"Blood pressure 60 / 90, too low."

Martha miles is measuring the blood pressure of Ghana drogan lying in a single bed. Martha is very anxious. Ghana drogan is now seriously injured.

For normal people, suffering from such a serious injury must be powerless. But Ghana drogan's physical quality is really different from ordinary people. He has been holding one breath and insisted on Martha's arrival with his will to survive. After all, Ghana drogan was selected by the "chimera plan", and his physical quality is much stronger than that of normal people.

After generally understanding the cause and effect of the matter and the situation of Ghana drogan at this time, Martha directly followed the girl she first met and her old friend Haley, who had known for a long time, to the "base". Looking at Ghana drogan who was dying, Martha began to deal with it. She wanted to take Ghana drogan back from death.

"Does he need blood? I'm universal."

Ye Feng's face was pale and helpless. If Ghana drogan really had a bad situation, Ye Feng really didn't know what to do. He had just met his old friend and had not said a few words before he had to bury him himself? No, Ye Feng absolutely doesn't want to face such a situation

"Coincidentally, I'm also a universal blood." Lisa raised her hand like a pupil trying to answer the teacher's question.

"Yes! Maple leaf's blood contains self-healing genes. If his blood is injected into Ghana drogan's body, will Martha work?" after hearing maple leaf's words, Gemma brightened her eyes and suggested to Martha.

"Self healing gene?" Martha glanced at maple leaf.

"Yes, my blood should work on Ghana. Yes! Gemma, you are so smart." Ye Feng rubbed Gemma's hair excitedly, which made the little girl shake her head dissatisfied.

"What the hell do you do?" Martha couldn't help asking.

"Mercenaries, but now they are transforming to hero," Ye Feng said. "You should have heard my name, death."

"Where's your scythe?"

"Er... Well, you may be a little ignorant." Ye Feng touched his nose awkwardly.

"Hum. Blood is not a problem. Ghana drogan's temperature is 40 ° C now, and his wound is infected." Martha said expressionless.

"Damn it, I knew it would be like this." Ye Feng touched her forehead with some excitement. Haley came forward and hugged Ye Feng, who was on the verge of collapse. Ye Feng has endured too much this night

"I've been giving him fluids and antibiotics," Haley said to Martha holding the silent leaf maple.

"The first thing to do now is to take out the warhead in Ghana drogan, otherwise everything you do will be useless." Martha took out the scalpel and tweezers from the medical box she brought, and she wanted to take out the warhead from the infected part.

"It's the bacteria on this warhead. The body tried to fight, but it didn't succeed, so... White blood cell surge, fever, systemic inflammation..."

"Yes." Ye Feng has an intuitive experience of Martha's medical specialty, which gives him more hope for the survival of Ghana drogan.

"The antibiotics you gave Ghana drogan are just useless."

"I know, but I've never really had an operation, so I can't do anything. I'm sorry." Haley lowered her head.

"Don't stand and watch Ye Feng, come and help." Martha said to Ye Feng, who stood silent.

"Hmm? Me? What can I help you?" Ye Feng looked at Martha unexpectedly. He thought he could control his mouth, which was the biggest help he could do at this time

"I want to take the warhead, you help me hold down Ghana drogan." Martha gestured at Ye Feng with her scalpel and tweezers.

"Uh... Okay..."

Martha took out the warhead from Ghana drogan's body. The process was extremely bloody. Martha cut a "cross" at the gunshot wound of Ghana drogan with a scalpel. Under the gaze of Ye Feng, she used tweezers to find the bullet in her body in the wound. This process took place under Ye Feng's eyelids, which made Ye Feng who had just filled a belly of pancakes and fruits want to vomit

After Martha finally took the warhead out of Ghana drogan's body, Ye Feng was tired. He not only witnessed a surgical operation from a close distance, but also tightly controlled Ghana drogan, who was struggling frantically due to severe pain. This is really not fun

"Damn it, I never knew that the doctor's work was so difficult." Ye Feng said with lingering fear, "it's more terrible than I went to war."

"Of course, you can say it." Martha glared at Ye Feng and then wiped her hands with the towel handed over by Gemma. "The rest depends on him. If his desire for survival is strong enough, he may wake up at any time. Of course, it's hard to say at this time, and he may be confused for a long time."

"Anyway, thank you so much. Without your help, my old man Ghana must be burping farts." Ye Feng looked at Martha gratefully.

"Nothing. This is what I should do." Martha waved her hand and said wearily, "Haley, remember to take me home later."

