"Yes, just like those who collect people's commemorative medals, but it's not that annoying. You'll understand if you have to date often when you're 40." Dick watched the big headed alien bend down and stick the brain bag that can fill the whole room where Dick and Ye Feng are located on the glass. When he looked at himself from the outside, Dick stretched out two middle fingers to him, He cursed fiercely: "you have the ability to appreciate this without changing your face! You round headed bastard!"

"Hey, keep your voice down!" maybe Dick's dirty gesture annoyed the round headed giant. He got up and left. Then there was a sudden noise above the pet box. Dick looked up and shouted upstairs.

"We're really lucky! We're locked up under the stone man of G6." Dick calmly disassembled the TV set in the pet feeding box and disassembled the available parts.

"Damn it, this is us." Ye Feng stared at himself and dick in his memory a few meters away, "We're always like this. You never care about my mood and always leave me aside. Since I don't help you at all, Dick, can you leave me alone in the future? Really, I don't want to be the one who lags behind in the team. It's very uncomfortable, especially when watching from a third person perspective."

"I just need an idiot, you know, an idiot who can highlight my IQ," Dick said, "Of course, I can also choose the big bald lad, the big fool, but you know, he is a real big ORC. He is very different from me. He can really set off my outstanding IQ, but unfortunately, it can not set off my handsome, because we are not a race after all, which is very intuitive."

"... I can set off your handsome?" Ye Feng asked contemptuously.

"Of course, you're at least a human, and you're also a human who looks a little worried," Dick said expressionless.

"Anxious? That's all you describe my appearance? Damn it, Dick, you'd better go home and look through the dictionary and expand your poor vocabulary!" said Ye Feng in a hurry.

"Oh? Really? Your only advantage is that you are younger than me. Believe me, maple boy, if I become your age, I just need to move my fingers and" poof "and I will be young again." Dick said casually.

"Then why don't you do that?" Ye Feng asked. "For me, it must be easier than going to the bathroom." Although Ye Feng has been complaining about Dick's character, Ye Feng can't say a word of no about his ability. In Ye Feng's opinion, the biggest difference between him and the robot cat is that Dick is not as cute as the robot cat. In other aspects, Dick can be said to win the robot cat completely. Most of the props of the latter are bought, and Dick is even more powerful. He makes them himself of

In fact, if it weren't for Dick's temper, Ye Feng would even think that Dick is the thickest thigh in the universe and the thigh he wants to hold desperately. However, it's a pity that Dick's character is too bad, which makes Ye Feng stay away from him.

"It's very simple. Now uncle is far more popular than you little fresh meat," Dick said, "Do you need me to repeat the name of my girlfriend I'm dating now? I don't mind spending a few hours talking about her name, which can make you have a more intuitive impression on my memory and let you know what an attractive man should look like."

"... forget it, Dick, I don't want to vomit," said Ye Feng.

"I can't stand it, dick!" Ye Feng, still standing in front of the glass, grabbed his cheek with both hands and cried out.

"Relax, maple boy."

As Ye Feng kept knocking on the floor glass in front of him, the noise startled all the round headed giants who had passed. Looking at the huge round face stretched out of the window, Dick in the memory comforted Ye Feng.

"I can't relax! Ray, Dick, I, we have to get out of this place! I can do anything in any way!"

Seeing that the little guy in the box stopped knocking on the glass, the round headed giant left. The rest of Ye Feng shouted to Dick. If he can't go back to his own world and see Audrey and others again, Ye Feng would rather die than be trapped here as a pet for others!

"Damn it, I'm really ashamed..."

Looking at himself from the perspective of a bystander is a very novel experience for Ye Feng. He has never evaluated his every move so objectively and fairly. At this time, looking at himself a few meters away, Ye Feng is a little embarrassed. Just like Dick has been saying his words, Ye Feng is always dominated by negative emotions and becomes emotional at the critical moment. Look It's like a child who hasn't grown up.

"You're a little self-conscious at last." Dick looked like tears in his eyes. He pretended to wipe his tears, as if he was moved by Ye Feng's growth.

