When Ye Feng and Dick had "friendly and cordial" communication, Ye Feng in the memory was obediently watching dick in the memory. He knew what he had done, so he was not confident at this time. Any small mistake would make Dick furious. Ye Feng, who knew this very well, could only face Ye Feng's questions with a giggle.

"See? You look stupid." Dick proudly poked Ye Feng's arm. Because he was really stupid and cute in his memory, Ye Feng didn't have a good attack. He had to look at the past memory in front of him as if he hadn't heard anything.

"You, what did you say?" Ye Feng in his memory pretended that there was no such thing.

"I think these three sounds can be explained as: at first, I opened the right switch wrongly, then hurriedly pulled down the right switch I want you to pull, and then shamefully pulled the wrong switch for the third time in darkness and silence. Did I get it right?" Dick analyzed with his back to Ye Feng angrily.

Dick is in a very bad mood at this time. Generally speaking, when Dick doesn't yell, you should pay more attention to your safety, which means that for Dick, swearing is not the first thing to consider at present, and there are more important things to consider first.

For a domineering tiger egg, such a situation usually means that the situation is very bad. After all, Dick is a curse addict. It must not be negligible to let him put aside his bad temper and concentrate on dealing with things.

Ye Feng in his memory obviously knew this, and the panic expression on his face was even better.

"Yes, well, you're basically right. I'm sorry." although Ye Feng still has some luck and thinks that maybe it's just a small thing. Dick won't hold him back, Ye Feng still keenly feels that Dick's mood is not beautiful at this time.

Or passive or active, because he has been around Dick for a long time, at least Ye Feng has made great progress in observing his words and colors. He must always figure out Dick's mood at this time. After all, if he is really annoyed by this old bastard, let alone if he doesn't use that damn transmitting gun to open a time door to the earth for Ye Feng, Ye Feng can only be trapped here, Dealing with a group of aliens all day.

So Ye Feng can only do this. He has expressed his idea of not wanting to contact Dick countless times. But it's a pity that dick can let Ye Feng "willingly" go with him every time, or use violence, or send Ye Feng directly.

In fact, Ye Feng has been used to every once in a while, he will be taken to all kinds of inexplicable places from the earth by Dick in all kinds of unimaginable ways. Such things have been experienced so much that Ye Feng can't even feel the tension and excitement at the beginning

"I'll go..." Dick uttered a series of sighs. Then the old man opened the shed roof of Dick's laboratory with the device on his wrist. In Ye Feng's confused eyes, Dick said in a loveless voice: "OK, let's go."

Ye Feng's heart suddenly "clicked". He knew that he must have made a big mistake. Dick didn't scold him as a "rough bastard", but kept pulling him to solve the problem, which means Dick has no time to take care of Ye Feng now.

Ye Feng pretended to be stupid and subconsciously opened the distance between himself and Dick. He said, "ah?" go? Now? Where are you going? What are we going to do?

Dick was not used to Ye Feng. He grabbed Ye Feng's arm and dragged him away. He said angrily, "I said, hurry, get in the car!"

Dick went to the garage of the laboratory. After Ye Feng, who looked puzzled, sat in the co pilot seat of the broken aircraft, Dick, who was silent and with a smelly face, drove the aircraft straight up to the sky. All the way to a huge gravel floating in the cosmic asteroid belt. Dick's destination is this isolated island, which has been artificially leveled and on which many rows of warehouse style buildings have been built, wandering in the boundless space.

"What is this place? Are you going to kill me?" Ye Feng said uneasily. "Dick, you don't have to take so much trouble. You just kill me and bury me in the open space behind your experimental building."

"Thank you for reminding me," Dick said angrily. "We'll talk about it later. We're busy now."

"Serious business? What is serious business?"

"You accidentally broke my plan. If I estimate it well, we'll be in big trouble this time," Dick said expressionless. "It's a big trouble. If I can't handle it well, at least I'll have to run away for some time."

"You? Run?" Ye Feng stared at Dick in shock. "Don't you always claim to be able to walk across the universe?"

"Are you serious? You're such an idiot," said Dick contemptuously.

"Damn it!" Ye Feng blushed. "Dick, what happened? I just pressed a few wrong buttons. Why did it cause such serious consequences? Damn it, you're not lying to me."

"I really wish all this was a prank, but unfortunately, it's not," Dick said reluctantly. "If the light switch is pressed in a specific order, it will trigger a destruction program."

