
Dick chased after gigzak with an expressionless face and a gun in his hands. Ye Feng followed Dick and tried to stop dick from killing jigzak. Three people rushed out of the hotel and ran down the commercial street.

"This is our life," said Ye Feng reluctantly. Watching himself and Dick chasing each other in the memory ahead, Ye Feng felt an extremely absurd feeling, "Dick, I really don't understand the meaning of these things."

"It's really meaningless. But this is our life. If every day is full of meaning like a movie, I think you will become an idiot sooner or later," Dick said calmly.

"I'm going crazy now. Really, Dick, I really want to never see you again and participate in your bad things." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"Impossible, most of what you expect is impossible," Dick said.

Ye Feng said helplessly, "yes, or it's not what you want..."

When jigzak tried to cross an intersection, it was so immortal that a worker driving a heavy vehicle sped by at this time point, "Peng!". The truck driver hit jigzak straight across the intersection. Due to the huge of heavy vehicles, jigzak was directly crushed into a big beach, and the truck driver who hit people just felt the body tremble and didn't notice that he killed people. He didn't stop and left directly.

Dick and Ye Feng, stunned by this scene, watched the ghost shaped urine jar head float out of the flattened jigzak's body! With his appearance, there were two dark evil spirits, which tightly entangled the soul of jigzak.

"Oh, my God! It's all true! Ow! It hurts!" in the harsh scream of jigzak, two evil spirits ruthlessly drove jigzak into their hell.

"Oh! I shouldn't doubt! I shouldn't be around you and have doubts!"

In the terrible laughter of the evil spirit, at the most moment when jigzag was dragged into hell, he pointed to Ye Feng and cried out regretfully. Jigzag's voice was full of hatred and hatred for Ye Feng.

"Ah, ah, ah! It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

"But he said at that time, there was no evidence!!! But it was a pile of evidence!!!"

Watching the wailing jigzak's soul completely dragged into the abyss and disappeared. Ye Feng, whose eyes were almost gaping, explained to Dick, who was expressionless beside him.

Ye Feng didn't want to do anything to jigzak. But for jigzak, Ye Feng is indeed a sworn enemy. But Ye Feng is lucky that jigzag can no longer take any substantive revenge on him. For Ye Feng, jigzag's curse is just a curse. He has fallen into hell.

"Well, it's a little consolation. Now I know, their faith is true. They have hell, and they don't look very good. I noticed that you didn't finish your pimple soup, because now I gave it some space to come out, so you know what I mean." Dick patted himself on the stomach without blinking Ye Feng, who is still in shock, said.

"Damn it, a man was killed in front of you, Dick, can you eat?"

"Of course, it's not that I was killed." Dick said disdainfully. "I've seen more disgusting things than this. I don't know how many. It's small. Also, maple boy, don't feel too guilty about it. After all, he is a bad man. Dying in my hand is no different from being killed."

Facts have proved that some traditions must be cherished. Jigzak's tragic experience was an accident, but there is no doubt that it has something to do with Ye Feng. If he did not question jigzak's tradition, jigzak might directly let Dick go to the toilet and kill him directly.

Jigzak, who could have entered the paradise, let Ye Feng's words go directly into hell. There is no doubt that paradise and hell are real for the jigzak race. For those who adhere to the traditional jigzak people, they have never doubted this matter, so they have successfully entered the eternal bliss. The two big brothers in black who sent jigzhakla to hell, they really haven't worked seriously for many years. They almost forget the meaning of their existence.

But with the help of Ye Feng, they finally found the true meaning of life, and they finally opened

"... that is to say, I let you delete this memory from my mind because of my guilt?" Ye Feng asked silently, "that's why, a car accident, a painful ending?"

"Yes, in fact, you were almost scared to pee," Dick said. "Because jigzak is not a loner. If his friends come to you for revenge, you will be killed."

"Then why must I delete my memory?"

"The reason is simple," Dick said, "because if you don't have this memory in your mind, you won't show any foot even if those people come to you for revenge. In fact, they really came, after a" friendly "meeting with you --"

"Friendly"? Asked Ye Feng.

