"Hey, can we stop and have a rest?" Dick looked helplessly at Ye Feng. He had just returned to the real world from a memory, but seeing Ye Feng's urgent face, he didn't seem to be ready to take a breath, but wanted to read the next memory directly. It upset Dick. "Hey, you heard me. Can you pause first, damn it, I --"

"Fuck off." Ye Feng ignored Dick completely. He resolutely scolded Dick. Just after reading this memory, Ye Feng, who returned to consciousness, directly picked up a blue memory test tube and inserted it into his helmet.

"Rude little bastard." scolded a dirty word, and Dick reluctantly accepted the transmission of consciousness.


Parallel world 1535 | earth | suburb of a big city in the 1980s | single house garage

"I can't find a zipper!"

Dick rummaged through the garage looking for the lock, but unfortunately, he didn't even find the shadow of the lock. This time when Ye Feng came to the earth in 1535, he begged dick to give him and Kobi a chance to make. Ye Feng happened to find that Kou bi was right about what she saw in TV dramas or movies. Those background stories happened in the 1980s, so Ye Feng was very interested in the movies, so he pestered Dick and took advantage of this vacation to have a good time with Kou Bi in Xindu in the 1980s.

In fact, there are no two cars here and the real world where Ye Feng lives. The roads are still so crowded that stars can only give way to those damn traffic. The sardine can still be a subway in the rush hour. The people walking on the street are still a wooden expression, and seem to be indifferent to everything happening around them. Except that the floor is not as high as it is now, everything seems to be no different from that group of people or that city decades later.

But this still makes Ye Feng feel very excited. Although there is little change in the city, it is still very obvious in the suburbs. There are trees and lawns on both sides of the street. This green area makes Ye Feng feel particularly fresh. In the world he lives in, reinforced concrete has driven all the green out of people's life. It's a paradise on earth to have a pleasant and relaxing holiday in such a place with fresh air, and still stay with Kobi. For Ye Feng, who is almost always trapped in broken things, such a life is simply his dream day. He cherishes every minute and second here. If possible, Ye Feng has a small wish in his heart to live in a quiet place with his beloved woman. He is relaxed and quiet without external interference. He does nothing every day.

But another voice in Ye Feng's heart will ring out. He who loves adventure and travel will come out against the idea. Ye Feng doesn't know whether others have the same contradictions as him. Anyway, he sometimes feels very divided, which makes him sigh how fickle people's hearts are.

For an elf, although there are many differences between the human world and the world she is familiar with, she doesn't have much complaints about her current life. For her, the place where she once lived can't be called "home", but beside Ye Feng, she found the feeling of home. But there are too many women around Ye Feng, which makes her a little dissatisfied. However, Audrey and others are very excellent women, which makes Kobi don't want to win Ye Feng's attention in this way, which will make her look very low.

So she thought of such an attention. It was a careful opportunity for her to relax in a parallel world with Ye Feng. However, in the face of this new world, Kobi was so crazy that she forgot her original intention: to cultivate feelings with Ye Feng. Kou Bi always ran out alone and threw Ye Feng aside, which made Ye Feng feel a little helpless, but he dared to be angry, and even if he said something wrong, he would be beaten.

Because ye Feng and Dick swore to God that they would never go out with Kobi again after shopping with Kobi the previous day. Therefore, in the rest of the days, Kobi went out early in the morning alone and played crazy in New York. When it was dark, she would go back to the house Dick found in the suburbs of New York to rest. Sometimes Kobi would not come, but Ye Feng was not worried about the safety of fairy beauties. After all, Kobi was the only one who bullied others, Cobby, she won't suffer

"By the way, forget it! Damn it, can a small zipper make it harder for me, Dick?"

Dick went to the repair box he had placed on the shelf in the corner of the garage and pulled out a device containing a strange substance like a huge magnet. Dick entered the "pull lock belt" on the screen of the device, and then the device in Dick's hand burst into a golden light, "biubiu, biubiu". Suddenly, a lot of pull lock belts flew from all around, which were all adsorbed on the material similar to the magnet in Dick's hand.

"I'll go!" this surprised Ye Feng who was watching. Is there such a good thing?

