming enemy. His body was full of blood, with his, but more of the enemy's blood.

At this time, Ghana drogan seemed to enter some kind of emptiness in his mind. He didn't think about anything. Ghana drogan mechanically pulled the trigger on the enemies who rushed to him from front to back, left and right. In front of the powerful firepower of Remington m870 shotgun, all terrorists were killed by one shot. At this time, Ghana drogan, who was completely involved in combat and killing, had only one idea and killed a way of blood!

The shotgun in his hand also ran out of bullets. Ghana drogan picked up the enemy's gun on the ground, the imitation AK. At this time, Ghana drogan was numb. He could not figure out how many terrorists he had killed along the way. He just aimed, pulled the trigger and killed mechanically. He changed the next target, aimed, pulled the trigger and killed... Constantly circulating. At this time, Ghana drogan is supporting his action completely by the potential function of his body, and his adrenaline is frantically secreted

Ye Feng followed Ghana and mechanically repeated the killing. Compared with Ghana drogan, Ye Feng collapsed earlier. In the second half of the battle, even Ghana drogan was dealing with all the coming enemies alone, while Ye Feng just followed Ghana drogan and shot indiscriminately. Ye Feng has exhausted all his physical strength. He has no combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, Ghana drogan's crazy behavior alone attracted enough firepower. The terrorists' encirclement and suppression of Ghana drogan gave rezeyan a respite. Led by Lei Zeyan, they managed to break out of the encirclement and immediately asked the headquarters for help.

Finally, Ghana drogan insisted on the arrival of the rescue team. At this time, he was covered with blood, shot, and covered with large and small wounds. His fists were full of blood, and Ghana drogan was a little confused. But fortunately, Ghana drogan is not dead.

Ye Feng had already been unconscious in the bodies of a group of enemies. If Ghana drogan had not always stressed that Ye Feng was beside him, perhaps those who came to the rescue might have left Ye Feng buried under the bodies.

In the rescue tent stationed at the base, Ghana drogan sat with the other wounded who were not life-threatening. His gunshot wound was a penetrating wound, which had been disinfected and bandaged by medical soldiers.

After returning to the camp, everything seemed like an eternity. Ye Feng silently accompanied Ghana drogan and watched his good brother become miserable. Ye Feng was suffering in his heart. Looking at Ghana drogan who was weeping silently beside him, Ye Feng knew that Ghana drogan might not be aware of his tears at this time. At this time, he was still lost in the crazy fight with terrorists.

Ghana drogan, who is already in a safe environment, has no focus and no luster in his eyes. Ghana drogan just sat quietly in his chair and wept silently

Ye Feng noticed that Ghana drogan's fist was holding a thick gauze, and the bright red blood seeped from the gauze. Ye Feng knew what degree Ghana drogan's fist had been hurt. Ye Feng suddenly blamed himself. He had been with Ghana drogan and fought side by side with him, but he fell down later. When Ghana drogan faced the enemy alone, he must have run out of ammunition and food. Therefore, Ghana drogan would fight with his fist and his hands would be injured to this extent

"Damn it, old man, I owe you a life, and each of us owes you a life." Ye Feng kept saying to Ghana drogan, who looked lax beside him.


Time goes back to now, in the woods at night

"Damn it... Stay here, I'll find someone to help, Ghana, stay here. I'll come back, I'll come back, Ghana, stay here." ye Fengqiang supported his inner fear. He put Ghana down against the tree. Ye Feng wanted to keep him where he was, and he continued to move forward to find Lisa for help.

Ghana drogan, with his eyes slightly open, watched Ye Feng stagger forward. He didn't say anything.

At this time, Ye Feng felt the despair he had not felt for a long time.

"Damn it, I'll get you out, Ghana. I promise I'll get you out of here alive. You must hold on. I'll find Lisa right now." Ye Feng kept muttering as he walked.

Just then, he saw the light of a flashlight coming from the front, and Ye Feng suddenly became nervous. Could it be an enemy? Damn it, they've found themselves and Ghana drogan? Ye Feng didn't dare to act rashly. He squatted down slowly and crawled on the ground. Although he longed for the light of the flashlight to belong to Lisa, Ye Feng was not ready to act rashly until he determined the identity of the visitor.


Ye Feng squatted behind a tree and let go of all his senses. In order not to make any sound, he turned off the communicator and listened to the sounds around him wholeheartedly. The light is so dazzling in the dark that Ye Feng even has a warm illusion, as if the light really exudes a warm power, so that Ye Feng can feel the temperature.

The figure of the man was slowly followed. Ye Feng didn't dare to breathe. His physical condition was still a little hard at this time. For the battle, Ye Feng probably couldn't play much power, but for Ghana and his own safety, Ye Feng, who had no weapons on his body, had to kill the enemy even if he used his teeth.

Damn it, I should have left a knife when I threw away the load on the road just now. Ye Feng regretted his bold move.

I can only go. This man must not be allowed to get close to Ghana. Ye Feng made up his mind. The cat leaned over and slowly approached the light. For Ye Feng, sneaking has never been what he is good at. Therefore, Ye Feng has no low heart about whether he can successfully raid each other.

"Leaf maple?"


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