"Hehe, of course not. These are just countless pieces of memories -" even if we lose our memory, our Dick classmate's poison tongue is still the same.

"All right, leave what you want to say to yourself. I'll continue to look for clues."

Tired of Dick's sarcasm, maple leaf simply picked out a well preserved blue test tube from the scattered memory test tubes on the ground and inserted it into his helmet without hesitation.

"Shit, can you stop making your own decisions?"

Dick roared helplessly and was immediately pulled into the world of memory,


"What are you doing?"

Dick leisurely walked into Ye Feng's office and found that Ye Feng was not sitting in his big swivel chair dealing with the endless sleep in, but measuring a wooden box with a simple tool. Dick asked Ye Feng suspiciously.

"Do you want a horizontal shelf?" Ye Feng asked Dick.

"If I say yes, can you still use this to make it for me?" Dick pointed to the rectangular board in Ye Feng's hand and asked Ye Feng back.

"Yes, do you see this level?"

"I'm familiar with the level ruler, maple boy. I also have some research on accuracy. If you think you can approach the level with your poor" Neanderthal level naked eye "and a broken piece of wood? You're the reason why the human species is a failure. It makes me angry!" Dick grabbed the self-made level ruler in Ye Feng's hand, He broke it in two with his knee and threw it on the ground.

"How much did you drink?" Ye Feng stared at Dick without showing weakness.

"If you want to build a shelf, you can do it well. Do you want to experience the real level? Do you want to?" Dick seriously pointed to Ye Feng, who sighed and said helplessly, "yes?"

"Then don't talk nonsense."

"In fact, I just have nothing to do. I want to make a wooden figurine for Kobi." Ye Feng said, "but I think you have enough leisure."

"You don't have to worry about me. My time is very different from yours," Dick said casually. "If I have something to study, I usually hide in the pocket universe."

"Because time and flow rate are different." Ye Feng suddenly realized.

No wonder Dick often disappeared for hours, and then he had a solution or came up with a black technology invention. Ye Feng always thought that Dick had prepared everything in advance, but after contact, he knew that dick always thought of what he was and was not a reliable person at all. What he just said can be regarded as explaining the confusion in Ye Feng's heart.

"It's really a perfect way," sighed Ye Feng, "to finish things in the pocket universe. In the real world, it may have just been a few hours, but you already have enough time to think and solve problems. Damn it, Dick, you're really a genius."

"Realize that I'm really a genius?" Dick looked at Ye Feng contemptuously. "This is at least a progress for an incurable idiot."

"You're too mean."

"I usually speak in this way. If you don't agree, you can bite me."

"I'm not interested in an old man with half a foot in the grave."

"Maple boy, your mouth stinks."

"I learned it from you."

"Hahaha, it's all your own talent."

Dick and Ye Feng suddenly burst into laughter, like two patients who had just run out of the psychiatric hospital. The scene was inexplicable.

"It seems that the two of us are similar." Dick said to Ye Feng reluctantly. "In some ways, we are really amazing similar."

Watching the series of wrangling in his memory, Ye Feng was really confused. As the annoying old man said, the memory of himself and the memory of the old man seem to be a relationship of both teachers and friends. On the surface, there is no feeling between the two people, but there is no doubt that for two people with such bad characters, they can scold face-to-face without starting in the end, which shows that the actual relationship between the two people is far more friendly than it seems.

Of course, the more likely reason is that one of them completely suppressed the other, and the other had to be friendly and obedient under threat. This relationship is the true portrayal of Ye Feng and Dick. For Ye Feng, when he was entangled by Dick, he had to survive in the cracks, relying on his little intelligence and constantly tempting on the edge of death. By getting Dick used to being angry with himself, Ye Feng has been exploring the extent of Dick's endurance to him. In fact, in order to get rid of Dick, Ye Feng has been making different attempts, but each time he ends in failure

I'm an asshole, too? Ye Feng is not looking at himself in his memory. In this dialogue, he can be equal to an old bastard without a bottom line, which can only show one thing. Ye Feng is also an bastard and can fight against pornography with the old bastard chamber.

"... we are different. You are a bad old man with half a foot in the grave." Ye Feng said expressionless, "and I am a rising sun, a handsome young man."

