When Ye Feng was about to approach the figure, one of his feet stepped on a leaf. The figure immediately pointed the light column of the flashlight at Ye Feng.

"Lisa! I'm so glad to see you at this time!"

Ye Feng, who was advancing alone in the woods, was suddenly startled into a cold sweat by the flash of a flashlight not far away. Is there anyone else in the woods? This is not a new wave of pursuers

Ye Feng sneaks to the person who sends out the flashlight beam. When he is ready to hurt the killer, Ye Feng is pleasantly surprised to find that this person is Lisa! Now Ghana is saved!

"Stop talking nonsense. According to the picture sent back by the UAV, I drove the battle bread nearby, not far away. You quickly carry Ghana drogan into the car, Ye Feng, and we'll find him quickly." Lisa looked at Ye Feng in some panic.

"Damn it..."

After putting Ghana drogan on the stage to the van, Ye Feng took off Ghana drogan's coat and saw the bullet hole in Ghana drogan's body. Ye Feng couldn't help taking a breath. Despite the continuous bleeding, Ghana drogan's wound seems to have been infected, which means Ghana drogan is on the verge of death at any time! Lisa and Ye Feng can only reluctantly take some first aid measures for Ghana drogan's wound, but Ghana drogan's serious injury must be treated by professionals.

As Ghana drogan's wounds had deteriorated, he had completely lost consciousness and lay like a corpse in the carriage of the van. Surrounded by flustered Gemma, Lisa and "black blade".

After a simple bandage, her condition is much better than that of Ghana drogan. After all, although she was shot several times, she was through wound, and the bullet did not stay in her body. Fortunately, the wound was not infected, so the condition of "black blade" is much more stable than that of Ghana drogan, She almost no longer needs someone to care for her. She can take care of herself.

Gemma has nothing to say about computer technology, which is definitely a world-class level. However, she almost knows nothing about the treatment of the wounded. She can only anxiously look at Lisa and bandage and treat Ghana drogan's wound. Gemma can only lay a hand on one side and pass something to Lisa.

In short, although Lisa is not a professional doctor, she still remembers the basic knowledge of emergency treatment. After putting a bandage on Ghana drogan, Lisa completed all the first aid measures she could, but it was not enough. Ghana drogan was always on the verge of death and kept fighting.

"Lisa, what else do you need?" asked Gemma. "Let me see what else is in the first aid kit. Damn it, it's all here. He can't die."

"Ye Feng, I'll put a hanging bottle on Ghana drogan first and urgently bandage his wound. Go and drive. We must hurry back to your base. Ghana drogan's injury must be handed over to a professional doctor for surgery! Come on!" the anxious Lisa shouted to Ye Feng.

"Yes, madam!" Ye Feng, who wanted to drive the battle bread of Huangliang early in the morning, jumped into the cockpit without saying a word, started the car and drove towards the new metropolis. He had to drive at full power. Ye Feng knew that he was fighting for Ghana drogan's life with death

"Where can we find a professional doctor?" "black blade" asked aloud, "if Ghana drogan is sent to the hospital, it is difficult to ensure that he will not be found by the pursuers."

"A professional doctor? I know one," said Ye Feng, who was driving. "Although there may be some lack of clinical experience, he can only be a dead horse doctor."

"Ye Feng, in your mouth, isn't it sister Haili?" jenma asked.

"Yes, it's her. We can only count on her now," replied Ye Feng.

"But, but she's a psychologist!" said Gemma reluctantly. "You asked her to operate on Ghana drogan? Isn't it difficult for people?"

"That's the only way," said Ye Feng. "Can you find other suitable candidates?"

"... can't find it, damn it." jenma said helplessly.

"Psychologist? Ye Feng, is it reliable?" Lisa looked at Ye Feng driving at high speed. Lisa's heart was almost flying out. Ye Feng didn't drive too fast, he flew too low.

"I don't know. I can only try," said Ye Feng. "Gemma, call Haley and ask her to wait for us at the base with first-aid drugs and medical equipment."

"I see, damn it." Gemma cursed and then called Haley.

"--- yes, I know it's bullshit, but that's what Ye Feng asked. Sister Haili, can you - - can you find an acquaintance? OK, I'll ask Ye Feng."

Jenma asked Ye Feng loudly, "sister Haili, she can find an acquaintance and ask her to operate on Ghana drogan. What do you think?"

"Put your cell phone in my ear and I'll talk to Haley," Ye Feng shouted. Gemma put her mobile phone beside Ye Feng's ear. Ye Feng heard Haley's voice, "Ye Feng, what happened --"

"I can't speak clearly in a few words, Haley. Is your friend reliable?" asked Ye Feng.

"I believe her as I believe you," Haley said firmly.

