"Why did you go so long?"

When Ye Feng dragged her suitcase and Kate back home again, Gemma looked at them suspiciously. "Don't tell me you've packed so much in these hours.

"I slept at Kate's house - er... Don't look at me like this, ouch." Ye Feng was pinched by Kate, and he said discontentedly, "It's red! I took a rest in Kate's apartment for a while. She didn't let me help her pack, so I can only take a nap. As for why it took so long, ask Kate. I'm more helpless than you."

"Is that so?" Gemma looked at Kate.

"Of course, I have selection difficulties, you know," Kate said with a slight blush. "When I decided to bring that dress, I admit that I had considered it a little longer."

"That's not a little longer! Kate, you're wasting your life. I really don't understand why you become so assertive when you're working..." Ye Feng lay down in the living room, looking like you can't love.

"Well, I see. From the unhappy expression on Ye Feng's face, it's not difficult to infer that he didn't succeed." Gemma said triumphantly, "sister Kate, let's go up and tidy up your room for you. I'll help you." Gemma volunteered to carry the suitcase and walked to the second floor.

"You'd better not let Gemma interfere. Her help will only make things more difficult. I advise you to go to Chu Qian. She is a good hand in housework. Also, don't tell Gemma what I said. This little girl will annoy me." Ye Feng whispered to Kate.

"OK, I see. I can handle it myself," Kate said with a smile.

"You? You're not much better than the girl Jemma." Ye Feng's disdainful tone made Kate very unhappy. She gave Ye Feng a kick directly, and then quickly walked up the stairs to the second floor.

"Fortunately, the house I bought is big enough, otherwise it's not enough to live." Ye Feng whispered.

This house was bought by Ye Feng in order to realize the illegal ideal of sleeping together, but in fact, it has become a gathering place for Ye Feng's confidants. Except Rihanna, others have never spent the night in the same bedroom with Ye Feng. Ye Feng wanted to fight for it before, but after being beaten by Chu Qian and them, he decided to do it It's better to let it go. He really doesn't want to enjoy the pain of lying in bed for half a month. He has been broken by dozens of bones.

There are many rooms in this house, and no one has even lived in the bedroom on the first floor. However, Chu Qian and other women have a very clear attitude. Ye Feng is forbidden to bring strange women she doesn't know into this house. Even women who have been having an affair with Ye Feng can't live in this house unless this person can be unanimously recognized by Chu Qian and other women.

In other words, Ye Feng has no right to take other women to stay in the house he bought. Even if this is his home, he has no right. He doesn't have all the rights. At least Ye Feng is paying all kinds of bills. Of course, no one has asked Ye Feng's opinions on this matter, and Ye Feng has never been here Say any more on the issue.

Facing the elder sisters like Jane and Kou Bi, who only know how to spend money and never know how to make money, Ye Feng's savings can still be maintained in front of him, so Ye Feng has no idea of going out to flirt with the grass in the short term. He hasn't served these elder sisters at home. He can't mention the idea of going out at the moment.

Beautiful women are always smart, but smart women are usually difficult to deal with. They are full of ideas and can't be dealt with by simple tricks. Ye Feng will ask himself how lucky he is to live under the same roof with so many attractive women. But Ye Feng sometimes thinks he is so unfortunate. These beautiful women , he can only see from a distance and can't blaspheme

"It's really a kind of suffering..." Ye Feng often sighs because of this thing.

Facts have proved that it is a very wise choice for Kate to move out of her apartment.

A few days later, when Kate and Ye Feng went back to their previous apartment to pick up things, Kate found that her apartment had been entered. Although the intruder was very careful and left almost no trace, careful Kate still found traces of someone entering and leaving the apartment.

"Ye Feng, look, this drawer has been opened." Kate pointed to a cabinet in her bedroom and said, "when I left last time, I pinned some hair in the crevice of the drawer. Now these hair have fallen in place."

"Well, indeed, Kate, you should be careful." Ye Feng immediately took out his weapon and carefully looked at his apartment. "Don't talk." he said to Kate with his mouth, "I'll check whether there is a monitor or a pinhole probe."

