"Are you sure that bastard Gatsby is in this apartment building?" Ye Feng asked Edlin nearby and said in a low voice.

"Anyway, that's what our prophet said," said Edlin, who seemed very excited when she focused all her attention on the three story building across the street.

"Prophet?" Ye Feng looked at Edlin helplessly. He didn't dare to look at Audrey's eyes. He specially called Audrey and Jane to come out with him to accompany adlin on the survey.

When receiving the call from Edlin, Ye Feng was lying on the sofa looking at his mobile phone. Edlin's call startled Ye Feng, and he immediately connected the phone.

Three minutes later, when Ye Feng put his mobile phone back in his pocket, he immediately ran upstairs and went straight to Audrey's bedroom. After pulling her out of the room, Ye Feng felt that he should bring another person. He took the inexplicable Audrey's hand, knocked on Jane's door and directly dragged Jane and Audrey downstairs.

After simply explaining his purpose of taking them out, Ye Feng directly drove Audrey and Jane, who were still inexplicable, away from home and rushed to the address Edlin told him on the phone.

Ten minutes later, Ye Feng arrived at the location. He excitedly walked to Edlin's side and was very excited about catching Gatsby. But Adelin's words made Ye Feng feel at a loss. What is the "prophet"?

"He is a psychic speaker of the shield bearer alliance. He has a certain ability of prophecy," adlin said disapprovingly, "although I personally have reservations about the accuracy of his language."

"Then you asked me to bring someone over?" Ye Feng looked at Edlin discontentedly. "Edlin, my time is very precious, not to mention Audrey and Jane."

"You'll get the subsidy, I promise you," adlin said.

"... we don't want the rotten money of the shield bearer alliance," Ye Fengyi said in a righteous way.

"You've changed a lot," Adelin said to Ye Feng in a sarcastic tone. "You're just different from Ye Feng in my impression."

"Of course, a few bad money won't impress us. You need to pay us at least a few hundred bad money!" Ye Fengyi said in a righteous way.

"I knew you would say that." Adeline smiled helplessly. "You can rest assured that as long as you can solve Gatsby's crisis, the shield alliance will reward you. After all, this money is not from our shield alliance. Many people are willing to donate in order to ensure the safety of the new city."

"That's good." Ye Feng's face looked much better. He noticed the faces of Audrey and Jane who had not spoken. Jane was still expressionless, but Audrey did not hide her contempt for Ye Feng. "Hey, honey, I'm fighting for our rights. You know, we should pay us no less!"

"You can't emphasize this again and again. The shield alliance is not short of money," adlin said reluctantly.

"It doesn't matter," Audrey said flatly. "Should we start?"

"Yes, Adelin, what should we do next?" Ye Feng looked at Adelin.

"I don't know." Adeline shrugged. "All I know is that Gatsby may be in this building." she pointed to the three story apartment. "As for what to do next and how you should do it, that's your business. I believe in your ability."

"... we also believe in our ability!" Ye Feng almost knelt down to Edlin. "You can't let go? Watch the three of us carry out unplanned tasks. You'll kill us!"

"It shouldn't kill you," said Jane. "I shouldn't have done anything. But you, Audrey, what do you think? You're the most dangerous of the three of us. And you don't seem to have taken the guy with you." she pointed to Audrey's back. Audrey didn't take her composite bow in order not to attract attention.

"I'm fine. I can take care of myself, and I happen to have some new things to try." Audrey took a small crossbow out of her coat pocket.

"Hey, these little arrows look so cute," said Ye Feng, pointing to the arrow Audrey put on the miniature crossbow. "They look like a pointed lollipop."

"You can try this little cute power yourself," Audrey said.

"... forget it. Let Gatsby's gang try it." Ye Feng said quickly.

"Move," Audrey said.

"Er... What should I do?" Ye Feng looked at Audrey in confusion.

"Easy, I'm on the first floor, Jane, you go to the second floor, Ye Feng, you go to the top floor." Audrey said, "room by room."

"Well... What if no one answers the call?"

"Don't you have long legs?" Audrey asked.

"Kick it directly?" Ye Feng stared at Audrey in shock.

"Do you have any other way?"

"... this will scare the snake." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"Adeline, if someone suspicious escapes from the apartment, it'll be up to you," Audrey said.

"Yes," adlin nodded.