"..." Ye Feng stared helplessly at Dick beside him. He had a strong impulse in his heart. He wanted to break the old guy's neck with his own hands.



After getting the affirmative answer from Ye Feng in his memory, Dick in his memory put aside the TV parts he was disassembling and said to Ye Feng in his memory, "OK, but you have to take off your clothes --" Dick saw Ye Feng and immediately began to take off his clothes and waved to stop, "not now. I'll tell you when."

"This is your way. You never forget to sell off, even if we have been locked up as animals." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"Hey, you can't judge me like that. Yes, that's my way. Although it's a little deliberate, you must admit that it's very interesting, isn't it?" Dick argued.

"Interesting to you, interesting to me? Not interesting at all."

"What do I care about you? You're just a valet. In fact, I can leave here alone. If I don't take you, my chances of escaping will be several percent higher," Dick said.

"... do you need me to remind you? It is because of you that we are locked up in this damn place." Ye Feng repressed his anger and said to Dick next to him.

"Oh, I always forget that."

"Yes, you always forget this damn point..."

Ye Feng reluctantly shook his head and looked at Dick and himself who were busy in his memory a few meters away.


Parallel universe 1127, the earth in this universe, and the human society living on it have just developed into the information age, that is, the initial stage of the "third industrial revolution". The detection radar station of n a s a (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) received a group of unusual and strange signals on an ordinary and no longer ordinary sunny night.

"My God..." in the duty room of the radar station, Tracy was amazed when she heard the strange signal from the headset. She has been working on this small site for five years. For her, it is her biggest dream in her life to be able to hear the voice from the universe, so this somewhat boring job is a kind of enjoyment for her.

She is eager to hear the voices of other intelligent races in the universe. She has always believed that human beings must not be the only intelligent creatures in the universe. In fact, in the process of growing up, Tracy, who has always been quiet and calm, has the only reason to be impulsive with people is to debate whether there are aliens in the world.

But she doesn't know if she can have this honor and get in touch with aliens. Even though she firmly believes that there must be aliens in the universe, she doesn't expect her to be the lucky one and be recorded in history, because she can get in touch with alien intelligent creatures, the third kind of contact.

But today is undoubtedly her lucky day. From her headphones, she heard a voice that made her dream come true, a strange voice, a voice with rhythm, a voice that made her dream come true!

"Dick, how did you do it?" Ye Feng stared at Tracy with wide eyes and asked expressionless, "why do we see other people's memories when we look at my memories?"

"Don't be so serious. You can take it as if you don't understand it at all. Even if I explain it to you, it's a waste of black technology. In short, it's very NB technology. You can fill in all the details of the whole event. Well, stop talking nonsense and watch it." Dick said impatiently.

"..." Ye Feng sighed helplessly and focused on Tracy and her colleagues.

"What's the matter?" another fat middle-aged woman on the night shift in the duty room put down the single minesweeping game she was playing on the computer, pushed the swivel chair under her fat hips and came to Tracy's side.

For her, she has worked in this place for nearly 20 years, and there is nothing to stimulate her. This is her job. After her second year at work, she has lost interest in her career, but this is the only thing she wants to do, so although she has no passion, she still insists on it at this radar station. From a young man to a middle-aged woman, from 45 kg to 80 kg.

So the middle-aged woman's first thought of Tracy's cry was disgust. The little girl began to shout again. She was like this every time. A little different voice would excite her for hours. Although it was always proved to be an illusion in the end, the girl named Tracy was happy.

That's how unmarried children are. The middle-aged woman complained in her heart. After all, she has been divorced, so she thinks she and Tracy are not people of the same era at all, so she would rather play the boring little games on the computer alone than waste her tongue and chat with Tracy.

"Listen to this." Tracy handed the earphone to the obese woman. After wearing the earphone, she listened to the signal from space received by the radar. The middle-aged woman's pupils gradually enlarge. She knows what the signal she hears now represents. It represents almost everything!!!

The fat woman was so shocked that her mouth grew bigger and bigger. Tracy felt that she could see her stomach from her growing mouth

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