"You can pull it down," jenma said dismissively.

"We should call Audrey back," Chu Qian said.

"By the way, what has she been doing recently?" Ye Feng asked curiously, "I haven't seen Audrey since I came back this time."

"She went to the field to carry out her mission. She didn't tell anyone what it was." Kate returned to Dudu.

"Well, call her and let her hurry back. By the way, don't forget to tell her that I miss her." Ye Feng said bitterly.

"Just call her yourself," Gemma said.

"Me? I'd better forget it." Ye Feng shook his head. "She doesn't eat me."

"So you know," said Gemma. "You're an idiot in this respect."

"Hey, I'm not as boring as you say."

"You have." jenma nodded seriously, and others nodded, which made Ye Feng very speechless.

"Kate, you can move in during this time," said Ye Feng. "In this way, we can protect you. If you live alone, I don't trust you."

"Yes, sister Kate, it's rare for Ye Feng to say human words once. You can move here." jenma echoed.

"It's rare to say human words once? Are you praising me?" Ye Feng looked at jenma helplessly. He has nothing to do with this clever little girl. For Gemma, an ancient and strange girl, although Ye Feng sometimes has itchy teeth, he still loves Gemma very much. After all, this little girl is not only a hacker genius, but also a good hand in investment. Ye Feng has handed over all her property to Gemma to take care of. Of course, this doesn't mean that Gemma is of great value. Ye Feng doesn't dare to do anything about her. The relationship between him and Gemma has experienced several life and death tests. For Ye Feng, this little girl with red hair is his family and the person he cherishes.

Although jenma always runs against Ye Feng, Ye Feng can feel the indestructible fetters between herself and her. It is precisely because they believe in each other that they can often fight and make trouble. For them, they will never be really angry with each other, which is one of the reasons why their relationship is so strong.

"Is it convenient?"

Kate was moved by Ye Feng's proposal. Since Jane and Gemma moved to Ye Feng's house, Kate returned to live alone again and felt a loneliness she had never experienced before. Especially she can't see Ye Feng often, which makes her don't want to go back to the cold apartment. Of course, Kate knows that even if she lives with Ye Feng, Ye Feng often disappears for a period of time, and then appears again inexplicably. But being able to stay with others is also a very happy thing for Kate.

In fact, Kate will come here as soon as she has time to chat with Jane or Chu Qian for a while. This has become one of her ways to relax. She had thought about moving in, but she never found a suitable opportunity to talk to Ye Feng about it. This time, Ye Feng was able to take the initiative to bring it up, which made Kate very happy.

However, in order to remain reserved, Kate didn't show her happiness on her face. She just asked others for their opinions on the matter.

"Why not? If you can come and live, I agree with both hands and feet." jenma said exaggerated.

"This is Ye Feng's house. He has the right to let anyone live in." Chu Qian said with a smile, "welcome to live here."

"That's great," Rihanna said.

"Welcome," Jane nodded.

"OK, I'll move in with you," Kate said excitedly.

"You, Ye Feng, go and help sister Kate move now," jenma said to Ye Feng.


"Yes, hurry up," jenma urged Ye Feng.

"Well, I see, Kate, you come back with me and we'll go to your apartment." Ye Feng stood up and walked to the door.

"Uh... OK."

Kate was very happy when she walked out of the building with Ye Feng. She hasn't been alone with Ye Feng for some time.

"You drive."

Ye Feng told Kate that he sat in the co driver's seat of Kate's car.

"OK." Kate got into the car, started the car and drove towards her apartment. Because she is not far away, Kate drives very slowly. She drives slowly in the spacious street. Suddenly, she feels that it is not very comfortable to have no traffic jam.

If only I could be packed on the road now. Kate thought of it helplessly.

"Just go back and tidy up a little," said Ye Feng. "Just take a few clothes for washing. You don't have to take too many things."

"Why? You don't want me to stay with you?" Kate said with some bad taste.

"Of course not. I mean, you don't need to take too many things. You don't need to. You can hire a moving company for the rest. I don't want to be tired. And look at the sports car you drive. There's no room for luggage at all." Ye Feng reluctantly spread his hand. "Kate, of course I hope to see you as soon as I open my eyes every day."

