"Are you sick?"

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't stop, he picked up a memory test tube and wanted to read the memory fragments in the memory test tube. Dick looked at him impatiently. In fact, Dick is a little bored.

"Fuck off, if you don't want to see it, just go up and stay." Ye Feng said impatiently.

"Shit! If I knew how to disconnect this link, I wouldn't be fooling around with you!" Dick said angrily. What makes him feel very helpless is that for Dick, this is really a problem to be solved. He doesn't know how to disconnect the link with Ye Feng's consciousness.

Although he didn't wear the device that looked a little brain disabled on his head, and even there was no line connected to Dick's body at all, he would be pulled close to Ye Feng's memory. Dick himself, of course, is responsible for all this. How to enter other people's memory anytime and anywhere is not a matter for Dick at all. In order to meet his evil taste, he has made a lot of inventions. At the moment, one of them has made Dick very uncomfortable.


Parallel world 1535 | earth | suburb of a big city in the 1980s | single house garage | three days later than the time of the last memory segment

This memory fragment is the memory fragment read by Ye Feng immediately, because in the same environment, the only difference is the redness, swelling and bruise of the melon seeds in the brain of Ye Feng. As for the injury on the body that did not leak out, it is not clear

"You didn't get into the hospital by your Corby. Your boy's physique is very good," Dick said teasingly. Ye Feng didn't hear Dick's words and ignored his ridicule.

"Shut up and focus on memory," said Ye Feng.

In the memory, he and Dick are talking about something. Although Ye Feng in the memory is not wearing the memory reading device on his head, from the strange shape, there is no doubt that this device must have been invented by Dick. In fact, Dick in his memory stood beside Ye Feng in his memory. He looked very helpless and seemed to be worried about the device he invented.

"I'm really a genius inventor," Dick said triumphantly. "You have to admit this. I'm not only handsome, but also a very deep and talented person. I don't want some people. I only know to ask for things from others without a trace of gratitude."

"Shut up, you old bastard." Ye Feng said impatiently, "I don't know if you are a genius, but you are absolutely gifted in annoying people."

"You're jealous of me."

"Yes, if you say so, you can shut your mouth." Ye Feng turned his eyes angrily. If possible, he hoped that dick would not appear when browsing these past memories. At least he could take care of his mouth and not always act like a little aunt.

"Why do you want me to install this instrument for you?" Dick in his memory sat in a chair and connected a small radar to the strange device on maple leaf's head. The old guy has some questions. Why did Ye Feng suddenly transfer his love for beauty to this?

"Who doesn't want to talk to animals, Dick?" said Ye Feng, who was black and blue. The reason why he begged dick to make a small device to kill time for himself was very simple. Ye Feng was afraid of being killed by Kobi

Since he can't get in touch with beautiful women anymore (Ye Feng knows Kobi's temper very well. For his own safety, he absolutely doesn't want to touch Kobi's mildew recently, which means that Ye Feng must stay away from all heterosexuals with nose and eyes), Ye Feng never chatted with the male neighbors around or went to the bar to drink, Or go fishing by the river. For Ye Feng, these activities are not attractive to him, so he has to focus on small animals.

From a very young age, Ye Feng had a dream that he was embarrassed to say: he wanted to communicate freely with small animals. Ye Feng can't remember why he had this idea, but similar ideas have been rooted in his mind. When he was blasted by Kobi a few days ago, he tried his best to control his mind from his body, which made him feel better in the flood of attack.

Just as he was wandering, Ye Feng suddenly thought of this idea, a small childhood wish that had been abandoned by him in the corner. Since you can't communicate with humans, talk to small animals!

After thinking of this idea, Ye Feng found Dick and told him his idea at the first time when he could walk down the ground. Originally, Ye Feng was ready to be mercilessly ridiculed by Dick, but to his surprise, Dick did not show too much contempt after listening to Ye Feng's request (in fact, Dick ridiculed and abused Ye Feng at the first time, but it was much better than Dick's face in Ye Feng's imagination), Half an hour later, after pouring out all the dirty words to Ye Feng, Dick reluctantly nodded. After all, this thing is bound to be more difficult for Ye Feng, but for the great Dick, it's just a simple thing to do. Although Ye Feng didn't know why the serious expression on his face was, Ye Feng, who was excited, didn't care more about Dick's neurotic mood.

