"Adelin, tell me the truth, is the shield bearer alliance not going to send reinforcements?" Ye Feng looked at the subtle expression on Adelin's face.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because I have dealt with Captain Shengli, if he could come to the new metropolis in person, I would think he was determined to stop Gatsby's bastards, but he didn't come, but sent you." Ye Feng said, "he should be very clear about the relationship between me and you."

"He must know," said adlin, "but I don't think captain victory didn't come to Xindu because he was afraid of life and death. You don't know him enough. Although he is a hypocritical bastard -"

"This is a very pertinent comment," said Ye Feng sarcastically. "I wish I could say this in front of him."

"- you will have a chance." Adeline shook his head reluctantly, "but he is not a timid person. Although his dedication may not be as fearless as he shows. I knew he kept a distance from horror films."

"Really?" Ye Feng asked in surprise.

"Yes, just like you don't dare to watch ghost movies," adlin said.

"... I'm not afraid to watch, I just don't like that kind of film." Ye Feng explained, "in a word, I don't like Captain Shengli's bastard. He didn't give me any help except to pit me all the time. This directly led to my prejudice against the shield alliance."

"Prejudice? I hear you've been trying to join the shield alliance and want to set up a branch in the new metropolis," adlin said.

"Yes, but I haven't had time to work on it. And after thinking about it for a long time, I don't think it's a good idea," Ye Feng said. "The shield bearer alliance is not worth it."

"Cut." adlin didn't say anything.

After dinner, Ye Feng kept warm with her in Edlin's hotel room for a few hours. When he returned to his home in jenma's sports car, it was nearly 9:30 p.m. Ye Feng carefully opened the door with the key. He hoped to return home quietly, and then go back to his room to rest as if nothing had happened. For a whole afternoon, Ye Feng's physical strength was almost exhausted. He felt that his waist was a little sour

But to Ye Feng's frustration, when he walked into the living room with his cat on his waist, Audrey and other women sat on the sofa and watched Ye Feng's figure. After noticing other people's eyes on him, even Ye Feng, who has a thick face like the city wall, still felt his cheeks burning with fever.

Why does everyone seem to be waiting for me? Ye Feng looked awkwardly at the eyes nailed to him by the people around him. For Ye Feng, he was not used to such eyes, and he was very uncomfortable. Such eyes made him feel like a delicious rare dish, waiting to be tasted by other people. If they don't like it, they may lift the table and pour his dish into the toilet. For Ye Feng, so many girlfriends gather together and are on the same front step by step, which usually means that Ye Feng is in trouble, and it is a big trouble, a problem that he can't solve with one mouth.

Will I be badly repaired? Ye Feng looked nervously at the women sitting on the sofa. He realized that he was likely to face a trial against himself. He didn't like the tranquility before the storm.

"Have you all finished your meal?"

"How was it?" Audrey asked.

"Me and adlin?"

"Did you find time to meet another woman?" jenma?

"Of course not. I've been with Edlin all the time." Ye Feng said quickly, "we --"

"Talked for nearly ten hours?" Rihanna asked. The teasing smile on her face made Ye Feng shudder. He was afraid that his answer would make Audrey and others punch and kick him.

"There's still time to eat and travel, so -"

"What did you talk about?" jenma asked curiously.

"Nothing, just a simple greeting -"

"Simple greetings?" Chu Qian looked at Ye Feng. "Are you holding your waist?"

"No." Ye Feng immediately put his arms on both sides of his body and stood at attention, "my pants and belt are a little loose."

"HMM." Rihanna looked at Ye Feng with great interest. "The sliding door of your pants didn't pull up."

"Really?" Ye Feng immediately looked down, but he found that his pants didn't open the door. "Rihanna, don't fool me..."

"Tell me what you talked about," Audrey said. "Adeline came to the new city on behalf of the shield bearer alliance?"

"Yes, it was to catch Gatsby's group that she came to the new metropolis." Ye Feng quickly replied.

"She should know the purpose of Gatsby's gang?" Kate is most concerned about how Gatsby will destroy Xindu.

Ye Feng simply told everyone present about his conversation with Adelin. Of course, he skipped all the contents related to his flirting with Adelin.

"True or false, aliens?" jenma grew up surprised. "I never thought that things should be so absurd."

