"ComeOn, maple boy, come with me." Dick led Ye Feng to the garage of the laboratory without expression. Dick raised a floor on the ground in front of maple leaf. There was a vertical downward passage hole with handles under the floor!

"Please." Dick pointed to the secret way and said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, who was climbing down all the way, was so surprised that dick quietly made a secret path to the bottom in his blood blade office building. Especially after entering the underground chamber of secrets, the area of the whole underground chamber of secrets was completely beyond Ye Feng's imagination. When did all this get out? Ye Feng has no such impression in his memory!

"Hey, it's not that room. Go here." dikra walked into a room with Ye Feng stunned.

"What the fuck is this?"

After entering the room, Ye Feng pointed to the test tubes filled with different colors of liquids that filled the whole room and asked Dick. In particular, Ye Feng noticed that the test tube filled with storage racks in the room was the same model as the test tube with the corpse memory at that time, and the strange memory reading helmet was placed on the seat of the hanging chair in the middle of the room. The size of the room is small, but the shock to Ye Feng is really not small. He stares at all this in front of him. He knows that usually at such a moment, Dick always stands aside with a stinky face, a big mouth and says to hungry wind that these are small things

"Maple boy, this is the archive I use to display all the life experiences you asked me to delete, so as not to make you crazy. I call these: Maple boy's heart breaking moment!" Dick said to Ye Feng without expression.

"When did I start asking you to delete my memory?"

Ye Feng surrounded the shelf full of memory test tubes and carefully observed these test tubes of different colors. Ye Feng noticed that there were red, blue and purple memory tubes. It seems that there is a way to classify, but Ye Feng doesn't know how many of these memory tubes classified according to color belong to his memory. The shelves here are filled with hundreds of test tubes, which makes Ye Feng feel absurd. These memories are definitely not the amount of one person, unless this person has stored all his memories here.

He dared not ask Dick how many of them were his own. Ye Feng doubted that he could not withstand the blow of the real answer.

"From the first time your inner defense line was destroyed." Dick looked for something on the storage rack, "Hey, that's it." Dick took a blue memory test tube off the shelf, turned to Ye Feng and said, "classic, there's no dust on it, because this is not the first time we've done this."


"I call this" Maple boy's private zoo. "However, not all clips have titles. I don't have time to think about the names of each clip."

Dick pressed Ye Feng on the chair in the room and put his helmet on Ye Feng's head. Dick inserted the memory test tube he found on the helmet. Ye Feng immediately entered the past memory deleted by him.


"I can't believe we were thrown into a private zoo," Dick said fiercely, beating the big glass in front of him.

Like the last time he entered other people's memory, Ye Feng observed the memory of his experience in the past from the perspective of a bystander. Ye Feng found that he and dick in his memory were locked up in a pet feeding box installed in the wall, just like two Chipmunks.

This wall with hundreds of cubicles holds all kinds of races in the universe. These alien creatures are almost the same size as Ye Feng and Dick, that is, they are less than five meters tall. Compared with the big headed aliens who catch them as pets, they are like the size difference between humans and Chipmunks. Well, in short, Ye Feng and dick in my memory were caught by an extremely huge alien and raised as Chipmunks

(in the memory clip, take Ye Feng who entered the memory as the first person perspective to tell what happened in the memory clip.)

"How can I have no impression of the memory of this scene? Isn't this really happening?" Ye Feng looked at the memory in front of him and Dick. He was forced to ask Dick, the old man who was buttoning his nose.

To be honest, when he entered his forgotten memory and witnessed what had happened to him, Ye Feng now had a strong sense of frustration. He felt like he had lost a lot of precious things. Memory proves that Ye Feng once lived, but it is obvious that he has no impression of the experience he once lived, and according to Dick, Ye Feng himself strongly asked to do so.

Damn it, how can I let others do something about my memory? But I really can do such a thing... Ye Feng helplessly thought of it.

"Of course it's true. All this is reality," Dick said. "The past reality, you ruthlessly abandoned it and let me delete it from your mind. In fact, you're not the first person to ask me to do such a thing, and you're certainly not the last."

