When he saw Adelin coming out with his suitcase at the airport, Ye Feng ran to her excitedly. He stretched out his arms and gave Edlin a big hug.

"I miss you so much."

"You miss me?" Adeline asked with a smile. "Since you miss me, why don't you see me?"

"I've been a little busy recently. You know, I've always been involved in all kinds of things, such as rescuing an alien princess or chasing a pirate by the elves. In short, there are many things in particular. I really don't have kung fu." Ye Feng said, "I don't even sleep at home."

"Well, I believe you," Adeline smiled. "You do disappear from the earth from time to time, and you don't know where you've gone."

Wherever you can go, you're running around the universe with Dick. Ye Feng is thinking in his heart.

"How can you be sure I'm not on earth?" with a suitcase in one hand and Adelin's shoulder in the other hand, Ye Feng walked out of the airport with her.

"Don't underestimate the shield bearer alliance," adlin said. "It's not very difficult for us to confirm whether a person is on earth, especially you are still so, uh, prominent."

"I like this sentence, sister, get in the car." Ye Feng put the suitcase in the trunk of the sports car he came, and then the gentleman opened the door for Edlin and let her sit in the co pilot's position.

"This car is not bad," Edlin said to Ye Feng in the driver's seat.

"I borrowed it," replied Ye Feng casually.

The sports car he drives is Gemma's car. Although the little girl won't go out for ten days and a half months, who makes her rich? Even after the driver's license test, Gemma almost never touched the steering wheel, but she bought such a sports car. It's really rich and willful.

"Well, where are we going?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry."

"Then let's go straight to business." Ye Feng couldn't wait to start the sports car and drove to the five-star Hotel nearest to the airport.

"... you are still that smelly virtue," Adelin said helplessly.

Three hours later, Edlin and Ye Feng sat in a restaurant to replenish their lost strength.

"You still make me unable to extricate myself as before," said Ye Feng.

"This idiom really makes me unable to look directly at it." Adelin patted Ye Feng's hand and smiled bitterly. "Let's talk about business."

"Too soon. We'll talk about it tomorrow -"

"I'm here about Gatsby," adlin said. "The shield alliance is worried that Gatsby and his gang will pose a great danger to Xindu."

"By the way, can I ask a question?" said Ye Feng.


"Is it a coincidence that you lived downstairs in my apartment?"

Since knowing that Adelin is a senior agent of the shield bearer alliance, Ye Feng's heart suddenly overflowed with countless doubts. He first felt confused whether the encounter between Adelin and him was just a simple coincidence or another situation he didn't want to face. He had to ask the answer to the question.

"Of course not," adlin shook his head, "I was ordered to observe you secretly. At that time, my ex husband and I had just divorced, and he had been pestering me, so I took the initiative to stop the task that no one wanted to undertake, that is, to observe you. But the shield alliance can't determine whether you are a threat. In fact, they still don't know whether you are a friend."

"Of course it's a friend. I'm a hero," said Ye Feng discontentedly. "And I'm such a popular person that no one wants to undertake the task of observing me? I don't believe it."

"It's true," Adeline said helplessly. "I was still thinking about how to get close to you. Unexpectedly, you suddenly appeared on my balcony and were shot."

"Hey, stop talking. That was the biggest stain in my life." Ye Feng said helplessly, "is our relationship really true? Because of you, I have been abused by my ex husband..." Ye Feng recalled his past with fear. He suddenly found that he had been played by the ex husband and wife all over

"Of course it's true," said Edlin. "Although we didn't start because of fate, our feelings are real. Otherwise, why do you think captain victory sent you a task?"

"Isn't it because he wants to pit me?" asked Ye Feng.

"Of course, there are reasons for that," Edlin said.

"I knew it!"

"Back to Gatsby. The grudge between you and captain victory's silly boy is not the key thing now, is it?" said adlin. "I heard that your old-fashioned office was blown up by Gatsby's people?"

"She's not my old friend. We haven't been together for a long time, and our relationship is not very close, unlike you and me." Ye Feng gestured a dirty gesture, which made Edlin's cheeks blush slightly.

"I don't care about you and those women," said Edlin. "I'm not here to have fun with you, but to solve Gatsby's gang."

