"Look, this man approached the door of sister Kate's room, and then, uh, went in." jenma pointed to the scene happening on the screen and said to Ye Feng and Kate, "obviously, his unlocking ability was first-class. He hardly stopped, so he opened the door of the apartment, and then he went in."

"It doesn't take much clever unlocking skills to open the anti-theft door like Kate's house. Believe me, that kind of thing can play a limited role," Ye Feng said.

"You still have a lot of experience in this field." Kate glanced at Ye Feng.

"Rich experience, rich experience, ha ha ha, it doesn't matter. How long did he stay there?" Ye Feng asked zhenma.

"It's not long, it's less than a quarter of an hour. He didn't seem to have anything in his hand when he left." Gemma adjusted the video speed. When the chameleon man came out of the room and closed the door quietly, he really didn't have anything in his hand.

"His goal may be Kate herself." Ye Feng analyzed, "after discovering that you are not at home, he simply searched your apartment and found nothing, so he had to leave bitterly. This explanation is very reasonable."

"Maybe, who knows what's going on in the minds of these bastards," Gemma said.

"There is no doubt that they want to attack Kate." Ye Feng looked at Kate. "How do you feel?"

"I don't feel much." Kate didn't tell the truth. She didn't want to be too weak. She said stubbornly, "I haven't encountered similar things for the first time. It's nothing. They won't scare me."

"At least they are still sneaking, but Kate, it's not my alarmism. It's definitely not a relaxing thing for a group of super capable guys to stare at you. Well, you'd better take a leave for a while and don't go out recently," Ye Feng said.


"I can't let you take any risks until I'm sure you're safe. You're likely to be killed on the way to work. Do you know that these fugitives who dare to blow up the prison really won't blow up your place of work?" Ye Feng asked.

"I --"

"For the sake of your colleagues, you should also leave work for a few days," Ye Feng advised. "They are innocent. We can't be sure that those crazy people think so."

"This video happened a few days ago, and I haven't been unharmed these days?" Kate has been persuaded by Ye Feng, but she still tries to say a few words. For the stubborn Kate, if she can't completely convince her in reason, she won't give up easily. This is a remarkable feature of her. Ye Feng can't say whether this is a bit or a disadvantage. In a word, Kate is a headache for those who discuss with her.

"They are probably making plans to kill you. You can't give them such a chance," Ye Feng said solemnly. "Think about it. When you were at work, a suspicious package was sent to your office and" boom " You and that beautiful police station have become ruins, and your colleagues have died because of you, because you don't want to relax at home for a few days, but you have to die - "

"All right!" Kate shouted angrily. "I know. I'll just take a few days off. Stop talking!"

"That's good. I knew you were a very rational person who could listen to other people's suggestions -"

"Shut up, you really hate it. Anyway, it will work well without me. Deputy director Mike has long wanted me to rest for a while. He has been expecting something from me." Kate muttered discontentedly.

"I heard that Mike was parachuted into your bureau?" Ye Feng was gloomy. She heard jenma talk about it.

"That's right." Kate sighed helplessly, "it still thinks that I'm too young as the director of NYPD. Damn it, I've been over thirty -"

"It's only over 30." Ye Feng said rationally, "as the police chief of an international metropolis, your qualifications are really very shallow. Needless to say, when you became the chief, you were almost 50 years old?"

"Also... Oh, no, anyway, this Mike has never been with me. He thinks he is the one who gives orders," Kate said.

"You must be full of contradictions when you get along with such a person."

Ye Feng knows Kate's character very well. It's the only one. If other people's suggestions can convince her, Kate will adopt them, but the problem is that few people can convince her. At least on most issues, Kate is quite right, which makes her more believe in her own views than others. This character makes Kate a decisive person, but because of this, she is also a difficult person to live with. Kate is undoubtedly the best commander if she only carries out orders. But if you want to work together, Kate has become the most difficult partner to communicate.