"OK, no problem."

"Well." Martha sat in a chair and looked tired. "By the way, who is this big guy and why his physical quality is so excellent? It's almost incomprehensible."

"Is Ghana drogan physically different from ordinary people?" Lisa asked.

"There is no difference in his body structure, but his physical quality is far beyond ordinary people. It is no exaggeration to say that he is stronger than a bear," Martha said.

"It's normal. I'm stronger than a bear," said Ye Feng disapprovingly.

"You've experienced human transformation, which is certainly much more terrible than normal people. But Ghana drogan is different," Lisa said.

"Didn't his transformation in the" chimera plan "fail?" Ye Feng asked in confusion.

"Chimera plan?" Martha exclaimed.

"Do you know this?"

"Of course, it caused a great sensation that year, the illegal human body modification program," Martha said. "He is the test object of that program?" she pointed to Ghana drogan.

Lisa said: "yes, it is for this reason that he is being pursued and killed. Those who participate in the" chimera "plan want Ghana drogan to shut up forever."

"I see. No wonder you can't take him to the hospital. You're afraid someone will find him, aren't you?" Martha said suddenly.

"Yes, it's for this reason that I rashly brought you here, Martha. I'm sorry," Haley said apologetically to Martha. "Participating in this matter may put you in danger."

"It's all right. They won't do anything to me." Martha waved her hand. "After all, no one knows my existence."

"Of course, we will do our best to ensure your safety," Lisa said.

"I'm fine. After tonight, I won't have anything to do with you." Martha said. She looked at Haley. "Haley, don't look for me if you can't look for me in the future. My cardiology department can't bear such stimulation. Really, I'm not kidding." there was a trace of complaint in her tone. After all, Haley's behavior, No doubt, it brought her close to a mess from her normal life. For Martha, she didn't want to live in fear. She was an ordinary person and didn't want to be involved in responsible events.

"Of course, I promise this is the last time," Haley said apologetically. She could fully understand Martha's mood at this time.

"..." Ye Feng didn't speak. He kept looking at Ghana drogan. No matter how dangerous the process was, at least this time, he succeeded in saving Ghana drogan from his plight. Although Ghana drogan was seriously injured, he survived successfully, which is the most important thing. For Ye Feng, Ghana drogan can live, which makes him go through life and death, so he doesn't waste his energy.

Uh... It seems that he didn't waste much energy.

Ye Feng thought of this and shook his head helplessly. When his friend needs him most, he can't help him through action, which makes Ye Feng blame himself. However, at the thought that Ghana drogan shot and mutilated him himself, Ye Feng felt that this situation could not be attributed to him alone. At least Ghana drogan must be responsible for Ye Feng's failure to contribute in the battle.

"Old man, you're killing two birds with one stone. You've hurt me as well as you." Ye Feng whispered a few words. Ye Feng's inner joy for meeting Ghana drogan again after many years is actually from the inside out. However, Ghana drogan is still in the mire, and the "chimera plan" is still a nightmare that haunts Ghana drogan. Ye Feng knows that Ghana drogan can return to a normal life only by completely destroying these bad guys, which is what Ye Feng wants to accomplish.

Ye Feng wants Ghana drogan to return to a normal life. Instead of spending every day in hiding, he can have his own life.

In order to achieve this goal, Ye Feng secretly determined that he must kill all the bad people related to the "chimera plan" for Ghana drogan. It's also a justice for Ghana drogan and a taste of fear for those bastards. They must pay for what they have done.

"Will Ghana leave any sequelae?" Ye Feng asked Martha.

"It's not clear. According to his physical condition, there should be no serious sequelae, but it's hard to say. After all, his injury is really serious," Martha said.

"HMM... what are you doing?" noticed that Martha was wearing sterile gloves again, and Ye Feng looked at her curiously. "Haven't all the injuries on Ghana been treated properly?"

"I just noticed that there was still a bullet in his body that had not been taken out." Martha said with some embarrassment, "I didn't notice just now..."

"..." Ye Feng stared at Martha silently, and then looked at Haley who was silent. "Is this really your friend? Isn't she coming to be funny?"

"Martha usually has some off-line..." Haley explained helplessly, "but most of the time, she is very reliable." Haley looked at Martha, "can you be more serious for me? Really, human life is at stake."

"I know, I'm just a little scared," Martha explained flustered. "I feel like I'm a hostage taken by you, so it's inevitable that I'm a little nervous..."

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