Although Soros's escape made Ye Feng very unhappy, of course, it was his one million hit water drift. However, the brilliant achievements made by Ghana drogan did make Ye Feng feel a lot of balance. As Ghana drogan testified in court, almost all the persons in charge related to the "chimera plan" were brought to justice. The company that dominated the "chimera plan" finally went bankrupt.

As for Ghana drogan himself, he stayed in the 19th branch and became a subordinate of rezeyan. Listening to Lisa's feedback to Ye Feng, it seems that Ghana drogan has become an instructor of the action team of the 19th branch. According to reliable sources, the main reason for Ghana drogan, a tough man, to make this decision was that he had feelings with a female therapist in the 19th branch when he was recovering from his injury.

As for the specific content, Ye Feng is still waiting for the follow-up development. In Ye Feng's view, Ghana drogan deserves to have a normal life. He needs happiness. As long as he feels happy, Ye Feng will sincerely wish him.

Ye Feng's days have returned to calm, but there will always be a time limit for this leisure life. After all, everyone is still waiting for his death journey, which is usually spent by him and Dick together.

As for our very important Dick, his little life is also comfortable. Of course, you should know that when Dick is happy, it often means that other people are not happy, and the "other person" is usually Ye Feng... Because compared with Ye Feng, other people are not as skinny as him. Even if they go out to die with Dick again and again, they can still hold a small life. For most people, Go out with Dick once. Those lucky enough to survive will hardly go out with Dick again. Many people even force themselves to die when Dick visits again.

It's almost rare to see such an alien as Ye Feng. Even the unreliable orcs like DiCaprio don't want to go out happy with Dick. This makes leaf maple somewhat unique.

Although Ye Feng loves and hates Dick, he may be more cruel. But in the face of Dick's request, Ye Feng usually doesn't refuse this option. For him, even if he wants to refuse Dick's invitation, Dick will force him to obey in various rough ways, so Ye Feng has already learned well. Since you have to pull me to die together, I have to nod my head and enjoy this life-threatening stimulation with pain and happiness

Dick often takes Ye Feng with him to take part in all kinds of fantastic adventures, and sometimes the adventurous and unknown Kobi will take the initiative to participate in them, which leads dick to often "disappear" in the razor tribe for a period of time, long or short.

Thanks to will, who can be alone, and DiCaprio, who is still reliable in most cases, stay with the razor tribe to help Dick deal with things and maintain the normal operation of the razor tribe. Dick didn't pay any attention to the orcs. For him, these orcs are just his interesting toys. His interests are changing almost all the time. As one of the most restless people in the universe, Dick is the big boss who gives them the biggest headache for many cosmic races.

Of course, sometimes when there are not enough people, Dick will take DiCaprio on an adventure. Usually in this situation, the most painful thing is not DiCaprio who is unwilling and unwilling but can't beat Dick, but will the ORC. Because this means that the whole razor tribe has to deal with it alone. Will's body lattice is getting thinner and thinner... It's really difficult for it

No, Ye Feng is running away with dick on the debris of a planet floating in the universe. Ye Feng holds dick in his arms. A few minutes ago, the man who has been chasing Ye Feng and dick from behind is nearly three meters tall A treasure stolen from the bedroom of tall and thin aliens with brown explosive heads: a large urinal with colorful light on its body.

Ye Feng really doesn't know why he and Dick, who gave up their lives, came here and secretly sneaked into the alien villa to steal the smelly urinal. Is it because the urinal is full of coquettish? Ye Feng couldn't help scolding in his heart, but he couldn't open his mouth and curse Dick next to him, because the smell of the urinal was too big. He really didn't want to open his mouth and breathe in a big breath

Dick, you son of a bitch!!! Ye Feng scolded wildly in his heart.

"Maple boy, run!"

Dick ran in front of Ye Feng, and the old man shouted without looking back.

The fragment of the planet where Ye Feng and others are floating in the universe is very wonderful. Strictly speaking, this small villa built on this fragment has no external walls. There is boundless space outside the window and outside the door. In a strange villa, you can ignore any known physical rules. As long as you step on the ground, whether it is a corridor built on the wall or a staircase built on the ceiling, it is like walking on the flat ground, It won't float into space at all. This surprised Ye Feng. He was going to ask Dick afterwards. It's not hard to achieve this. If it's good, Ye Feng wants to achieve a similar effect in his own home, it must be very interesting.

