"Now that we have reached a consensus, let's turn this over -"

"Then why are those pink memory tubes on the edge of the wine?" Ye Feng stretched out his arm and pointed to the shelf behind Dick.


While Dick turned back to see where there was wine, Ye Feng quickly picked up a red memory test tube from the mobile test bench with various memory test tubes that Dick had been playing with. Then Ye Feng inserted the test tube into his helmet without hesitation. He wants to find out what kind of memory is stored in the color memory test tube. If he guesses correctly, there should be memories Dick doesn't want him to see, and these memories are exactly what Maple Ye is most interested in. He knows that what Dick doesn't want him to know must be a very important thing. At least for Ye Feng, he can't help his curiosity. He wants to find out what will happen in the future. Go to hell. Now he's just trying to confirm to what extent his memory has been modified by Dick.

"Damn it, you little beast..."

Because Dick's nerve is still connected to the device on Ye Feng's head, when Ye Feng acted without permission to read the memory, Dick was also forced to enter Ye Feng's memory. Dick didn't intend to let Ye Feng touch this memory stored in a red test tube. In fact, he knew what trouble he would face if ye Feng read this memory. But now it's too late to say anything. When Ye Feng was suspicious, Dick knew that there would be trouble again this time. He was very unhappy about the situation outside the plan, but he didn't worry much. He saw too many such situations. In fact, he was used to it.

It was just a little trouble for Dick. But Dick still hates people making trouble for him, even if the cause of the trouble comes from himself


Space cruiser sch-1623 (subordinate to the colonization Department of the human holy Empire GA (interstellar Committee)) | in the G5 area inside the spacecraft | corridor g5-34

Two men, one tall and one short, covered with black combat clothes, ran in the corridor. From time to time, they turned back and shot with their laser, retreating and closely chasing dozens of soldiers in the same black combat clothes.

When the two chased people, tall and short, ran to a gate that was about to close, the tall man kicked the short man over the gate that was about to close, and then the tall man smashed the control device of the gate. Then a natural and flexible sliding shovel slid to the other side of the gate close to the ground before the gate was closed. "Bang", the gate separates the pursuers from the tall and short people on this side of the door.

"I wipe, it was dangerous just now..." the tall and short took off their tactical helmets and revealed their true colors: Dick and maple leaf.

"Captain sky died. He gave his life for justice."

Ye Feng, whose face was still frightened, said sadly to Dick. Captain sky, a handsome and humorous tough man, met in this adventure. In the battle just now, he died bravely to cover the evacuation of Dick and Ye Feng. Ye Feng hasn't even had time to drink with Captain sky and the last time. He believes that there will be many common topics between them. They can talk about women and men.

But all this is over. The sky captain has been blown to pieces. Even if ye Feng spliced those pieces one by one, the Sky Captain will not live again. Their action failed.

I knew that Captain sky should not be allowed to agree to Dick's "suicide plan" of raiding the enemy's Mothership! damn! Ye Feng couldn't help scolding angrily in his heart.

It was an accident to meet captain sky. Dick and Ye Feng had some trouble in a bar. Because of Dick's broken mouth, they offended a group of space pirates. In fact, this is not a trouble at all. After all, it is just a few hooligans who have drunk too much. Even if Dick doesn't do it, Ye Feng can easily put all those people down by himself.

It was at this not so critical juncture that Captain sky stepped forward and laid down the space pirates with three fists and two feet. Taking this opportunity, Ye Feng met captain sky.

But he's dead.

The Sky Captain invited Ye Feng and Dick to his place. Where they learned that the sky captain was leading a group of people who had lost their home star. They gathered together and were ready to fight for their former home with their own strength. Dick expressed great interest in this. He forced Ye Feng to help Sky Captain.

The sky captain was very excited about Dick's enthusiasm. He knew who Dick was. (Ye Feng remembered later that he strongly suspected that the cosmic hooligans were arranged by the Sky Captain. They played a play just to talk to Dick) Dick joined the Sky Captain's team and became a high-level commander.

Dick concocted the plan that killed almost everyone under captain sky.

