"Dick, you really didn't disappoint me." facing the scene in front of him, Ye Feng seemed very calm. Although this memory had already been deleted by Dick, he still felt inexplicably familiar. After all, it was normal for Dick to make such a move.

"Well... It's embarrassing. In fact, I didn't expect you to see this memory."

Dick was a little embarrassed. He was like a student who was found cheating in the final exam. He was a little embarrassed, but because of his stubbornness, he just felt a little uncomfortable and didn't fully realize how shameful his behavior was. This is a kind of indifference from the heart after experiencing too many similar situations. This is not a kind of camouflage or self deception. Dick simply feels that he has done too many such things, and it's just this time.

Ye Feng also knows Dick's performance. He knows the old man's human nature very well. He can show a trace of embarrassment, which has made Ye Feng feel like "it's just earned".

Looking at his confused face in his memory, Ye Feng really wants to say something to himself in the past: never, never turn your back to Dick, a bad old man, or you will cry.

"What? Can you do that?" Ye Feng looked at Dick, who took out a strange device from behind. The old man smiled and pointed the memory erasing gun at Ye Feng.

"Shit! What are you doing -"


"I knew it! You scum!"

The past memory just experienced confirms Ye Feng's assumption: Dick deleted his memory without Ye Feng's consent! Ye Feng knows one thing very well. Memory means everything to a person. He once read a story about a future world where science and technology can implant one person's whole memory into another person's mind, so that this person will become the last person and have all the memories of the previous person.

This technology is used to realize human immortality. In fact, as long as you copy your own clone and instill the extracted memory into the clone's body, the person will actually be reborn. He can use the cloned body to continue his memory and his own life. This story left a deep impression in Ye Feng's heart, because for a long time, he tried to understand the meaning of life, and immortality has always been a topic he can't escape.

From this story, Ye Feng understands a truth: memory is a person himself. It is precisely because of the memory in his mind that a person can be called a person. In Ye Feng's opinion, he can't fully understand the ethereal thing of soul, but if this concept is changed into a noun and turned into "memory", Ye Feng can fully understand why people are so different.

What everyone has experienced has become a memory, which is left in their mind. These clear or fuzzy memory pictures constitute a person. Although Ye Feng has been trying to persuade himself that it is not worth the loss to turn over with dick for some memories that he may not care about himself, Ye Feng still feels that his anger can not be restrained when he sees Dick's disapproval face.

In fact, Ye Feng suddenly figured out one thing. If he didn't express his anger to Dick, Dick would still start to remember Ye Feng in the next time. Ye Feng would even forget what happened today. He still really thought his life was in his own hands, but in fact, Dick is making maple leaf's life!

After confirming the doubt in his heart and trying to figure out the stakes, Ye Feng was blown up by Dick's behavior! A person's memory can be said to be all he has, and his own memory was randomly screened and eliminated by dick!? This is the same crime as killing people!

Ye Feng stared at Dick fiercely, but the latter looked calm and did not show due panic or apology, which made Ye Feng feel a deep sadness while angry. I'm not strong enough, Ye Feng thought. If I were strong enough to threaten this damn old bastard, he wouldn't be indifferent at this time... What hurt Ye Feng's self-esteem is that Dick's calm at this time is not pretending. He really didn't take it seriously. After all, he knows and ye Feng knows, Ye Feng didn't pose much threat to Dick.

It can be said that dick personally killed part of Ye Feng's time, life and soul! This is the bottom line that Ye Feng can never forgive! In addition, the red color memory tubes account for at least one third of the memory tubes in this room, that is to say, almost three digit memory fragments of Ye Feng were maliciously eliminated by Dick and stored in this memory warehouse, which is crazy. If this figure is not so exaggerated, maybe Ye Feng can control his dissatisfaction with Dick a little, but it's a pity that in Ye Feng's opinion, Dick's behavior can't make him face him calmly. For this countless behavior, Ye Feng must let Dick know his anger at the moment, even if it may kill Ye Feng himself

It's better to die in the outbreak than in the silence! This is the true portrayal of what Ye Feng thinks in his heart.

"You... You... You're an asshole, dick!"