"Aliens are not absurd at all. In fact, some people believe that there are no aliens, which is the most absurd thing," Ye Feng said, "Of course, such people no longer exist, but there are only a few people who have seen aliens with their own eyes. Humans living on the earth's mother planet usually pretend to be completely uninterested in the universe. In fact, they are not very interested."

"Not everyone has the spirit of exploration," Corby said. "Even the elves living in the universe, some conservative elves firmly believe that exploring the boundary of the universe is meaningless. It's enough as long as they live their life well."

"Wisdom and life are all bad virtues," Gemma concluded.

"Who knows." Corby didn't object to jenma's statement.

"Going further, we'll focus on Gatsby's bastards," Kate said. "Now that we know their purpose, what we should consider now is how to catch them."

"It's hard to find them," Ye Feng said. "After all, no one knows the specific location of the crustal stabilizer, that is, Gatsby may dig a hole anywhere in the new metropolis, and we can't be sure whether their bastards have found the crustal controller."

"I hope they don't want to finish a great disaster that can be recorded in history," Gemma said with lingering fear. "If their purpose is to kill everyone, we will really be too passive."

"Adeline and I have discussed this issue. Personally, I don't think they will be crazy to this extent," Ye Feng said. "When they get to that point, they can't run away and have to die."

"As you said, Gatsby's goal is to find the specific location of the crustal stabilizer, and then they may take threatening actions. After meeting their requirements, they may put the crustal stabilizer intact in the distance and go away with their victory," Audrey said, "At that point, we have no qualification to negotiate with them. They are bastards who control the life and death of the citizens of the new city. We must meet all their requirements to prevent them from making crazy moves."

"Sister Audrey is talking about the worst case," said Gemma, "so we must catch Gatsby before they find the crustal stabilizer, or find the crustal stabilizer first. Only these two options are good for us. In any other situation, we will be very, very passive."

"It seems that we have all recognized the reality," Ye Feng said. "The problem is how to act."

"Who knows." jenma shrugged and spread her hand directly, saying she had no idea.

"Uh... Audrey, you --"

"Don't look at me, I don't know how to do it," Audrey said expressionless. "Whether it's looking for a crustal stabilizer or catching Gatsby, the current situation is that there are no clues and the investigation can't be carried out."

"... what are we doing now?" Ye Feng looked helplessly at everyone present. "Are we having a tea party?"

"Who knows." Gemma got up and went upstairs. "I'm sleepy. I'm going back to bed."

"I still have homework to do." Avril took Gemma's hand, and the two little girls went upstairs hand in hand.

Under Ye Feng's gaze, almost all the people left the living room on the first floor and left him here alone.

"They are very dissatisfied with your performance today," Rihanna, who stayed, said to Ye Feng. "You have made them angry."

"Because I went to see Edlin?" asked Ye Feng.

"It doesn't take ten hours to talk about business," Rihanna said. "As long as you're not a fool, you know what you've done."

On the word "dry", she deliberately lengthened her tone, which made Ye Feng feel a little embarrassed.


"I know. What's the saying? A little farewell is better than a new marriage?" Rihanna joked.

"Rihanna, don't make fun of me. The new metropolis is about to explode." Ye Feng said reluctantly.

"No, I'm sure Gatsby's group won't succeed," Rihanna said confidently.


"As long as they are not crazy, they don't dare to really fight against the stabilizer. It is a weapon enough to destroy the whole new city and their umbrella. Without that thing, they have only a dead end," Rihanna said.

"I hope you are right."

"Of course I'm right." Rihanna tossed her hair.

"Baby, you're really charming." Ye Feng stared at Rihanna with confused feelings. If it wasn't for his sore waist, he would really fight another 300 rounds, "give me one night, and I can recover all my combat effectiveness tomorrow."

"Cut, I don't have time to talk to you. You sleep on the sofa today. It's a small punishment for you." Rihanna stood up and walked upstairs.

"Hello?! you are so cruel to let me on the water-cooled sofa alone?" Ye Feng helplessly stared at Rihanna's figure, which seemed to be intentional and has been showing her S-shaped hot curve.

"Hum." Rihanna's figure soon disappeared from Ye Feng's vision.


Ye Feng reluctantly glanced at the sofa. A few minutes ago, it was full of people, but now he was alone. He sighed, reluctantly lay on the sofa and fell into meditation.

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