"These things are obviously storage units."

Dick picked up a intact purple memory test tube on the ground. He picked it up and put it in front of his eyes for careful observation. Then he said firmly.

"Storage unit? Storage what?" Ye Feng leaned over to Dick and looked at the test tube in his hand. Similar things filled the narrow room. "Can you infer what these are for?"

"Combined with our current amnesia, I think what's stored here is probably our memory," Dick said.


"That's right. Why else do you think we are like this? We don't even know who we are?" Dick asked.

"Uh... How do I know?"

Although Dick's departure from the actual situation is still somewhat different, there is no doubt that he is right. These test tubes do store memories, but they are all Ye Feng's memories. This is not to say that dick will be more kind to others. On the contrary, the old bastard actually treats everyone the same. Dick always has a bowl of water on this major issue of right and wrong. As long as his little brother, Dick has a special emergency treatment plan. For a crazy scientist whose brain is running at full speed all the time, how to have fun from the people around him is one of Dick's most concerned things.

This room is filled with the memory of Ye Feng he eliminated. There are dozens of similar aspects all over this floor, large and small. In other words, there are at least dozens of people who have been poisoned by Dick, and this is only the room where Dick has sorted out their memories for these dozens of people. There are countless people who can't be counted at all.

In this vast universe, too many people and too many things have happened. For a monster like Dick who has lived for hundreds of years, too many people have been manipulated by him. In fact, this is one of Dick's bad tastes. Why he can do everyone shouting and beating has a lot to do with this bad habit.

"Since we don't remember what happened, I guess it's a technology related to memory, and this thing on your head -" Dick pointed to the helmet on maple leaf's head, "- it should be designed to..., Dick took advantage of maple leaf's face and walked up to him and listened to his analysis seriously, He suddenly inserted the purple memory test tube in his hand into the helmet on the unsuspecting maple leaf's head. Dee

Dick needs an experiment to prove his assumption, and the young man in front of him is undoubtedly a very convenient experiment... Dick doesn't care whether he is wrong in analysis or whether his actions will hurt the young man who lost his memory with him

In fact, there are good reasons to prove that even if Dick did not lose his memory, in the face of the same unknown situation, he would not hesitate to let Ye Feng test the water and lay down the gun

This is Dick's attitude towards the people around him: I am the main thing. As for the rest of you, what does it have to do with me?


"Damn it, what are you doing?"

The first thing Ye Feng did to regain consciousness was to jump in front of Dick next to him and try to knock his old immortal circle to the ground, but something unexpected happened. His fist didn't hit Dick's face, but went straight through his face. Dick seemed to be transparent and didn't control Ye Feng, Went straight through Dick Like a wall of air.

"What's going on?" Ye Feng looked at dick with a frightened look.

"We should be in a memory, so here we all have no entity, and our consciousness is projected into an image of the past," Dick said. "It's like watching a movie. We can't interact with what has happened, and obviously, we can't interact with each other."

"Damn it! Wait. When we go out, my fist can actually touch your nose. Don't worry, I will discount your nose!" Ye Feng glared at Dick, "You bastard took my life for an experiment without telling me? If the poison was stored in those test tubes, I TM would have farted because of your damn behavior now."

"What does it matter to me whether you die or not?"

"You TM -"

"Shut up, look, the memory has you and me." Dick pointed to the ongoing picture in his memory. "To be exact, it is you and me at a certain time in the past before amnesia."

In an empty abandoned factory, Dick and Ye Feng are interrogating an ugly alien tied to a chair. This bloated LD star man has the skin of a shit yellow toad. Its four ugly faces are not the most disgusting. The meat pieces like two eggs under its chin are the most hot eyes ...

"Tell us the password, fool!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!" the LD star whispered excitedly to Dick and Ye Feng, saying his mother tongue.

"It's no use, he's fighting in a desperate corner." Dick seemed to understand what the star LD said.

"Dick! If you can't unlock those vaccines, the group Lars will be finished! It's time to strengthen your interrogation!"

