"That's right, maple boy. Ngz people can have endless happy eternal life after death, as long as they are killed by a great soldier. I'm so flattered. By the way, I really appreciate your trust in me." Dick made a gesture of thanks to jigzak after explaining to Ye Feng, and Dick put his hand on his chest.

"So you want to kill him?" Ye Feng asked dick with a forced face. What's all this? What's wrong with gnz people? Ask others to kill themselves? The traditional customs and beliefs of this race are a little too young

"Let's have some lunch first," Dick suggested.

"... this scene looks really painful." Ye Feng looked at everything that happened in his memory and said to himself reluctantly, "a cosmic boss who begged others to kill him? Why do you always meet the thing of giving his head? Dick, can you give it to me?"

"You can't learn," said Dick with a stinky face. "In fact, it's because of my good character --"

"You? Good character? Don't disgust me..." Ye Feng almost vomited out. He wasn't exaggerating, but he was really disgusted by Dick's words. "Of all the people I know, you are the least qualified to say that. Really, Dick."

"- a handsome man is a good life. You can't envy him," said Dick. "I'm famous in the universe -"

"Famous? It's notorious," said Ye Feng contemptuously. In his past experience, he confirmed more than once that Dick was wanted by several big races in the whole universe. In fact, Ye Feng believes that dick can invent something against the sky, such as a delivery gun. A big reason is that he must always be ready to escape from the pursuit of big races in the universe. Although I don't know what Dick has done, there is no doubt that those pursuers never thought of catching alive. For them, Dick's body is their ultimate goal. Ye Feng has personally experienced several similar escapes, which is simply a nightmare!

"-- do you want to die?" Dick looked at Ye Feng unkindly. "If you dare to provoke me again, I'll kill you in your memory."

"Come on, I don't care." Ye Feng really doesn't care. If he can get rid of Dick forever, he doesn't mind being killed.

"... you're a dead pig. You're not afraid of boiling water," said Dick. "It's much thicker than before."

"I learned from your old body," said Ye Feng.



A busy commercial street "it's delicious. If it's not delicious, you can not pay for it, although it may cost you your life." the dining table for four people on the first floor of the restaurant near the window.

"Do you want to get shot in the forehead, or?"

After a waiter served Dick's order, Dick in his memory asked jigzak who was eating fried pork with relish. Dick wanted his advice. After all, he was in charge of his death.

As a famous big man in the universe, Dick often encounters such things. He's used to it. But at the beginning, Dick still felt very interesting, but after a long time, someone always came to him to do all kinds of things, so he had no passion for a long time. When facing jigzak, he seemed very calm and did not feel as excited and shocked as Ye Feng in his memory sitting next to him. For Dick, this is just a small scene like eating and shit every day. He can't feel any tension at all. In fact, Dick, an old bastard, is numb and frightening in many things.

For Ye Feng at that time, he couldn't understand that a man would beg dick to kill himself. In the view of Ye Feng, who has always avoided being killed, it is completely a brain crippling behavior. In fact, he thinks these aliens are crazy and a group of people who can die than him. In fact, they're not dying. They're looking for death.

"Well, as long as it's a fatal injury, I don't mind which part of me you shoot." the head of the urinal jar has no special requirements for the choice of death method. It's OK to kill with one shot, "Dick, as long as you can let me enter the paradise, I'm not a very picky person."

"Cool, I'll take a shit and come back soon."

After receiving jigzag's reply, Dick stood up and left the table. He felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach and had to go to the bathroom.

"Well, I have to say, you know, I'm a little jealous. It must be great for creatures like you to have a real afterlife." after Dick left, Ye Feng whispered to jigzak. Ye Feng can only go to hell after being killed. If there is hell, as long as gnz people are killed by great soldiers, they can get endless happy eternal life!? Hey, this is racial Welfare

"Your concern has always been very strange," Dick said to Ye Feng next to him. "Look at the questions you asked, envy?"

"That's really cool, isn't it? He can go to heaven when he dies. He will certainly live as he pleases." Ye Feng said. "I think it's because he has become a cosmic boss. If he dies, he will go to heaven directly after death."