"Can you?" Ye Feng looked at Edlin.

"Of course not." Adeline took out a small pistol. "The freezing gun is very powerful. You can try my shot."

"Forget it." Ye Feng recalled that Adelin used to use a gun. He was sure that Adelin must be all right.

"All right, let's go."

"Er... Ok..."

When entering the apartment building, Ye Feng's heart refused. With the words of a mentally disabled prophet alone, Ye Feng will search Gatsby's figure in a seemingly ordinary apartment building. Ye Feng really can't get up. If you can really find Gatsby in this way, maple leaf can only be described by what the fxxk.

The third floor of the apartment was very quiet. Ye Feng could hear the noise from the first and second floors. There was no doubt that Audrey and Jane had begun their action. Ye Feng swallowed a mouthful of water and began to knock on the door nearest to him. When Dangdang knocked a few times, no one responded to Ye Feng. He waited for dozens of seconds, and then kicked open the seemingly unreliable wooden door in front of him.

After entering the room, the furnishings in the room can be seen at a glance. There is nothing but a layer of dust. Obviously, no one has lived in this room recently.

Ye Feng kicked open several doors one after another, but what made him a little bored was that there seemed to be no household on the third floor of the apartment. Compared with the lively noise on the first floor and the second floor, Ye Feng's third floor was very quiet. It was too quiet.

"Damn... I shouldn't waste my time here, but I should go down and help Audrey or Jane. There's almost nothing here except mice and dust."

Ye Feng said to himself. At this time, he had broken the wooden doors of the three-story house. To Ye Feng's surprise, he was not stopped by anyone. Perhaps the owner of the apartment was on his way. More likely, he was arguing with Audrey and Jane, who were taking a bigger picture.

Ye Feng hopes that Audrey will not have the chance to use the small crossbow. For Ye Feng, he has been worried that Audrey shot too accurately. She has a very unique shooting habit. She can only aim at one person's eyebrows. If she doesn't have to, Audrey won't attack other body parts. Although Audrey usually doesn't kill people, it's not a lucky thing to be hit in the head by an arrow that doesn't kill much. Ye Feng has been tortured countless times. He has to say that it's no exaggeration to say that in the night sky of lansdenton, the reputation of black arrow is so great that it can reach a frightening level, Audrey, she is a careless person, so Ye Feng often falls into melancholy

Walking in the dusty corridor, Gu Yu feels a little flustered. For him, he is no stranger to unplanned things, but Gatsby is a crazy person. He knows this, and Ye Feng doesn't believe that the bastard will really be here. What makes him fear is the fear of the unknown. He didn't know what kind of evil was hidden in this seemingly uninhabited floor, perhaps a big cockroach half a person tall, or a one eyed mouse that could kill the cat? Ye Feng doesn't know, but judging from his experience in watching movies for many years, he is likely to see something in this obviously wrong corridor.

What could it be? Ye Feng was beating drums in his heart. He even had the impulse to escape from this corridor. But Ye Feng kept telling himself that he must not give in to his fear. In fact, he has been scaring himself. No problem, Ye Feng, you are an indomitable man. How can you watch some horror films (Gemma is keen on horror films, which makes Ye Feng suffer. He has always been not interested in this type of films, but he is forced to watch many such films due to helplessness). In this kind of horror films, Usually, the protagonist in the film will see some unclean things in such a corridor. Ye Feng doesn't know whether he will also encounter the bridge in this third rate horror film. He hates this feeling. Even if he has guessed what will happen next, he will still be scared and scream


As like as two peas in the door, Ye Feng suddenly noticed that the door before him seemed different from the ones he had just opened. Although Ye Feng did not know what difference the seemingly inferior wooden doors had, he had been warning him strongly that there was no difference between the room behind the door and the empty rooms.


Ye Feng doesn't know why he feels this way, but he always relies on his intuition. Due to his long-term death behavior, Ye Feng's intuition is usually useless, which makes Ye Feng feel very attached to it when it occasionally plays a role. He trusts his intuition, Just as he believes that pancake fruit is the most delicious food in the world.

But this feeling is not dangerous, but a strange feeling. Ye Feng can't say what this feeling is, but Ye Feng just feels this abnormal feeling. Ye Feng hesitates to kick the door open as before.

"Fuck, I knew something strange would happen..."

Ye Feng complained softly.

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