"Well, I'm tired of their performance. Let's stop here today. Damn it, I knew Gatsby wouldn't be there in person. It's just some small minions. It's boring." Ye Feng patted his palm. The gangsters blocking Ye Feng's door disappeared in an instant, as if they had never existed, If it weren't for the door being opened, Gemma would even think that just now was just his imagination.

"Where did they go?" jenma asked Ye Feng curiously.

"I don't know. Maybe it's a planet without oxygen. Who knows, I don't care at all." Ye Feng said. "I remember Dick told me where those poor people would be sent after starting this device, but I forgot."

In fact, this group of unlucky people who planned to attack Ye Feng's home were directly transmitted to a special planet by the conveyor set by Dick at the door of Ye Feng's home. This planet is also a notorious existence in the whole universe, because the race living on this planet is a special existence. They have no males and can only reproduce by mating with other humanoid races. In short, there are only millions of crazy women on this planet called "male hell". Those men who accidentally set foot on this planet usually die miserably

"I really want to meet this Dick," Gemma said. "He really opened my eyes."

"Believe me, honey, you absolutely don't want to meet Dick, an asshole. This is my advice with blood and tears." Ye Feng said seriously.

"Uh... Okay."

When they came back in the afternoon, Gemma couldn't wait to tell Audrey and others what happened at noon. To Ye Feng's surprise, their extraordinary anger could be used to describe the anger of this group of women comrades with unique skills.

"Damn it! Ye Feng, you poked such a big basket when we were away?" Kate went directly to Ye Feng, who was waiting for the praise of Audrey and others, but he didn't expect Kate to point the spear at him. "What on earth do you think? Ah? You exposed this position!"

"Er... What are you talking about?" Ye Feng was completely confused. He looked helplessly at Kate holding his neck. The latter seemed to want to crush Ye Feng with his eyes.

"Didn't you reveal the location here? That's why Gatsby's bastard found the door?" Kate said naturally.

"Of course not!" Ye Feng shouted helplessly, "I'm sick. Tell my home address to the person who wants to kill me most? Am I impatient?"

"Who knows," Kate said.

"... anyway, he certainly didn't know the specific address of my house from my mouth. Who knows how he knew. Maybe we were followed by Gatsby's men." Ye Feng said angrily, "you came out and went in one day, and you don't know if anyone is following you."

"Cut, you should be the one who goes out and strolls the most times here, Ye Feng, and your vigilance is always the lowest," Gemma said.

"Hey! You heartless little girl, I thought you would stand on my side!" said Ye Feng.

"I'm on the side of justice," Gemma said.

"... damn it, I can be a victim. I was shocked. If I hadn't suddenly remembered that I had done something to prevent this from happening, I might have been kidnapped by Gatsby's group now. You don't care about my feelings at all. It's really chilling." Ye Fengyi said in a straight voice.

"Gemma, are you okay?", "must be scared?", "don't worry, it won't happen again.", "I'll make Gatsby bastard pay.", "count me in doing it.", "yes, let this bastard know how excessive his behavior is!"

Ye Feng stared at the people around jenma silently and listened to their words to comfort jenma one by one. Ye Feng felt like a child raised by a cruel stepmother. No one cared, no one cared, and he didn't want to comfort ye Feng's injured heart at all, although Ye Feng didn't have any shit at all

"Ye Feng, are you all right?" Edlin came up to Ye Feng and asked him, "how's your recovery? Is it still as painful as before?"

"Edlin, sure enough, I knew you were the best to me." Ye Feng leaned his head against Edlin wrongly, looking devastated. "People are really afraid. When those bastards rushed in, I was --"

"We'll talk about it later. Is there anyone else visiting this morning?" asked Edlin.

"Others? No." Ye Feng stared at Edlin in a daze. "Who else will come back?"

"The agents of the shield bearer alliance," adlin said, "I heard that there are only you and Gemma at home today. Let a team of professional agents come to protect you. After all, your combat effectiveness can't catch up with an ordinary adult male -"

"Hey! Edlin, it hurts my self-esteem when you say that about me." Ye Feng said discontentedly, "by the way, what did you just say? A pair of special agents to protect us? Where are they? Damn it, they should show up instead of wandering elsewhere."