After careful inspection, Ye Feng didn't find such monitoring equipment in Kate's apartment. He gave a sigh of relief and said to Kate, "you are still very dangerous. If you hadn't moved to me a few days ago, you might have had an accident now."

"Maybe." Kate's face was very ugly. She found several evidence that someone had entered. After her sorting of the items, she didn't find the missing items. "Their goal should be me. Some valuable things in the room have not been taken away, which shows that the people in and out of here are not ordinary thieves."

"Well... It's all right. You hurry up. We'll take a detour when we go back. Maybe someone is watching our whereabouts." Ye Feng said.

"Then I can't stay with you. It's too dangerous," Kate said eagerly. "Maybe you'll be in danger, too."

"We?" Ye Feng said disapprovingly, "Kate, are you confused? If those people really find our house, they may be the ones killed by the regiment. Think about it, who can survive the joint attack of Chu Qian, Jane and CORBI? Even the handsome me can't pay the three of them together. What I'm worried about is that our innocent neighbors may be affected So I'm going to stop those malicious people from following us on the way back. "Ye Feng said easily," you don't need to worry too much. You just need to ensure your safety. They can't hurt you or turn over much waves. "

"Well, you're right about me. Let's go," Kate said.

"Don't you need to tidy up?"

"Buy a new one."


On the way back, Ye Feng, sitting in the co driver's seat, has been paying close attention to whether Kate's car has been tracked, but he has not found any similar signs. The two people returned to Ye Feng's house very smoothly.

After telling jenma what happened, the girl with high IQ immediately began to act. She held her laptop and began to work. Ye Feng knew that jenma knew what she was doing, and he couldn't help. He simply went to the kitchen to harass Chu Qian who cooked dinner. Kate still looked worried. Although she couldn't help, she stayed with her all the time Next to Gemma, watching her dance on the keyboard.

"Ye Feng, I found something!"

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Feng, who was kissing Chu Qian in the kitchen, heard the cry from the living room. He quickly released Chu Qian in his arms. The latter stared at him, and then pushed him away from the kitchen. After Chu Qian drove him out of the kitchen, Ye Feng walked to the guest room. He wanted to see what zhenma found.

"What?" Ye Feng walked to jenma's side and asked as if nothing had happened. When he noticed that Kate and jenma's faces were very ugly and were staring at their cheeks, Ye Feng awkwardly wiped his face with the back of his hand, "I was just using lip gloss."


Jemma snorted coldly and didn't say anything. She took out a bathroom. Ye Feng quickly wiped off the lipstick print on her face.

"Look, this is the person who entered sister Kate's apartment." Gemma pointed to a vague figure on the surveillance screen. "This person is sneaky. He's not a good man at first sight. Look, he went downstairs on the floor where sister Kate's apartment is located." as the picture turned, Gemma called out the camera in the corridor, "But he didn't appear in the corridor at the same time. He seemed to disappear in place. No one knew where he went except the elevator."

"Has anyone modified the surveillance video?" Ye Feng asked.

"Yes, it should be. His accomplice hacked into the system and erased the man from the video. It's just a small trick. It's OK to replace it with a video in which no one has been walking in the corridor for some other time," Gemma said, "In fact, the video we saw before has also been processed. I can restore it because they are not as powerful as me." Gemma said proudly. "In front of me, these little tricks are hardly worth mentioning."

"All right, where's the original picture?"

"This is it." jenma called up a video. After watching it for a while, Ye Feng didn't find any difference between this thing and the previous video.

"What's the difference?"

"Look carefully, Ye Feng, see? This man has the same ability as a chameleon. He makes himself the same color as the surrounding scenery. You see, he is moving slowly against the wall!" jenma said excitedly.

"I'll go. It's true when you say it. I didn't find this man just now."

Ye Feng exclaimed in surprise. As described by Gemma, in the picture, Ye Feng saw a person moving forward in the picture. He had integrated into the wall of the corridor. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't tell which person was moving slowly. This person is like a chameleon, which is very magical.

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