"Squeeze hard! Didn't you eat? Maple boy, squeeze hard!"

Dick reminded Ye Feng, who was grabbing the two pieces of meat growing under the LD star's chin, that the latter had made the milk out this time.

"Tell us what we want to know, just like you just said. Man! Maple boy, he doesn't think it's strong enough. Screw hard! Screw hard!"

In Dick's cheering voice, Ye Feng's hand is getting stronger and stronger. Ye Feng has the feeling of pulling these two pieces of meat off

The effect of tormenting LD star people is still very significant. The two pieces of meat that Ye Feng has been holding tightly are obviously the weakness of LD star people.

"Damn beast, try this and see if you like it!" said Ye Feng ferociously. In fact, the important reason why Ye Feng was so angry was that he found himself infected with the disease. Although because of his different physical structure from people on this planet, the viruses that can kill them can't kill Ye Feng, it's still a very unpleasant thing to catch an infectious disease after all.

It is precisely because the damn alien spread the virus on the planet, so the people above will infect this damn disease, and the queen carrying the virus will infect Ye Feng. Ye Feng doesn't want to mention what happened, but there is no doubt that it should have been a wonderful experience for him to have endless aftertaste, but it was greatly discounted because of this incident. Ye Feng was almost mad. In fact, for Ye Feng, this incident didn't have a great impact on him. Physically, he was almost intact, But psychologically, Ye Feng is really disgusted. For people like him who are obsessed with cleanliness, this disgusting feeling makes him crazy!

Ye Feng didn't realize it at all. In fact, the person he should blame most is himself. If he hadn't seduced the queen, he wouldn't have been infected with this damn disease in his close contact with the queen, and he wouldn't have to ask for the vaccine formula from the mouth of this damn alien. In fact, Ye Feng asked for it. If he had the foresight of Dick (in fact, Dick escaped because he was not liked by the enthusiastic queen), perhaps none of this would happen now. At least he and Dick can go straight away after the accident, rather than being forced to stay on the planet to care about vaccines and antidotes.

Ye Feng looked at the dead and alive LD star people who were directly tortured. The pleasure of violence was also stimulating Ye Feng's tight nerves. With the increasing strength of Ye Feng's hands, the struggle of the LD star people who were caught at the key became more and more intense. Its expression was extremely painful and had reached a critical edge!

Ye Feng, who committed violence, felt very comfortable that he could personally let the alien feel his anger.

"All right, let go, let go, let it breathe."

Ye Feng said fiercely. "It's impossible. I must teach this bastard a good lesson and let him know what the consequences of angering me Ye Feng are!"

"Well, he's ready to speak. You can let go."

Dick saw that the LD star man's eyes were white and was about to pass. The old man hurried up and pulled the excited Ye Feng away from the LD star man and persuaded him.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

"What did this bastard say?" Ye Feng wiped the sweat on his head and asked Dick.

"He wants to make a deal," Dick translated for Ye Feng. "He asked: now give half of the vaccine formula, and then give the other half when you're done."

"But we can believe... Wait... What? What

Ye Feng suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why did the LD star man look at himself with a look of longing... What he did to the alien bastard just now was not torture, but... Enjoyment!?

"You - you know..."

Ye Feng looked at Dick sadly and angrily. He realized that what he had just done might not be causing pain to the damn alien, or on the contrary, he was making the damn bastard in ecstasy. He was not torturing him, but serving him?

Damn it, it can't be like this, it can't be like this! What the hell did I just do? Dick. Ye Feng suddenly glanced at Dick. From the expression on his face, Ye Feng knew that what he suspected was the truth. He was really not torturing the alien

Dick's hesitant performance undoubtedly confirmed what Ye Feng thought... Ye Feng reacted. He just thought he was torturing. In fact, he was making this alien bastard cool!? WCNMLGDXB!!!!!!

"I thought I was torturing it!!!"

Ye Feng shouted at Dick in a broken mood. What's all this and what? Ye Feng is about to lose his mind at this time. For him, all this is a nightmare. He can't look directly at his hands. What the hell did I do? damn! What the hell did I do? My noble hands, you are polluted, damn it! You've been used by that old Dick bastard!