Ye Feng jumped up from the seat. Due to the violent anger in his heart, he ran into Dick when he lost his mind. At this time, Ye Feng tried to kill dick with the big helmet he was wearing

"Take it easy, maple boy! Please, relax."

Relying on his height and arm length, Dick put one hand on the helmet on Ye Feng's head to prevent Ye Feng from trying to collide with him. Although it seems that the thin Dick is not Ye Feng's opponent at all, it's just a look. In fact, Dick's physical quality is much stronger than his appearance, and his body has been completely transformed.

In fact, if Dick wanted to, he could kill Ye Feng directly with the tracking missile in his elbow at the first time, but the consequence was that all items in the room had to be buried with Ye Feng. For Dick, who liked to come here to relax, he didn't want to bear the consequences, so he didn't kill Ye Feng at the first time.

But Ye Feng was different. He died the first time.

And there is another deep-seated reason. Although Dick doesn't want to admit it, in fact, due to the disclosure of the mischievous things about Ye Feng's memory, Dick looks at Ye Feng in anger with some embarrassment. He doesn't directly subdue Ye Feng with his black technology.

If you do that, it will certainly mean turning against Ye Feng completely, which is the result Dick doesn't want to see. And Dick was not worried about the situation he had experienced many times. Anyway, it's OK to find a chance to shoot Ye Feng with a memory erasing gun later. This is not the first time. Dick is very familiar with dealing with this situation.

In Ye Feng's opinion, this is the first time he found that his memory was tampered with by Dick, but the actual situation is that in Dick's opinion, this is the nth time Ye Feng "accidentally" discovered the truth. He has experienced this experience countless times. In fact, a large part of the memory test tube in this room stores similar memories. If ye Feng is lucky, he can see such memory fragments in advance, he may not be so angry. After all, in the past, he has been angry several times for the same reason and the same thing

"No! I don't want TM. Relax and come here!"

However, compared with the words written before, Ye Feng seemed to be more tyrannical this time. He tore Dick's white coat, threw dikra at himself, and then gave Dick a few heavy punches in the stomach.

He was hit in the abdomen by Ye Feng's fist with ten percent of his strength. The severe pain made Dick angry.

You little beast! When Grandpa, am I a vegetarian? Although Dick was beaten speechless, this does not mean that he would condone Ye Feng's behavior at this time. On the contrary, he has been angry by Ye Feng due to severe pain. Reason or something has begun to withdraw from Dick's mind. He's going to be angry.

It can be said that the anger started from the heart and the evil came to the side of the courage. Dick, who was badly hit, swung his fist and fought with Ye Feng. Two men, one tall and one short, began to tear and pick up.

There is an old saying: "beating people has no good legs, swearing has no good mouth".

It's all torn up with you. There's still time to consider whether it's heavy and light. It's just two words: fierce work!!!

As for the fact that I feel too much and regret afterwards, it's all afterwards. Who can think so much when fighting? After all, they did it!

The mutual connection between Dick and Ye Feng perfectly explains this old saying. Dick and Ye Feng, two unreliable men, started. They didn't care about each other's feelings at all. Their moves were to say hello to each other's key, and they didn't start lightly.

The two people who wrestle together have completely given up defense, and all their attention is on how to kill each other!

Because it was clear that distance from dikra meant death, Ye Feng made up his mind, entangled Dick's body, and hit Dick's key with two fists desperately. Ye Feng focuses on Dick's head, which is very effective. Dick can only protect his head in a panic to prevent Ye Feng from smashing Dick's head.

In fact, Ye Feng took a great advantage at this time. Because similar situations have happened many times, and every time Ye Feng riots, Dick easily resolved the crisis, so this time he seemed a little unprepared and suffered a great loss of belittling the enemy. Although his body still contains many black technology weapons, these things are of no use in the process of close combat with Ye Feng.

If Dick really fell into madness and risked the idea of dying with Ye Feng to kill Ye Feng, Ye Feng was really killed in an instant. But Dick himself will not be easy. Even though he has many emergency plans to prevent him from being reborn as soon as possible after he died in an accident, the orcs above, the orc subordinates he has taught for a long time, are about to have bad luck. After all, Dick has not prepared emergency plans for DiCaprio.

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