"Do you really think so?" Kate was sweet in her heart, but on the surface, she didn't show anything. She was still as usual.

"Of course, don't you know my heart?"

"I don't know." Kate shook her head seriously. "Who knows what you're thinking all day?" her tone was a little sad. Although Ye Feng has performed well during this period and has not brought beautiful women home, Kate is worried that he will not maintain this state for a long time. Maybe it won't take long for Ye Feng to make a large group of unknown beautiful women appear. He is a person who can do that kind of thing.

"Hey, of course what I think about day by day is you." Ye Feng said sarcastic love words.

"Don't be kidding, I don't know your character yet, hum." although Kate is glad to hear this, she knows that Ye Feng is not a safe person at all. Even if he resists himself from flirting, he can't hold a woman to pounce on him. Although she doesn't want to admit it, Kate has to face this situation, Ye Feng is so attractive to women.

"Kate, good." Ye Feng wanted to hold Kate's hand on the gear, but the latter directly shook off Ye Feng's hand.

"Come on, I'm driving."

"All right."

Soon, when Kate and Ye Feng were both sorry, Kate drove to her apartment. They walked into the building and went straight to Kate's apartment. Ye Feng sat in the living room of Kate's apartment, bored watching the TV program. He originally wanted to help Kate pack together, but Kate directly rejected his request, which shattered Ye Feng's assumption of entering Kate's boudoir. He had to wait for Kate to pack her luggage in boredom.

Just let a woman pack her bags and don't set a time limit for her, the process will fall into infinity. When Ye Feng fell asleep unconsciously, he was awakened by Kate. At this time, Ye Feng found that he had slept in the sofa in the living room. When Ye Feng opened his eyes again, the sky outside was completely dark. Even without looking at his watch, Ye Feng knew that he had slept for a long time. What made him feel helpless was that Kate standing in front of him still didn't collect her luggage.

"How long have I slept?"

"Not long, just two and a half hours?" Kate looked at her watch and said to Ye Feng.

"Two and a half hours? Damn it! How could I sleep so long." Ye Feng looked behind Kate and didn't see the suitcase. "Haven't you finished tidying up?" he stared at Kate in shock.

"Soon, I'll have a rest and then do it." Kate wiped the sweat on her head and said to Ye Feng.

"You've been sorting it out for hours, but you haven't finished it yet? I've had enough..." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"Why, you don't want to stay with me? You can go out if you don't want to." Kate narrowed her eyes and stared at Ye Feng.

"How could it be? Of course I want to stay with you. If it could be a lifetime, it would be better." Ye Feng said, "Hey, Kate." Ye Feng opened his arms.

"Well, I can't help you." Kate went to Ye Feng and gave him a big hug.

"That's right." after Ye Feng hugged Kate, he was not ready to give up. He sat on the sofa with her. "I miss you so much."

"Cut, I don't believe it," said Kate with a red face. "If you really miss me, why don't you come to me?"

"I've had something before," said Ye Feng. "Although I can't remember what I've experienced, I don't think it's worth remembering. In fact, Kate, I have a little pain in my head recently and feel that I can't remember some things."

"Really?" Kate looked at Ye Feng with a frown and said with concern, "is she sick?"

"It shouldn't be. How can I get sick with such a good body?" Maple Leaf shook his head. "Don't talk about these things. Enjoying now is what we should do most."

"No, don't move your hands. This is my apartment," Kate said with a red face.

"I'm not in a hurry anyway. It's rare that there are only two of us." Ye Feng said.

"That's not good either." Kate broke free from Ye Feng's arms. "I'm going to pack up. Go back to sleep."

"... all right."

Ye Feng regretfully watched Kate disappear into the bedroom.

"I should be stronger." Ye Feng regretted.

But Ye Feng is just talking. He never forces his woman to do anything. He knows very well that he can't give Kate a perfect love, so he always has enough patience with Kate. Even if Kate finally chooses to put down this relationship with Ye Feng, Ye Feng will bless Kate in addition to sadness. He knows that Kate deserves a perfect relationship and she needs someone who can be good to her wholeheartedly.

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