"Well, you're right. In fact, the people of jigzak are all generous extrajudicial elements," Dick said. "Their race lives at will and will conflict with anyone or creature he can't see."

Ye Feng sighed, "it's really natural and unrestrained..."

"Of course."

"What, what do you mean?" gigzak, who has been working hard to kill the large plate of fried pork on the table, raised his head and asked Ye Feng.

"Well, you know, I haven't heard about your race before. To tell you the truth, we don't know what's going on for a certain afterlife. You know that there is an afterlife, it must be great, and it's certain. You know, there's real evidence." looking at some incoherent Ye Feng, Jigzak saw what Ye Feng wanted to express: you said there was eternal life. Do you have a solid hammer?

"True evidence? Should there be true evidence?"

The question raised by Ye Feng is a tradition that jigzak has never thought about before. The people of gnz have maintained for thousands of years. In jigzak's cognition, it is the truth in the universe. Before Ye Feng asked him whether there is any real evidence, he had no idea of doubt or doubt.

In fact, from the moment he was born, jigzak believed in this matter and never had any doubt. For him, this is a deep-rooted thing. He has never been in this world. That's how his parents taught him. For jigzak, it's just an instinct like eating when he's hungry.

But once this idea comes into being, it can no longer be easily forgotten. For jigzak, Ye Feng's careless words shook his faith.

In fact, he felt that his childhood was pretty good. When there was nothing to do, he could destroy several planets to spend his time and kill anything he wanted to kill, so he didn't want to die. In other words, he didn't have much desire.

But his people told him that it was time to do so. He had lived long enough and it was time to return to his paradise. But for jigzak, the desire to return to paradise is not very strong. It's just a sense of racial identity.

"Dick, is there no evidence to prove the legend of their race?" Ye Feng asked Dick. He was very interested in the questions he asked in his memory.

"Of course, it's just that you and jigzak didn't know at that time." Dick said. "In fact, there are many similar examples. Jigzak just didn't pay attention. You, you don't know anything. You know almost nothing about the universe. So you caused a lot of unnecessary disasters."

"... thank you for your reminder."

"Well... Yes. Otherwise, how do you know if it's true?" Ye Feng touched the back of his head and said to jigzak. Isn't this the most concerned issue? Just one life! Are you ready to fight with your life without asking if there is such a thing?

"Er, cough," gigzak said embarrassedly.

"Wait a minute, you didn't --" looking at jigzak who was about to stop talking, Ye Feng understood that there was really no real evidence for this matter!?

"Well, so, do you want to die here or outside?" a relaxed Dick opened the safety of his laser gun and walked leisurely to gigzak.

"I'll go! Run!" Ye Feng shouted to jigzak without thinking. The latter also ran without thinking.

"... I'm kind." Ye Feng looked at the scene in his memory. He said reluctantly, "I'm also kind-hearted to do bad things at most."

"Of course, you've always occupied the commanding heights of morality," Dick said contemptuously. "In fact, every time, you pretend to be a fake light, maple boy, you know? Why can't you get an alien sister all the time."


Ye Feng also felt very strange about this. Every time I go out on an adventure with Dick, the damn old man can always get a sister, and the more handsome himself is often ignored. He always told himself that there was a problem with the aesthetics of aliens, but when an old man like Dick defeated him more than once, Ye Feng still had a lot of egg pain. In fact, because of this problem, Ye Feng lost sleep for several nights.

"The reason is very simple. You are sometimes very fake."


"That's right." Dick nodded. "Maple boy, although you are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, in essence, you don't believe what you say."

"I --"

"You don't believe it," Dick said firmly, "In fact, you are a very sad person. In essence, you are a pessimist. You cover up your inner emptiness with your licentiousness. Aliens are usually very sensitive in this regard. They can understand your real heart. Therefore, people like you have little influence on most alien girls."


"But don't lose heart. At least you can cheat, human girl. I heard you have a lot of girlfriends," Dick said teasingly.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm very single-minded," said Ye Feng.

"... are you single-minded?"

"Of course, I'm only focused on beautiful girls."


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