He vowed that as long as he implemented the plan he formulated, he would be able to capture the enemy's "mother ship" at one stroke, or at least shoot it down. Captain sky was moved by Dick's words.

Facts have proved that rational people can make rational plans. Crazy people like Dick, his crazy plans can only make all those who are involved in the plan go to destruction.

In fact, Dick can turn bad luck into good luck every time, so he usually doesn't have any reservations when making plans, which directly leads to the total annihilation of the army.

"Damn it, Dick, it all depends on you, it all depends on your unrealistic plan!" Ye Feng shouted in his memory. "Now, the sky captain is dead, all of them are dead, only the two of us are left! We will die here, won't we? Dick, we will die in this damn ship!"

"Relax, it's all right. Everyone is dead. Isn't that what we often experience? Everyone else dies, and Dick and maple boy can successfully survive every time and take away all the booty!" Dick seemed very excited. He didn't feel any remorse at all.

"Dick, don't you ever feel guilty?"

"Of course not. Why should I feel guilty?" Dick said naturally, "I didn't entrap them. My plan may have some shortcomings, but I took part in the action myself. In my original plan, we should win. Well, there should be a problem in the implementation, not a mistake in my plan. I'll say, we should go to find some professionals. Sky Captain, he just goes his own way -"

"He? Determined to go his own way?" Ye Feng grew up because of shock and anger.

"Of course, when I put forward the plan, I suggested to captain sky that he should spend some money and invite some mercenaries. He just refused to say that he must use his own strength to take back the lost home. Hey, young man, he just doesn't know how to change. Well, he doesn't need to worry about his mother star at all." Dick said calmly.

"... damn it."

"Maple boy, this is the world. If you are not perfect, there will be all kinds of problems -"

"The biggest problem for Sky Captain is make complaints about you, and he believes you." Ye Feng Tucao.

"It's lucky for him to know me. I believe I can prove that he is a wise man." Dick said. "Without my plan, he and his people will be desperate. Look what they have become. A group of mice huddled in the corner. They need hope, and I bring them hope."

Ye Feng roared, "the hope you brought led them to destruction!!!"

"But you can't deny that they are all soldiers. They have already realized that it's better to die on the battlefield than rot in the corner," Dick said.

"But --"

"Nothing, but this is life. You have made a plan, but when you implement it, you find that things are completely different from what you expected. Can you do this? Can you say to your enemy, 'Hey, man, I'm wrong, can you let me go? I'll make a more rigorous plan.' of course, this can't happen. So, Maple boy, this failure tells us a truth: when making plans, we must not be blindly optimistic. "

Ye Feng said expressionless, "the plan is made by you. Outsiders can't intervene at all."

"Add that the great Dick is not within the scope of the above reason," Dick said.

"... you are so wise. You old bastard!"

"Yes, it's really fucking. It's really thought-provoking, maple boy. We shouldn't take everything for granted." Dick said to Ye Feng with some emotion when he witnessed the tragic situation of Captain sky's generous death.

"What?" Ye Feng seemed to hear something strange from Dick's emotion.

"I'm just saying that life is short and we shouldn't take everything for granted," Dick repeated again.

"What do you mean by" reasonable crotch "?" Ye Feng confirmed again.


"Take it for granted! Dick, where did you hear" crotch ran "? Take things for granted. Do you always say... God, Dick. Did the two lengs at the village teach you idioms? Crotch? How long have you been wrong?" Ye Feng ridiculed Dick's slip of the tongue. Looking at Ye Feng's successful appearance, Dick had reason to believe that Ye Feng would always talk about it as a stem and talk to everyone.

"Oh? You like this, don't you? I guess, I guess it must make you very happy."

Dick said to Ye Feng angrily and incoherently. At the same time, Dick quietly took a small device he hid in his arms in his hand and carried his hand behind his back.

"Yes, it's great." Ye Feng admitted with a bad smile.

"Do you want me to erase this memory?" Dick said coldly. He began to quietly think about Ye Feng walking. For Dick, if he can't tell others about anything, he has a very simple way to deal with it, and this way is very effective.

In fact, Dick once had a lot of handles, but he ended up with potential dangers perfectly in this way. For Dick, this has almost become his first choice when facing questions.

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