"Ah, I'll go! I invented such an NB thing?" Dick exclaimed at the same time. After amnesia, he didn't have a clear concept of his NB level. In his opinion, he must be a very NB person, but Dick didn't know how NB was. But the scene just now gave him a very intuitive visual impact. Obviously, he is a more NB character than he imagined, which made Dick very excited.

"That's not you," said Ye Feng unhappily. "Didn't you just claim that you and dick in your memory are not one person? You are more moral than him."

"Facts have proved me wrong. Damn it, I have to find my memory as soon as possible. Being an NB character like me is a waste of the whole universe. I must take action!" Dick was as excited as chicken blood.

"You can save it. Even if you're an NB character, you're certainly not a good man. You're just an old bastard. You're still the most dangerous one."

Although he lost his memory, Ye Feng still hit the nail on the head in his evaluation of Dick. For Ye Feng, his disgust with Dick has gone deep into the bone marrow. It is not easy to forget his dissatisfaction with Dick through simple amnesia.

"Chain strap."

Turn off the device switch in your hand, and a lot of chain belts adsorbed on it lose their suction and fall to the ground. Dick picked up a chain scattered on the ground and took it to his little invention.

Looking at the magical device that dick put on the table, Ye Feng quietly went to the table and took it in his hand. Ye Feng stealthily played "beauty" on the screen of the device. Suddenly, dozens of mature women in the suburbs flew to Ye Feng's garage. More than a dozen beauties were directly sucked on the device thrown by Ye Feng on the ground, and more beauties hit the walls, beams and gates of the garage in the process of being sucked

"Er... As I thought, Ye Feng, you are a pervert. I won't study your little hobby carefully. You are really a pervert..." Dick gloated at the scene in his memory. For him, this is a good time for Ye Feng to shut his mouth. Dick has been a little tired of Ye Feng's face always standing on the moral commanding heights. He knows one thing very well: all people are bastards, but some are undisguised and some are dignified. It is obvious that maple leaf, like most people, belongs to the latter.

Ye Feng: "fart your family! What's wrong with the setting that I like beauty? Although I must be loyal to Kobi -"

"You? Hum." Dick didn't say any more, but the disdain on his face was very telling.

"..." Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly. He didn't expect that he would do such a thing. He was suddenly not interested in finding it.

Maybe it's better to keep it this way. Ye Feng thought.

"What's going on?"

During this time, Kobi, who never returned early, happened to be back this afternoon. She just saw a lot of enchanting girls being sucked into the garage of her house by unknown forces. Kobi turned her shocked eyes to the expressionless Dick. The latter calmly pointed to Ye Feng standing aside, stunned by the "spectacular scene" caused by his actions.

"He did it."

"Ye Feng!"

"Don't hit your face!!!!!"


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"You really have a good relationship with her," Dick said with emotion. "This girl named cobby doesn't know what she likes about you."

"Nonsense, of course, I am good and handsome." Ye Feng replied.

"Do you think you're talking human?"

"Why is it not human?" Ye Feng looked at Dick discontentedly. "Am I not handsome?"

"Mind my shit?"

"Am I bad?"

"No," Dick shook his head and said firmly, "you're an asshole. I thought we had reached a consensus on this matter."

"... we only reached a consensus on the view that you are an old bastard." Ye Feng said angrily, "anyway, it must be the flash on me that attracted the elf sister, or why do you think she followed me wholeheartedly?"

"Maybe it's for the people. Who will go to hell if she doesn't go to hell?" Dick said seriously. "And I did find an advantage in you."

"Hum, with you, I have countless advantages," said Ye Feng.

"You're really resistant to beating." Dick said, "for other people, Coby may have killed him at this time. You see, you're still making a fool of yourself like nobody else." Dick pointed to Coby, who was knocked down by Coby in his memory, and lamented Ye Feng's strong resistance.

"You know a fart!" Ye Feng argued cunningly. "In fact, Kobi didn't use much strength. She --"

"The cement floor is open. How much strength do you want?" Dick asked Ye Feng, pointing to the smashed cement floor.

"Er... Hit me and hurt her. Didn't you notice the expression on Coby's face? She -"

"The excitement on her face doesn't seem to be having fun at all," Dick said. "She doesn't seem to stop at all. I'll be good. She's really energetic."

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