"You? Handsome? Are these two words on it?" Dick sneered contemptuously. "I call it maturity. You just put half your foot into the grave!"

"Hum, look who dies first!"

"Don't look at it at all. It must be your boy!"


"Hoo... Okay, come on."

With his bare arms ready, Dick came to Ye Feng's office again. He sighed and said to Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng is having lunch with Kou Bi in the office. Seeing Dick coming, Ye Feng stands up expressionless and follows Dick upstairs. Ye Feng wants to see what's great about the "level" that Dick has worked hard to prepare all morning.

"Wow, this is --"

Originally, after entering Dick's laboratory, Ye Feng noticed a square flat ground surrounded by unknown metal plates on the floor. He stepped on it with some regret and was ready to sarcastic to dick in a disappointed tone, but who knows, after standing on the flat ground completely horizontal in Dick's mouth, A sense of pleasure that seems to have found the long lost balance blooms in every cell of maple leaf's body! This feeling is like flying freely! Unable to describe the beauty in words, Ye Feng was so excited that he cried directly!

"You and your boy really look like a big fool." Dick was so happy to see Ye Feng in his memory. He covered his stomach and laughed wildly. He could hardly say a complete sentence in his mouth.

"..." Ye Feng looked at his ugly self in his memory with an iron face. This kind of standing on the sidelines to appreciate his embarrassment is an extremely rare experience even for Ye Feng before he lost his memory, let alone Ye Feng who lost his memory at this time.

And what makes Ye Feng feel the most annoying is that he has no reason to blame others because he asked for it in his memory. Even the boring old man is just saying that he created a complete device to make Ye Feng feel some technological power. He could not find the point of Tucao in this behavior. This leaves Ye Feng mute to eat Coptis chinensis, and he can not make complaints about it.

"Damn it, why is this damn memory stored in the test tube?" Ye Feng said inexplicably. "It doesn't make any sense at all. For me, this memory must be thrown into the dustbin unless..." he looked at Dick who was still laughing.

"Er... What are you looking at me for?" Dick cautiously stared at Ye Feng's eyes.

"It should be you who smashed the ghost. You stored this memory." Ye Feng said more and more vigorously. He thought this was the only reasonable explanation. "You have such a bad taste. I mean, you store my memory of making a fool of yourself, and then take out this memory when you want to have some fun to make you happy for a while. Am I right?"

"How do I know? Like you, I lost all my memory," Dick said. "If it weren't for such a damn memory, I wouldn't know my name is Dick, and you are the damn Maple boy!"

"Do you want to deny what I said?" Ye Feng still stared at Dick. He felt more and more that his analysis was completely correct. "In my opinion, this is the only reasonable explanation."

"That's your opinion," Dick said with a guilty conscience.

In fact, Dick and Ye Feng have the same attitude towards this matter. He also believes that the reason why this memory exists in a test tube must be his own action for fun before amnesia. Although he doesn't know himself, from these memory fragments, he has more or less realized what kind of person he is. There is no doubt that he is the old bastard in Ye Feng's mouth. And it's normal for an old bastard to act like an idiot.

"- Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, my God, damn it, oh, what's this?" Ye Feng's comfortable one

"Oh, yes, absolute level, kid." Dick looked at Ye Feng's "absolute level" with a natural face.

"Ye Feng, what are you doing? It's going to be cold for lunch. You'll be busy after dinner."

Go upstairs and pull Ye Feng down to finish lunch. Kou Bi walks into Dick's laboratory. The fairy beauty is surprised to see Ye Feng who can't stand stably and is happy. What's the matter? It's only been a few minutes, and Ye Feng has become like this? Did he have a sudden mental attack?

"This is Kou Bi. I think she should be my girlfriend." Ye Feng looked at Kou Bi's figure with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"I can't figure out why such a beautiful girl likes you?" Dick said angrily. "Obviously, I'm much better than you."

"You are not people of the same age at all." Ye Feng glared at dick with disgust. "You are old enough to be her grandfather."

"Age is not a problem at all," argued Dick. "I am an excellent man, at least better than you. It is obvious whether before or after amnesia."

"Damn it, Dick, I'm really going to vomit." Ye Feng retched disgustingly. "You really should look at your face dissatisfied with the damn wrinkles. If you smile, you can definitely kill a mosquito with wrinkles."

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