"I tried to contact them, but their cell phones couldn't get through." Adeline took out his cell phone a little depressed. "I still couldn't reach them. Maybe there was an accident? The person who led the team was Nick. He was very difficult to get along with. He was always used to saying hello by kicking the door. Regardless of matters and occasions."

"Er... Edlin, you mean that the leader who came to protect me and Gemma is a person who is used to kicking my door?" Ye Feng suddenly realized that after the "gangsters" kicked the door open, they had fallen into the static trap designed by dick before they could say a word. Maybe those people are not Gatsby's people? But adlin's people?

Damn it, my confirmation

"Adelin, the agent of the shield bearer alliance named Nick, is a bald man with a red nose and looks like a clown without much makeup?" Ye Feng looked at Adelin's reaction seriously.

"Yes, you've seen Nick?" Adelin stared at Ye Feng in surprise. "Great, do you know where he is now?"

"I haven't seen him." Ye Feng looked away. "I guessed."


It was not until Edlin left his house that Ye Feng spoke out the doubts accumulated in his heart. When he learned that Gatsby's gang might still not know the specific location here, everyone gave a sigh of relief. Although he sympathized with the agents of the shield bearer alliance, as Ye Feng said, "he should be polite. Before kicking the door, he should want to win the owner's consent. He should ring the doorbell in advance."

The opinions of the people finally reached an agreement. That's all. Ye Feng decided not to tell Edlin the truth. He wasn't worried about Edlin's reaction. Ye Feng was worried about the captain who didn't have much ability but always gave orders. For Ye Feng, if possible, He doesn't want to deal with Captain victory's bastard all his life.

Such an episode soon ceased to be the focus of attention. How to lock the position of Gatsby's gang broke Ye Feng's heart. However, after many efforts, they still haven't found any valuable clues. For Ye Feng, this means that he and his family, as well as the people living at home, are approaching the abyss of being kidnapped by Gatsby and others with Xindu every minute. Although he can make preparations in advance, he doesn't think Kate and others will escape from the new metropolis with him. They will fight until the last minute, which is what makes Ye Feng most embarrassed.

In fact, he has decided to ask dick for help before things get out of hand and ask him to think of a way to help Ye Feng move Audrey and others from Xindu to a safe place. Later, Ye Feng will think of a way to explain. He must leave a way for himself and them, even if it may endanger his relationship with Kate and Audrey.

In fact, if things really come to that stage, Ye Feng can only care about his friends first. There are at least 30 million people living in Xindu city and the surrounding areas. Even Dick can't complete the transfer in a period of time. In fact, Ye Feng doesn't believe that after the earth's crust stabilizer is destroyed, someone can transfer these 30 million people to a safe position in extreme time, and the rest will die.

Ye Feng once asked whether he should inform the public of the current crisis. But Adelin tried his best to stop Ye Feng. Her words were cruel, but very realistic. Adelin said to Ye Feng: "You can't tell the facts to the people of Xindu. Most of them won't believe it. The part you believe will become a huge threat. Even if you say the facts are useless, we don't have any evidence to prove this. This will only make Xindu fall into chaos, which may cause tens of thousands of casualties and countless losses."

Although Ye Feng doesn't want to admit this, she has to say that he was persuaded by Edlin. She's right. Those who find themselves about to have nothing will become demons and vent their anger on the innocent. Never explore the bottom line of human nature. After all, most people have no bottom line

Ye Feng came to this conclusion after a painful lesson. Anyone has his betrayal plus. As long as he gives him the price he wants, Ye Feng believes that anyone in the world can be bought by others. This is his life creed after so many years of honing. Therefore, Ye Feng never tests a person's bottom line. He won't do that, That kind of behavior is not helpful except to make himself feel painful and sad. Ye Feng believes that most people are good people, but at the same time, he also knows that even good people will make terrorist acts that even demons will marvel at under certain circumstances. No one has no dark side in his heart, and there is no person who is completely filled with sunshine in his heart. It's just a person waiting to be exposed That's why Ye Feng hates captain Shengli so much. Ye Feng thinks he's pretending too much.

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