Kate's character is trusted by her subordinates most of the time, but she must also be responsible for the decisions she makes. In the process of fighting crime, there will be more and more sacrifices. In this case, because all decisions are made by Kate, she also needs to bear all the responsibilities alone. Kate has lost more than one colleague in her more than ten years of work experience. Every time she thinks of the names of these dead people, she will feel a deep sadness, but she also knows her responsibility to protect the safety of the new city. Even if she bears great pressure in her heart, Kate will never give up, let alone withdraw from the front line. In fact, as a commander, she can stay in the safe rear, but whenever she takes action, Kate will come to the scene and command. For her, all this has become her instinct and a habit. She wants to participate in it rather than enjoy it.

"You're right," Kate admitted, "but according to your tone, it seems that it's my fault?"

"Of course it's not your problem, it's Mike's business. I guess he must be an old man? That kind of annoying old man who has nothing to think about in some aspects?" Ye Feng asked nervously.

"Really, you start to be rude when you talk." Kate stretched out her hand and gave Ye Feng a brain jump.

"Ah, damn it, I didn't find it..." jenma, who hasn't spoken for a long time, muttered and closed the laptop on her lap. "Unable to find the whereabouts of the chameleon, he deliberately avoided the camera. He was really good at finding a dead corner in the city streets with so many cameras."

"Really? This guy is quite professional," said Ye Feng anxiously. "You see, Kate, a group of very professional people are planning to harm you. You must pay attention to this matter."

"How can I take it seriously? I've already asked for leave." Kate reluctantly shook her mobile phone. "It seems that recently, I can only hold in this house. I can't go out or enter the door."

"Very good, just take a holiday for yourself." Ye Feng pretended to be relaxed and said.

"I hope so."

Kate's mood is not high.

Although she can rest for a while, for Kate's workaholic character, what really makes her happy is the moment when she achieves results after hard work. But for Kate, who has been working for a long time, it is also a good pastime to take a few days off.

But what Kate can't let go of is that there seems to be a group of super criminals ready to move in her city. Their goal is her. Kate is worried that if she doesn't show up, these unscrupulous bastards will think of some ways Kate doesn't want to see to lure her out.

If someone is really hurt because of herself, Kate absolutely doesn't want to see it. She would rather be hurt than innocent people get involved in such bad things because of herself. However, Ye Feng can't be indifferent to her concern. If she knows that someone wants to deal with her, she still decides to give each other a chance. What Ye Feng said is also likely to happen. Her colleagues or passers-by who just happened to cross her shoulder may be in danger.

Now this situation makes Kate very uncomfortable. She didn't expect that Gatsby really came to her for revenge after he escaped from prison. Kate believes that the chameleon in the previous video must have a connection with Gatsby. They should be a group of people. The two events happened at too many coincidence points. Kate didn't believe that the chameleon was just an accidental whim and wanted to go into Kate's apartment to find out.

Leaving the hall on the first floor, Kate walked up to the second floor and entered her room. Lying on the bed in the room, Kate stared at the ceiling in a daze.

She managed to live in the big house naturally, but she was really unhappy. There are too many things bothering her, Gatsby's threat, and the relationship between her and Ye Feng. Kate suddenly felt very tired. She slowly closed her eyes and wanted to enter the dream to escape all the things that bothered her.

At the same time, Ye Feng, sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor, was raising his head and looking thoughtfully at the direction of Kate's room on the second floor. Gemma has returned to her room on the second floor. Ye Feng knows that she is going to investigate. Ye Feng sat alone in the living room of Nuo University, thinking about Kate's current situation in silence.

When Kate went upstairs just now, Ye Feng wanted to stop her and say something comforting to her, but after seeing the serious expression on Kate's face, Ye Feng didn't know what he should say. Tell her not to be afraid? No, Kate is different from Ye Feng. Although she is equally strong, she is just a woman with better skills than ordinary people. She is an ordinary person. Of course, she will feel fear.

Moreover, Ye Feng knows Kate's character very well. Her worry must include the fear that others may be involved. Kate is undoubtedly suffering. But in this regard, the power of words is extremely limited. Ye Feng knows what he should do at this time. He must catch those bastards who want to attack Kate as soon as possible, fix them well, and throw them into the dark cell!

"Don't worry, Kate, everything has me." Ye Feng said firmly.

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