After taking out the deadly warhead, Martha stitched Ghana drogan's wound with a sewing gun. At this time, Ghana drogan no longer struggled and lay on his back quietly.

"Er... So it's over?" Ye Feng asked with lingering fear, "are you sure?"


"Thank God... Well, why don't you check it again? I'm afraid you missed another bullet -"

"I checked it!" Martha shouted angrily.

"Well, well, you're a doctor. Listen to you." Ye Feng smiled and said nothing else.

"Hum, we just need to disinfect the wound now." Martha took out a lighter and burned the scalpel red with fire. Then Martha put the red scalpel on Ghana drogan's wound.


"Shit... I don't want to eat barbecue for at least two months..." ye Fengsheng complained.


Martha stared at Ye Feng. She then took out a bottle of high concentration wine. After opening the bottle cap, Martha poured wine directly on Ghana drogan's wound, the last step of disinfection with alcohol. After all this, Martha handed the remaining half bottle of wine to Ye Feng, who then took a hard sip.

Although he is still worried about Ghana drogan, Ye Feng can feel that Ghana drogan's breath is much more stable than before. Although his expression is still painful, his tightly wrinkled eyebrows are still stretched a lot, which makes Ye Feng's hanging heart finally come down.

Although Martha is a little unreliable, there is absolutely no medical skill. Ghana drogan's serious injury can be handled bravely in the face of danger. Ye Feng is very grateful to Martha.

"It's all right?"

Watching Martha put gauze on Ghana drogan's wound, Ye Feng pretended to be calm and smiled. His hanging heart finally fell, "do you want a luxurious version of pancake fruit, Martha?"

"Forget it, I don't like pancake fruit." Martha refused.

"Well, it seems that I'm the only one who knows the charm of pancake fruit. Oh, by the way, where's" black blade "? Referring to pancake fruit, Ye Feng suddenly remembered that there was another person named" black blade ". Where was she?

"Sleeping in the room, she needs to rest and have a good sleep." Lisa pointed to a room and said to Ye Feng, "did you notice" black blade "

"Er... I don't know her well. When did she leave?" Ye Feng really didn't notice that "black blade" went to another room to have a rest. All his attention was focused on the bloody scene where Martha treated Ghana drogan

"Forget it, it doesn't matter to you." Lisa shrugged and didn't continue to talk about this topic with Ye Feng.

"Is Ghana drogan all right?"

Haley took Gemma's hand and leaned over. During the operation just now, Ye Feng didn't let Haley and Gemma witness. He was worried that the two women would be unable to restrain their vomiting during Ghana drogan's operation. The picture was really too bloody. Even Ye Feng, a veteran, could not bear it.

Must stay away from this Martha, this woman is too dangerous... Ye Feng looked at Martha with lingering fear.

"Martha, is there any danger?" jenma yawned. The little girl was really tired, physically and mentally.

"All I can do has been done. The rest depends on Ghana drogan's will to survive. But I believe Ghana drogan is the strongest man on the planet at this point. He will be fine."

Martha's words made Ye Feng and Lisa feel better about their anxiety. After all, Ye Feng is a close friend of Ghana drogan. He absolutely doesn't want to see his good friend die in front of him.

If he died in a corner, Ye Feng might not be so sad, but if he was in front of his own eyes, Ye Feng would still feel heartache. People are so strange. If you read a news and use a string of numbers to tell you that a disaster happened in a place and hundreds of thousands of people died at once, you may be sad and forget it. But if a person dies in front of you, you will really feel the passage of life and feel a strong impact.

Ghana drogan is the same for maple leaf. This old friend who has not met for more than ten years, if ye Feng suddenly learned that he was killed, he may just remember the friendship between him and him, but he may not have the idea of revenge for Ghana drogan.

However, after all this with Ghana drogan, Ye Feng has regarded what happened to him as what happened to him. For Ye Feng, the madmen of the "chimera plan" have become his enemies and immortal enemies.

"Thank you, Martha."

"Thank you."

Ye Feng and Lisa sincerely thanked Martha.

"Why did you go to Ghana drogan?" Martha didn't respond to the words of gratitude. Instead, she asked Lisa, "you shouldn't be an ordinary person."

Lisa said, "no, Ghana has the information Ghana drogan and I need."