"Well, take her with you and go to the base. Damn it, Ghana. Drogan doesn't know if he can live to that time. I'll hang up first. I must concentrate on driving." Ye Feng roared.

"OK, I see."

Gemma took the mobile phone away from Ye Feng's ear. Ye Feng was silent and focused on driving.

"Sister Haley has always been very reliable, Ye Feng. As long as we can bring Ghana drogan to the base alive, he will have the possibility to survive," Gemma said.


"Black blade, what are you doing?" Lisa asked the black blade beside her, who seemed to be sending a message all the time.

"The cell phone has a signal. I'm reporting to chief Lei Zeyan." "black blade" said without raising his head.

"By the way, I should call him." Lisa borrowed her cell phone from Gemma, which had been broken in the process of running away.

"Sir, it's me," Lisa said solemnly after the communication was connected.

"I've got a general idea of what's going on, Lisa. Before the backup team finds you, be sure to hide Ghana drogan." Lei Zeyan's voice came over the phone.

"Hands free, Lisa, hands free. I have something to say to Lei Zi." Ye Feng shouted. Lisa did.

"Lei Zi! It's me, Ye Feng. Can you hear me?" Ye Feng shouted.

"Of course, I can hear you. What can I do for you?" Lei Zeyan asked.

"How are you going to protect Ghana?"

"You don't have to worry about it. I'll make my own arrangements."

"Shit! I can't even say it?"

"Of course not."

"... Lao Tzu Bai died for you, you know? I'm in this battle -"

"I didn't help anything," said Lei Zeyan coldly. "I knew you were useless. I wouldn't let Lisa go to you."

"... that TM was just an accident, an accident, you know? Damn it, I'm really going to be mad at you!" Ye Feng scolded, "your little attendant" black blade "is the little report she made behind her back, isn't it?"

"You'd better not provoke me." "black blade" said coldly.

"You heard it, you'd better not annoy her," Lei Zeyan said.

"... you two really cooperate seamlessly. What's the relationship between" black blade "and you? Leizi, I think the relationship is very shallow?" said Ye Feng.

"...." black blade's reaction was very direct. She directly put the knife across Ye Feng's throat.

"Ye Feng, you must be hit by a knife now." Lei Zeyan's voice came from his mobile phone.

"You see, how well he knows you." Ye Feng looked at "black blade" through the front mirror. Although a knife was pressed against his throat, he was not nervous at all. Instead, he was free to continue teasing "black blade".

"Put the knife down," Lei Zeyan said.

"Hum..." although a million people in his heart didn't want to, black blade still took away the sharp blade against Ye Feng's throat.

"You two are really suitable. Leizi, you should also consider your personal problems," Ye Feng said.

"Don't worry about it, OK, I'll hang up." after saying that, Lei Zeyan cut off the communication directly.

"Do you really have an affair with Lei Zi?" Ye Feng looked at the face of "black blade" through the front mirror.

In Ye Feng's view, "black blade" and Lei Zeyan are a perfect couple. They are the same cold outside and hot inside, and have the same annoying character. If these two people can really develop, Ye Feng is still very willing to see it. Unlike himself, Lei Zeyan is a man of firm faith. He deserves a family.

Of course, Ye Feng thinks he is worth having a family, but now this precarious life makes Ye Feng instinctively afraid of setting up a family. At least until Dick is solved, Ye Feng doesn't dare to put his heart down completely. That damn old man always interrupts Ye Feng's peaceful life. Ye Feng's feelings about Dick's intrusion are actually a little complicated.

Although Dick usually represents danger and dilemma, for Ye Feng, who is naturally fond of death, he himself has no objection to this adventure. On the contrary, Ye Feng actually likes this exciting feeling

So for Ye Feng, Dick is an existence that he loves and hates. When he hated him, Ye Feng wanted to kill him himself. But sometimes, Ye Feng still doesn't object to Dick coming to him.

"Do you really want to die?"

"Of course, you can try. I'm driving at high speed. If you really want to cut my throat, you can try to see if there will be an accident when the car is not controlled." Ye Feng said.

"Black blade", you can rest assured and try boldly. This car has automatic driving function, no problem, "Lisa said aside.

"Hey! Lisa, which side are you on?" said Ye Feng discontentedly.

"Anyway, I'm not on your side as a hooligan," Lisa said expressionless.


"Ye Feng, Ghana drogan seems to be dying." Gemma suddenly said, "I can't feel his pulse. Ye Feng, what should I do?"

"Everything will be all right, Ghana drogan. Everything will be all right..." Lisa, who handled the wound on Ghana drogan in the carriage, whispered. She was comforting Ghana drogan, who was struggling, and Ye Feng's nearly collapsed heart.

Ye Feng, who was driving, said silently in his heart: you can't die, Ghana

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