At this time, Ye Feng is already crazy. Looking at Dick calmly and slowly asking about the damn LD star in front of him, Ye Feng feels that Dick's interrogation of the alien is too gentle! It's time to use some easy ways to pry open the LD star man's mouth!

"I know you're with the queen of the group Lars. Maple boy," Dick glared at Ye Feng, "you shouldn't do that. As I usually say, we shouldn't get confused with our employers. When we check out, our feelings will blind our eyes and let us suffer."

"You, how do you know -"

"I know everything you've seen, every word you've said, and every place you've been," Dick said expressionless. "Believe me, after witnessing the private meeting between you and the queen, I've greatly changed you."

"Er..." because of shame and anger, Ye Feng's face was hot and dry.

On the way to an adventure with Dick, they landed on zulal because they had to replenish some supplies. Before and after being introduced to the royal family members on the planet, Ye Feng and the queen were deeply attracted to each other. He and Ye Feng were hired in the past to invade the hell.

In this arduous battle (in fact, Dick and Ye Feng stay in the palace every day and do nothing every day), Ye Feng and the queen deepened their "feelings" with each other. Dick had nothing to do. Under the king's solemn protest, he finally walked out of the gate of the palace and took one of the other's senior generals into the palace himself 23 seconds later.

And that's why this is happening. Ye Feng and Dick need to ask for information from this disgusting alien. These ruthless aliens are not even ready to start a war. They decided to have an alien virus to kill all the aborigines on the planet zulal without a single soldier. In fact, all this is happening. People in the face palace have begun to be infected by the virus, and the queen is in danger. The whole planet has fallen into chaos. As Ye Feng and Dick who will not react violently to this virus, they have become the key figures to end all this. Only they can play a normal combat effectiveness in the face of LD star people. They have become the saviors of this group of Lars, although they don't want to choose Dick and Ye Feng to bear everything, But they have no choice

In fact, the inconvenient king has died, which is the only good news for Ye Feng.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Leonardo. But there are some bottom lines I won't cross." Dick put his arms on his chest and said righteously.

"When this bastard wants to kill Xiaotiantian, I have crossed all my bottom lines!!!" Ye Feng angrily pointed his hand at the LD star in front of him and shouted.

"Britney? What's your favorite name for the queen?" Dick looked at Ye Feng coldly. He always resented that Ye Feng was liked by the queen. "Does the king know about it?"

Although very guilty, Ye Feng still hardened his head and said, "he doesn't need to know!"

"Really? I personally don't think so. It's his legal wife. He has the right to know what his wife's lover calls his queen." Dick said angrily. "Maple boy, I strongly despise your behavior."

"You don't have the right to accuse me, you damn old bastard." Ye Feng is unwilling to show weakness and looks at Dick. If others accuse him, Ye Feng may feel a little ashamed, but it's dick who points to him? Well, Ye Feng doesn't have any sense of guilt at all. After all, he is far behind dick in the shameless matter. He is the real hooligan in the universe.

"Gula Gu, Gulu Magu. Malia Gu Li, mili Gulu Li!" the LD star man responded to Ye Feng with the same great decibel.

After listening to Ye Feng and the LD star, Dick thought a little, and then said to Ye Feng, "well, do you see two meat bags under his chin? Maple boy, hold them with his hand."

Ye Feng glanced at Dick, then without thinking, he came forward and grabbed the two pieces of meat under the LD star man's chin and began to grip them hard.

The LD star man who was caught by Ye Feng's chin immediately groaned in pain, and his facial expression began to be extremely distorted. Looking at the LD star man who was obviously in pain, Ye Feng asked it ferociously: "do you remember what the vaccine formula is now? Ah? You ugly beast, your heart is more disgusting, damn bastard, why do you invade other people's home star? Ah? Can't you stay on your own chassis?"

"Er, to correct, this planet was originally the mother planet of LD people. This group of Lars forcibly seized their mother planet. These LD people were forced to leave their homes and become wandering races in the universe. In fact, whatever they do, it is legitimate," Dick said.

"Er... I don't care! If you want to kill the queen, you can't!"

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