Ye Fengmeng forced to look at Dick: "er... You mean, I'm not careful -"

"That's right." Dick nodded helplessly. "Your boy is really powerful. He directly used me as a shield for his mace."

"Can you tell us exactly what happened?" Ye Feng asked. "Maybe we can remedy it."

"It can't be remedied," Dick shook his head. "We can only come and destroy the evidence now."

"Er... What evidence?" Ye Feng stared at Dick awkwardly. In fact, he had some luck in his heart. He thought that all this was not as serious as Dick said. He was just exaggerating.

"Just look."

After arriving at the destination, Dick parked the broken aircraft in front of a warehouse. Dick got out of the car and went straight to the door of the warehouse without saying a word. After being certified by the iris security identification device, Dick opened the door of the warehouse. The old man led Ye Feng into the gloomy and unpopular warehouse.

"Take a shovel."

After a series of complex security procedures, Dick led Ye Feng to a secret room filled with ten beds in the left and right rows. On each of the ten beds in the secret room lay a creature in a coma. Among them, there are the cosmic races that Ye Feng knows, and more aliens that Ye Feng has never seen. They were all dressed in white uniforms and placed a precision instrument beside each bed. It seemed that these instruments were maintaining the normal operation of the lives of the ten sleeping creatures.

Among the aliens lying on the clothes, Ye Feng saw a man who looked like a salted egg Superman, but his body shape was very normal. It seemed that he was not as tall as Ye Feng. Then Ye Feng saw a strong man with exaggerated hairstyle and orange martial arts clothes. Ye Feng thought he looked familiar, but he didn't think of his name for a moment. Then, a small man with an X-shaped scar on his chest came into Ye Feng's sight, and a broken straw hat was hung on the head of his bed. Then Ye Feng saw a special-shaped dog in a device. Yes, it's that kind of special-shaped dog! This makes Ye Feng feel afraid for a while. If this thing is still alive, will he be killed by it? Ye Feng is not sure. He was like asking dick if these people and creatures in this place were his collection? But this question might annoy Dick, so he had to swallow all his doubts and puzzles back to his stomach.

Dick entered the chamber and picked up a shovel on the edge of the door. Then he spoke for the first time to Ye Feng.

"This, this is..."

Looking at the very strange scene in front of me, Ye Feng was stunned... Didn't I accidentally press the wrong light switches? Dick, do you need to make such a mistake? What does a latte shovel do? Dick, why are you staring at these sleeping aliens? Are you going to bury them alive? You must bury them alive! Because I mistook the light switch?

"The death of these people is on your head," Dick said reluctantly.

"Just because I pressed the wrong light button?" Ye Feng couldn't accept the fact. He stared at Dick, who was shaking his head and showing a look of great disappointment with Ye Feng.

"Yes, the life support machines of these big people have lost their function with your" help ". They are all dead." Dick waved his hand and said angrily, "Do you know how hard it took me to bind them? They are the hostages I hold in my hands. I can only be safe if they are still alive. Damn, they are all hiccupping now. Their descendants will know about it sooner or later. If I can't let them talk to these old videos on time, they will cut me. Obviously, all this will happen Born! "

"Can't you fool me?"

"No, there are some things that only they know," Dick said crazily. "But I may be able to make up for it." Dick fell into a deep thought. "If I can catch these old guys in another world in the parallel universe, I may be able to muddle through."

"Great, great, I said there must be a way to the front of the mountain, Dick, let's do it right away." Ye Feng was glad that dick didn't tangle with him.

"You've really caused me a lot of trouble." Dick looked at Ye Feng with disgust. Ye Feng could see his entanglement at the moment. He suspected that Dick was hesitating between killing Ye Feng or not, which made Ye Feng's hanging heart block his throat. He could only hope to get out of the rational decision with Dick. He didn't have the confidence to fight with the crazy old man.

"Give me the job first," Dick said angrily.

"What job?"

"Ink what! Go get a shovel!"

Dick raised his voice, and Ye Feng hurried into a room similar to the storage room on the left side of the entrance door of the secret room. "Click". After Ye Feng entered the storage room, a crisp switch was pulled, which was so obvious in the quiet secret room.

"What are you doing?" Dick asked angrily

Ye Feng stared at Dick awkwardly. He didn't know how to put his hands and feet.

"Ah... I'm in trouble again?"

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