"Oh? So this disappoints you? You want me to tell him not to make the deal, maple boy? Because we can kill our enemies without scruples, but we can't let them happily tell us the information we want to know? If so, where are we superior to them?"

In the happy expression of satisfaction on the face of the LD star, Dick said to Ye Fengyi what seemed to be a tall, but in fact it was a nonsense

"That's not the problem!" Ye Feng cried out, "you should tell me what all this means in advance! Dick, if you tell me in advance, I will --"

"You will not do it, but stubbornly stand aside. Even if everyone on the planet dies in this catastrophe, you will be indifferent, I know." Dick said contemptuously, "you are a shallow person, Ye Feng. I have known your true face for a long time."

"Dick!" Ye Feng cried out, "I admit that I am a shallow person, but since you are a noble person, why don't you do it yourself? Why must you deceive me to do it?"

"The reason is simple. I'm disgusted," Dick said calmly.

"Don't I feel disgusted?" Ye Feng resisted the impulse to come forward and strangle Dick. "Listen to what you say. You're really kind!"

"At least you don't know the inside story in advance," Dick said shamelessly. "But unfortunately, I'm a knowledgeable person. I know what this action means, so it's a pity that between us, we can only let that idiot do it."


"That's the same sentence." Dick looked at Ye Feng calmly. "It's terrible to have no culture."

Ye Feng couldn't help it after all. He rushed to Dick angrily: "you m -"

"Calm down."

Dick said calmly to Ye Feng.

"It's certain that you are an old pervert." Ye Feng witnessed the absurd scene in front of him. He said expressionless to Dick next to him. "Obviously, we know each other, but more obviously, you are really an old bastard without a bottom line. I hope you won't deny it."

Dick was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that he would be such a person. After losing his memory, Dick's moral standard was much higher, which made him difficult to accept after witnessing what he had done. In his opinion, he should be a more comprehensive talent. Yes, but there is no doubt that he was definitely not a good man. As for whether he was an unforgivable bad man, this memory can not answer his question, but Dick vaguely felt that he must not be a man of integrity, which is no doubt.

"You know, he is him, I am me. I don't know anyone at all, even if he is me. Man, like you, I have lost my memory, and now it's a piece of white paper." Dick said helplessly. He didn't want to position himself as an old bastard because of what happened in this memory, although he knew it was the truth.

"Oh? You're going to use the excuse of" amnesia "to write off what you've done? That's a great idea." Ye Feng said contemptuously. "After I've done something bad, I'll do the same."

"Hey, I don't think I've done anything bad. It's just a deal. You make the damn alien comfortable, and he gives you the information you want. It's no big deal. You don't lose anything," Dick argued.

"Nothing lost?!" Ye Feng stared at Dick angrily, as if his words really insulted him. In fact, in Ye Feng's opinion, Dick's words were really insulting. "It's no big deal that you call it? I did such a thing! Under your flicker -"

"Correct it, it's under the flicker of me who didn't lose memory before."

"- what's the difference? You are you, whether you have amnesia or not." Ye Feng roared.

"Well, if you have to think so narrowly," Dick shook his head helplessly, "but allow me to say that I will never do anything similar. Compared with the person in my memory, I am a more noble person and I am reborn."

"You've lost your memory, you damn old bastard."


Inexplicably read a memory that seemed to be shared by himself and the old guy in front of him. Ye Feng, who returned from the memory fragment, looked straight ahead with empty eyes. He had not recovered from shock and doubt.

"Well, why did you come back so slowly?" he noticed that Ye Feng pulled out the memory test tubes inserted in his helmet. Dick put down a lot of memory test tubes in front of him and turned back to Ye Feng.

"Damn it, we're partners, M. I'm so connected with bastards like you? We're still fighting aliens together, like the" man in black "?" Ye Feng said to dick with a puzzled face.

"Man in black? Man in black?... I remember what" man in black 2 "is." Dick thought carefully for a moment, pointed to Ye Feng's head and said

"So... What do you remember?" Ye Feng looked at Dick. "You're an old bastard. Did you think of something, huh? Tell me quickly!"

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