"Another point is very important! Maple boy, don't breathe the gas emitted by the" supreme night pot! "Dick warned loudly.

"I, I suck, Dick, I've been sucking!"

"Now you need to know all the bad things in the universe, maple boy. Great. Congratulations on screwing up everything!"

Ye Feng stared at the strange night pot in his arms, and a wonderful sound similar to hallucination began to echo in Ye Feng's mind.

"Shit! What?! it's all in my head!"

Facing all kinds of cosmic gossip knowledge pouring into his mind like a tsunami, maple leaf's brain is like a 300ml thermos cup, but it has to be poured into by the sea water of the whole Pacific Ocean. Before his consciousness was torn to pieces, Ye Feng suddenly threw the supreme night pot in his arms into the space outside the window. Looking at the instant disappearance of the Supreme nightpot, the tall and thin exploding alien knelt on the ground and shouted "no, no, no, no, no -!!!", the whole castle began to collapse, and it would collapse completely in a few seconds!

"What shall we do?" Ye Feng stopped, because he found that the alien who had been chasing him and Dick had run away first. It seemed that after losing the supreme night pot, he had no reason to continue chasing behind Ye Feng and Dick.

"Damn it, you screwed it up," Dick said angrily. "Can't you close your mouth and nose tightly and don't breathe the smell of the Supreme nightpot? Damn it, you fool."

"Dick, listen to yourself. Are you talking about people?" Ye Feng said angrily. "Don't breathe with your nose and mouth. Do I have to use my gills?"

"I gave you an artificial gill, didn't you use it?" Dick asked.

"Er... You mean this?" Ye Feng took out something similar to the shape of a headset from his pocket. "I thought it was just a noise proof headset. Damn it, it's an artificial gill?"

"Yes, this TM is an artificial cheek I invented to deal with the" supreme night pot ", damn you fool." Dick cursed and stared at Ye Feng, grabbed the artificial cheek of Ye Feng's mobile phone, "give it to me, you ignorant guy."

"... you should print at least three words on it," artificial cheek ", otherwise how can I know how to use this thing? I'm different from you, Dick, you're the smartest man in the universe." in order to keep Dick complaining, Ye Feng can only say some words against his heart. His head has been a little painful, which seems to be the calm before the storm. He feels that he doesn't seem to be affected by the "supreme night pot".

But judging from Dick's hysterical performance just now, Ye Feng knows that this matter will not be so simple, that is to say, he may suffer in a while, and it will be very serious pain.

"All right, stop the ink. Let's go."

Dick opened a space-time door. He took the lead in. Ye Feng took a look at the debris of the planet that was about to collapse, and then quickly stepped into the out of control door.

When he entered the gate of time and space, his brain suddenly seemed to explode. He was immediately swallowed up by the huge information pouring into his brain. Before his eyes, there were scenes of gossip and some unimportant broken things of various races in the universe, and the broken things of the whole universe poured into your brain. You would also look like maple leaf and start to cry bitterly.

Ye Feng usually likes to read gossip, but when so many gossip broke in one time, Ye Feng only had one idea: let me die.


"Oh, my God... I can't forget the supreme night pot." Ye Feng holding his arms returned to Dick's laboratory from Dick's open space-time door. Dick, who closely followed Ye Feng, said to the trembling ye Feng, "I told you not to breathe in the smell."

"Damn it, you should have told me earlier, instead of telling me what to do and what not to do when TM has happened, you old bastard!" Ye Feng abused Dick without fear because of great pain.

"You boy! Don't you want to live?" Dick got angry at once.

"Yes, you kill me!" said Ye Feng regardless. "If you have the ability, you will kill me!"

"Er... What's the matter with you boy?" Dick looked at Ye Feng. He just said that he really let him kill Ye Feng, but he wouldn't do so. After all, for Dick, Ye Feng's life is much more useful than he becomes a corpse.

"Can't you see that I feel bad? You brain cripple!" Ye Feng shouted regardless.

"Hold on, Ye Feng. Let me see if I can alleviate your pain and relax. Come on, you young people will exaggerate."

"Dick, I, I can't go on. I, I can't go on living without thinking about the gossip told me by the Supreme nightpot. I, I hope you can -"

"Delete this memory from your brain?" Dick said what Ye Feng wanted to say before Ye Feng.

"How do you know what I'm going to say?" Ye Feng stared at Dick in surprise

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