"Why do I have to let you delete this memory from my mind?" Ye Feng asked dick in confusion, "why didn't you choose to stop me?"

"Believe me, I've tried many times," Dick said reluctantly, "In the end, you always hysterically ask me to delete the memories you don't want to store in your mind. Your reasons are always so high sounding. Such memories will make me painful and make me weak. In order to get more happiness in future life, you must delete the painful memories. In fact, you always pester me and force me because of this matter Go and delete your memory. "Dick stared at Ye Feng without expression. It seemed that all this was Ye Feng's own business and had nothing to do with him.

Whenever Dick shows such an expression, Ye Feng knows that this matter must not be as simple as he said. Maybe he really wanted dick to ask for help and let him delete his memory, but what happened after that, Ye Feng can't say. He believes that dick, an old bastard, can do very excessive things. For example, he can modify Ye Feng's memory only according to his wishes.

In fact, Dick is such an asshole. Every time he takes action, he can refresh his position in Ye Feng's heart.

"I don't believe you, Dick. You must have tampered with my memory without my permission," said Ye Feng.

"Hey! You're attacking me personally. I'm helping you. Do you think I'm willing to waste my strength because of your bad things? If you don't kneel at my feet, let me delete your memory -"

"Me? Kneeling at your feet? Are you kidding?" Ye Feng looked at Dick contemptuously. "If I have the ability to kill you, believe me, Dick, I will do it immediately and calm the universe."

"It's too much for you to say that, boy. Am I too kind to you and make you forget my temper?" Dick walked slowly into Ye Feng.

"Hum, this is the memory world. You have nothing to do with me. You don't want to threaten me!" said Ye Feng disdainfully. "Are you going to kill me in my memory? Dick, it's really in line with your shameless style."

"... hum. Wait a minute, maple boy, there's a time when you cry." Dick threatened.

"Cut, I don't care. You can kill me?"

"... don't force me to do this. You know, I will do some extreme behavior as soon as I get angry. Although I hold a negative view of such impulse, I can only accept it once I get into big trouble, can't I?" Dick said gloomily.

"... hum, I see. Dick, I'm sorry. My mouth is too damaged. Can I?" Ye Feng thought for a while and decided to take a soft first. He can't suffer much.

"Hum, you know what you are." Dick snorted coldly and didn't threaten Ye Feng again.

"How did we get locked up in this private zoo?" Ye Feng asked curiously, "it must be because of you, Dick. I knew it was so."

"Fart! It's because of you," Dick said angrily. "At that time, we went shopping in longqixing people's supermarket. You know, it was the way of shopping without paying and then leaving quickly."

"... there is a popular name: stealing." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"Almost -"

"It is!"

"- anyway, when we left, you were found. What I thought was to take you with me, but -"

"Fart, you must think of me when you find you can't run." Ye Feng sniffed at Dick's statement, "I've been out with you so many times. At the critical moment, you always think only of yourself. Dick, you won't consider taking me away with you, even if you can do it. So in my opinion, we will be locked up in this private zoo. You must have been found and directly controlled at that time, and I was locked up here because of lying down a gun , hum, from the change of color on your face, I know that the fact is as I speculated. "

"... the reason doesn't matter. Anyway, we were caught," Dick said lightly.

"It's not important? I think it's very important. Anyway, this is another accident in which I became a lying gun. I understand why I asked you to delete this memory, and why you helped me. Dick, it's your problem." Ye Feng looked at Dick contemptuously.

"..." facing Ye Feng's question, Dick did not oppose it, but stood there silently, as if thinking about something.

"Dick, don't you want to explain?" Ye Feng looked at Dick curiously.

"No, I have nothing to explain with a dead man." Dick said expressionless, "after reading this memory, I will kill you and burn your body directly. Don't worry, there is no pain, and no one knows where you went. Maple boy, I will do all this myself."

"Hey! Don't say such terrible words in such a plain tone!" Ye Feng, who knew that dick could do such a thing, quickly shook his head at Dick and signaled that he didn't accept such an end at all.

"So is this man's hobby collecting living creatures?" Ye Feng, standing next to Dick, asked with a confused face.

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