"You had a breath anyway," Dick said lightly.


"It's because you don't have any memory in your mind, so even if you were beaten to half death, you still didn't say a word. In fact, you were scolding all the time," Dick said.

"You were watching me being abused?" Ye Feng looked at Dick discontentedly. "Didn't you say you weren't afraid of them at all? You did it!"

"I'm not afraid of them, but there's no need to do it. No, it's on my chassis. If it breaks any flowers and plants, I'll be distressed." Dick said naturally.

"Don't you feel bad if I'm broken?" Ye Feng wailed.

Dick said naturally, "No. why should I feel bad? Anyway, you will recover. It's all natural and pollution-free."

"... get out"

"It was because I deleted this memory that your nickname was protected." Dick said. "Believe me, if you are watched by those people, you have no choice but to commit suicide. In fact, if they catch you, you will be better off living than dying. They are a group of perverts who like to torture their prey best."

"... shall I thank you?"

"You're welcome."

"I'm not thanking you!" Ye Feng roared helplessly.


"Oh, my God..."

Ye Feng, who came back from his memory, asked Dick standing aside, "how many of these things are actually unforgivable mistakes I have made? If I can learn some lessons from them, maybe I can make fewer mistakes in the future. But if I delete all these memories, I can't learn anything and will still make the same mistakes all the time."

"Don't bother to teach yourself, maple boy! It's a free style branch story. I'm very angry that you don't listen to me. As you can see, you have countless brain crashes, and it's not because of you every time." Dick pretended to break several blue memory tubes inadvertently.

"..." Ye Feng knew that dick certainly didn't break those test tubes unintentionally. Obviously, there were some things Dick didn't want Ye Feng to know. In fact, Ye Feng didn't believe that dick would not tamper with his memory from the beginning. In fact, Ye Feng had made the worst plan. His memory was tampered with by Dick at will. However, due to the existence of Audrey and them, Ye Feng doesn't care much about this matter. Dick, at most, tampers with Ye Feng's memory when he goes on an adventure with him. This is not very important to Ye Feng. In fact, for Ye Feng, those memories he doesn't want to have. If he can forget them in some way, he can accept them in front of him. But if Dick interferes with his memory too much, Ye Feng will still get angry, although he knows that his anger is useless

"And it's not always because of you"? What does that mean? "Ye Fengmeng forced to look at Dick. He vaguely realized that this must not be a good word.

Is it really the same as what I thought just now, Dick, this bastard really has a hand in my memory?! Leaf maple egg stared at Dick who was busy.

"Oh, m, I didn't even... Better not be a wonderful one. What's this?" Dick picked up a memory test tube he had just broken and pretended to say to himself, "great, it's" stop Wizard ". I have to start using the real archive name. At the same time, I hope you like this randomly selected heart breaking moment. "

"Hey, what do you want? I don't want to see those unpleasant memories now." Ye Feng watched Dick warily.

"Hey, maple boy, you need to see this. It's really great."

"Hey! I've really had enough. Do you use my pain as leisure?" Ye Feng helplessly watched Dick walking towards himself. He knew that even if he was very reluctant, Dick's interest rose and his opinion was not important at all. "Damn it, can't you give me a break? Settle down? I've just experienced two unpleasant memory fragments! Damn it!"

"Hey, you're a big guy. Why can't you keep up with a little girl?" Dick said angrily. "Hurry up, don't beat around the bush with me. Sit in the chair and let's experience this wonderful memory."

"... can you not take my opinion as shit?" Ye Feng said helplessly, "you old man, can you respect my opinion once? Even once, so that my words can affect you."

"No, if you don't want to die, just stand where you are." Dick said expressionless.


After noticing the cold expression on Dick's face, Ye Feng had to stop. He knew that he had no other choice.

Damn it, I'm almost becoming the pet of this old dish. Let him pinch it at will... Ye Feng helplessly thought of it.

Dick picked up a purple memory test tube and inserted it into the helmet on maple leaf's head.

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