But facts have proved that when the expression on Dick's face is mounted, you should think about what it is because. For Dick who is used to seeing the big scene, it must be not easy to make him change color.

The next day, Dick gave the device to Ye Feng. Ye Feng couldn't wait to take the device and ran outside the house to have a good communication with the small animals. He always wanted to ask pet cats why these pet cats are a master's style for their owners. Do they know their true identity?

"Communicate with animals? Damn it, most people don't want to! Well, install it and don't get yourself into trouble." Dick told Ye Feng, who couldn't wait to limp out of the garage.

But Ye Feng, who was excited, didn't take what Dick said as one thing at all. After all, how could talking to animals be dangerous for him?

"Keep moving and don't stop. Up, down, down, up, up, down, up, stop, and down -" the thing Dick made sure worked. Ye Feng ran to the flowers in the street and listened to the hummingbirds talking to themselves among the flowers.

"The queen ant needs food, the children need food, and the queen ant has children."

Ye Feng looked down at the sound. It was a long string of small ants. They walked in a neat queue with food on their backs. I have to say that it's fun and interesting to be able to understand the words of animals. Ye Feng limps leisurely and comfortably in the streets of the suburbs. The green coverage of this place is very complete. Looking at the lush trees and listening to the whispers of squirrels on the branches, Ye Feng feels very relaxed. Er, what are these squirrels talking about?

"Facts have proved that the situation of" giant root Ting "is not as convenient as expected." what the squirrel said made Ye Feng completely confused.

Should this be what the squirrel said? Ye Feng stopped, listened carefully, and couldn't see any strange ordinary squirrels sneaking together in the tree, although what they said was some creepy topics for Ye Feng.

A squirrel without an arm said in a very formal tone: "we will shake their roots again, gather the anger that can be aroused from top to bottom, plan a huge accident, and then change the human world."

A squirrel shook his head and said, "just like a Tu Martin?"

"Yes, but speed up."

Ye Feng followed the two squirrels who said something that seemed not to be the topic that animals should discuss, watched them jump from one frontal tree to another, and a squirrel from this tree joined their conversation.

The squirrel said solemnly, "we need to gather to choose a new chief who is really easy to control. In case something goes wrong with Emmon / monment United at the critical moment."

"Why not use the wake of the plane to spray chemicals? Spray all over the sky of waganda. They're easy to be in any... What's the matter?"

One of the three squirrels suddenly stopped the conversation between the other two squirrels. It pointed to the leaf maple with a big mouth standing under the tree. The other two squirrels found the existence of leaf maple at this time.

"The strange looking man is looking at us," said the squirrel.

Another squirrel said disapprovingly, "so what? We're squirrels. He's just a deformed human."

The squirrel with the highest vigilance whispered, "he looks at us as if he understands us."

"Hey, freak, boy? Come here, come here!"

Knowing that he had attracted the attention of these obviously wrong squirrels, Ye Feng quickly turned around and began to walk along the street to the garage. What does this NIMA have? The earth in this parallel world, why do squirrels living on it talk about major events he doesn't understand!? Make a big change? Chemicals? Are you kidding? In addition to eating and drinking, isn't your only vocation selling cute? Why are these squirrels so scary? It seems that they are controlling the world.

Ye Feng suddenly felt his back cool. When he couldn't understand the language of these animals, he naively thought that the things they discussed might be how much they ate today and how much shit they poured on the passing big humans. Ye Feng didn't expect that these little things were discussing such a terrible topic. From their serious expression, Ye Feng doesn't think he happened to meet some psychopaths among squirrels. He realized in horror that maybe people in this parallel world really live under the control of these seemingly lovely and harmless little animals, and he happened to be discovered by this group of damn squirrels. These little cute people are likely to kill Ye Feng because their secrets were discovered by Ye Feng, For these squirrels, it must not be an unusual thing to be a person. Ye Feng saw some kind of madness and cruelty that frightened him from these lovely eyes. There is no doubt that these squirrels must be abnormal among some squirrels, although Ye Feng doesn't know what normal squirrels should look like

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