"The shield bearer alliance must have a lot of intelligence." Ye Feng asked.

"Of course." Adeline nodded. "We've been tracking down these people for some time. In fact, I'm the main person in charge of the relevant action."

"Come on, I don't know the purpose of Gatsby's group now." Ye Feng said urgently.

"In short, this group is looking for a sacred object," Edlin said.

"Holy things?"

"Yes, these two words are used in the books to record the weapon," Edlin said. "There are many legends about this thing, but they are just fabricated false records."

"But both the shield bearer alliance and Gatsby know the true face of this holy thing, don't they?" asked Ye Feng.

"That's right. To some extent, this sacred thing is really sacred. The shield holders union official calls it" crustal stabilizer. "

"Crustal stabilizer? What does that mean?"

"It means literally. If it is destroyed, it will cause a series of disasters such as earthquakes, and the whole new city will be destroyed," Edlin said.

"How could there be such a thing?" Ye Feng was completely shocked.

"It was a deal made 200 years ago between human beings on earth and an alien race of a higher civilization," Edlin said. "If these alien races wandering in the universe and losing their homes can solve the problem of perennial geological changes in Xindu, they can live on this land."

"Ah? You mean, there are a group of aliens on the land of xinduhui who don't know?" Ye Feng stared.

"Of course not." Aldrin shook his head. "All the aliens died after the flu, but the" stabilizer "provided by them still played a role. If you look for it, you will find the new metropolis area that was frequent in the earthquake two hundred years ago. It has not been a great disaster for a long time.

"Well, there's another thing."

"The justice society, the predecessor of the shield bearer alliance, was lucky to participate in the whole negotiation between humans and aliens. All the shield bearer alliances are very clear about this matter," Adelin said. "In fact, this matter is widely spread. Many people know that there will be a sacred object left by aliens in Xindu, but few people know what it is."

"Gatsby, they know."

"Yes, they know. So they are very dangerous," Edlin said. "It is not ruled out that these madmen are likely to destroy the crustal stabilizer and let everyone in the new city bury them."

"It shouldn't have come to this point. Gatsby's people just want to blackmail some interests. If they are not crazy, they won't joke about their lives."

"Who knows, I have to assess the risks of various possible situations." Adelin closed his eyes with a headache. "If they can communicate, this matter can be handled. If they focus on destroying cities like Xindu, it will be difficult."

"Gatsby, how did they know the truth of the holy things?" Ye Feng asked,

"They came into contact with this information inadvertently," Edlin said. "I don't know how they knew. It seems that Gatsby found the relics left by the aliens, recorded the relevant information, and I don't know where he found someone who can read alien words."

"Who knows, ah, if they know the specific location of the holy thing, we will be completely passive," Ye Feng said.

"No one knows the exact location of the holy thing. Although it is in the new metropolis, no one knows where it is buried," Edlin said.


"Because that group of aliens buried the earth's crust stabilizer, their way of recording the position is completely different from ours, so no one knows except those aliens who have been dead for hundreds of years. This is also the result of negotiation. Both sides are afraid of each other's reneging on the agreement, which leads to the current situation."

"Fortunately, this is the result." Ye Feng said with lingering fear. "We must find Gatsby and them as soon as possible. What about the others in your shield alliance? Such a big thing, won't you come to Xindu alone?"

"I'm alone," adlin said. "The current situation is how to find Gatsby. Before finding them, there is no need to come too many people, which is easy to arouse their vigilance."


Ye Feng watched Edlin helplessly, and those bad memories of the shield bearer alliance appeared in front of him again. Once Ye Feng really wanted to enter the shield holder alliance, but after dealing with the shield holder Alliance for several times, Ye Feng soberly realized that this group of people were not as righteous as he imagined. They were even a group of very realistic people in some things. This greatly reduced Ye Feng's impression of the shield supporter alliance. For Ye Feng, he once wanted to take advantage of this big tree to enjoy the cool, but now he doesn't need other people to support him anymore. Ye Feng has found the top rogue in the universe - Dick, Therefore, Ye Feng's longing for the shield bearer alliance has become very little. It may be a good thing for Audrey and others to join the shield holder alliance, but for Ye Feng, he and the shield holder alliance can't deal with each other, so it's difficult to calm down and cooperate well.

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