"Is your job to kill this man? I'm talking about Ghana drogan." Martha stared at Lisa expressionless. "Look at his state. It's all your fault. Do you think it's any different to let him stand up?"

In Martha's view, it is not advisable to put a person in danger for any reason. And most importantly, she was pulled into a dangerous quagmire for such a person she had never met. She was very dissatisfied with this practice. In Martha's opinion, this is the evil result of people like Lisa's fooling around. Although they say high sounding words, it is because of their actions that Ghana drogan and herself are in danger. Martha can hardly doubt Lisa's actions.

"Listen, Ghana drogan is very important. His testimony can defeat the bad guys, I mean..." Lisa looked away helplessly.

Lisa was afraid to look at the way others looked at her. She knew very well what it meant for this man to let Ghana drogan stand up, and the danger was obvious. Ghana drogan is likely to be assassinated, attacked by public opinion and faced with all kinds of things he has always wanted to escape. Many of these things are the pain that Ghana drogan does not want to face, but for justice, he must face it, even if he is unwilling.

"Yes for you. But what about Ghana drogan?" Martha glanced at Ghana drogan, who was still in a severe coma.

Ye Feng went to jenma and said to Martha, "Martha, let's talk about this later. I really hope Ghana drogan can get rid of the haze of the past and get out of the prison he built for himself.

"But at the same time, we respect and support all his decisions. A man who is not afraid of difficulties and dangers, adheres to justice and dares to resist the fate deserves our respect.

"I believe that with the existence of Ghana drogan's friends, Ghana drogan will get better day by day. He just needs time."

Ye Feng took Lisa's hand full of apology and walked to Ghana drogan together. Looking at Ghana drogan sleeping, Ye Feng's eyes were full of apology and will be very happy.

It takes time for Ghana drogan to open the closed shell again

"Old man, everything is over. Don't worry, everything is over." Ye Feng said softly.

"Yes, all our efforts are to prevent the tragedy of Ghana drogan from happening again," said Lisa, as if she were persuading herself, with a trace of confusion and confusion in her firmness of voice.

"Now we have to wait for Ghana drogan to wake up," Gemma said.

"Well, but I'm not going to wait," said Ye Feng. "That's so boring."

"What do you want?" Lisa asked.

"It's very simple. Have a good time." Ye Feng said, "you've all played Hi, but I haven't let go of my hands and feet. It's time for me to participate in this big party." Ye Feng smiled coldly.

"Ye Feng, what do you want?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, it's time for us to fight back." Ye Feng smiled confidently.

"Er... Who should we go to?" jenma asked a very important question.

"Who? Yes, whose trouble should we go to?" Ye Feng was suddenly asked.

"You don't know who you're looking for. What are we fighting back?" jenma asked helplessly.

"Who knows. I haven't thought about it." Ye Feng said. "I always know who my opponent is. This time is an exception. You just said" chimera plan ", but I don't know what it means."

"... maybe Ghana drogan knows who our enemy is. He's a witness," Lisa said. "We can only ask him when he's sober."

"Well, I hope, Ghana, old man, you have to wake up early," said Ye Feng.

"Don't worry, Ghana drogan will wake up," Lisa said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said, "well, I know. He is a soldier, a brave soldier. I believe he will stand up and fight side by side with us."

"I just hope you won't paddle in the future. Really, Ye Feng, I don't want to experience such a thing for the second time." Lisa said with lingering fear. "You can't always drag the team back."

"..." Ye Feng looked at Lisa helplessly. "I know, damn it, it's just an accident. It's a small probability event. I don't want such a thing to happen."

Jenma snorted coldly and said helplessly, "hum, anyway, when I go out with you next time, I have to think twice. Really, Ye Feng, you're scared to death."


What makes Ye Feng feel helpless is that he really doesn't know who he should wave his fist at now. For Ye Feng, he usually knows who the other party is, and he will undertake this task. Like this time, it's like a headless fly. He doesn't often encounter it. After all, what Ye Feng did before was the task given to him by others. The task information is simple and clear. He just needs to complete the work he should complete.

This time, in essence, Ye Feng asked for it, so he must find a goal, make a plan and kill it. There is no doubt that this is a major challenge. Ye Feng is not a person who likes to challenge, but he is willing to accept the challenge of being able to kill his friends' enemies with his own hands.

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