"Hey, Edlin, what are you worried about?"

Lying on the big bed of the suite where Adelin is staying, Ye Feng lazily asks the thoughtful Adelin beside him. The latter seems to be looking at an idiot and sniffs at Ye Feng's inquiry.

"What else can it be? My skin is no longer firm? I have too much fat on my body? Damn it, Ye Feng, of course I'm worried because we haven't caught Gatsby!" Adelin turned over reluctantly and looked at Ye Feng next to him. "Sometimes I really admire your mentality. I can still live without fear when the sky falls."

"That's because I'm well prepared," Ye Feng said.

"Ah? What preparation?" Adelin looked at Ye Feng suspiciously.

"I hope this preparation will never be used, really, dear." Ye Feng said seriously.

Ye Feng's preparation was actually very simple, that is, he met Dick. It happened after dinner yesterday. With the device Dick gave himself, Ye Feng contacted Dick. After agreeing to meet in Ye Feng's room, Ye Feng walked into the bedroom alone and waited for Dick's arrival.

Dick appeared on time at the time agreed by the two. A time-space door appeared across the bed in Ye Feng's bedroom without warning. Ye Feng had been surprised by the scene without any surprise and surprise. He just waited helplessly. He was glad Dick could show up on time.

"Er... What's that on you?" Ye Feng reached out and pointed to Dick's wet mucus. He seemed to swim around a pool full of mucus. He looked disgusting. Ye Feng looked at the mucus dripping on the carpet in his bedroom and thought about how to explain to others why there was inexplicable transparent mucus on the carpet on the ground when he was "alone" in the bedroom

"This?" Dick wiped the mucus on his body. "Nothing. I just escaped a Nero. Believe me, you must be particularly interested in what happened between me and this Nero -"

"Nero? The monster with a big mouth that is always closed, that is, the monster with eight legs that can fly by farting? Why do you provoke that thing?" Ye Feng looked at Dick who approached him in disgust. The smell of the mucus secreted by Nero was very bad, like the smell of fish vomit. Ye Feng was about to vomit.

"It's just exercise after dinner. You know, to keep enough energy, you must exercise regularly," Dick said as if nothing had happened. "And that Nero is the largest and ugliest one I've ever seen. I must tell it."

"Dick, you're so busy," said Ye Feng reluctantly.

"Boy, what's the matter with you asking me to meet? It's like telling me that I'm a idle person?" Dick looked at Ye Feng's bedroom. "I don't like the decoration style of your bedroom."

"Thank you." Ye Feng sincerely nodded and secretly congratulated himself that he had not been deviated by Dick's strange aesthetics. He then said, "I need your help. The crust stabilizer of the city where I live --"

"Does this city have a crust stabilizer?" Dick stared at Ye Feng with shining eyes. Ye Feng immediately knew that he had said something wrong and should not tell Dick about the crust stabilizer, but now that it was over, he could only harden his head and say, "yes, Dick, don't do this, at least when I'm alive, my friends --"

"Ladies," Dick said jealously.

"-- you still live in this city, and you have to think about tens of millions of other people living in this area. For you, a going crustal stabilizer should not be enough to brighten your eyes?"

The old bastard has been in front of him... Ye Feng thought helplessly.

"Hmm..." Dick had a painful ideological struggle, and then he finally said something to reassure Ye Feng. "Indeed, it's just a crust stabilizer. It's not worth killing tens of millions of people. Give me a few hours of effort, and I can make one myself. Of course, some materials are very precious, and it may take some effort -"

"What's the use of you?" asked Ye Feng.

"It's really useless. Well, turn over this one." Dick shrugged and was no longer interested in the earth's crust stabilizer.

"Hoo..." Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"What on earth did you call me here for?" Dick asked impatiently.

"You interrupted me just now, but it doesn't matter," said Ye Feng. "I called you because a group of madmen came up with the idea. I hope you can help me before things get out of hand."

"There's no time to mind your leisure market." Dick refused.

This situation was within Ye Feng's expectation, so he didn't look very disappointed. He continued to say to Dick, "I know you're not interested in such things. You don't want to intervene in anything that happens on earth. In that case, can you ensure the safety of me and my friends?"

"How can I protect it?"

"It's very simple. I remember when we took risks together, you had a belt that could be transmitted randomly." Ye Feng said, "can you make several belts like that? Set it to be transmitted to a safe location, and you don't need to be transmitted to a random location."

"Well..." Dick looked a little embarrassed.

Ye Feng dared not breathe. He stared at Dick for fear that dick would continue to refuse his request.

"I think that's a good idea," said Dick. "I can give you three such Bracelets -"

"Three? Not enough -"

"- shut up, you boy. Don't interrupt me when I'm talking." Dick said angrily. "One is actually enough. I can set the action range of the bracelet to a position of three square meters near the city wearer, so that all creatures in the position can be transmitted."

"OK? This is really great!" Ye Feng said excitedly.

"Don't be too excited, boy. I'll always remember this favor until I need you. Is it clear?" Dick asked Ye Feng. His smiling face made Ye Feng a little afraid, but he knew there was a sea of knife and fire waiting for him. Ye Feng had no other choice, even if he left a way back for himself and others, Ye Feng also wants to make this deal with Dick.

Maybe the old man will die in a few days? Ye Feng thought darkly in his heart.

"Hey, Ye Feng, what do you think? You smile so obscene." Adelin waved in front of Ye Feng and pulled Ye Feng back to reality from his memory.

"Nothing." Ye Feng wiped the saliva at the corner of his mouth.

Adlin said puzzled, "what do you mean by preparation?"

"Nothing, dear, just remember that it's enough. In case of danger, you must stand beside me." Ye Feng said solemnly.

"Cut, will you stop the bullet? Of course I will," said Edlin.

"That's good."

"Hey, you said that now let me go there to find an alien who can communicate directly?" Adelin complained helplessly. "Captain victory, that bastard really wants to do it one by one. He gave me orders to find a person who can understand the manuscripts left by the aliens who built the crustal stabilizer as soon as possible. Where can I find one now?"

"What? Looking for aliens? Is it to decipher the contents of the manuscript?" Ye Feng asked.

"Yes, if we can find the exact location of the crustal stabilizer, we can solve the crisis from the source," Edlin said, "I know that too, but the question is where can I find an alien who can communicate? You also know that aliens are usually very alert to humans. After all, we are not particularly friendly to them on many issues. The earth still prohibits a large number of aliens from visiting."

"Well... This is not a problem," said Ye Feng.

"As you can see, this is really a big problem. I really have a headache now -"

"I say this is not a problem," Ye Feng stressed again.

"Ah? You say it's not a problem." Adelin finally understood Ye Feng's words. She stared at Ye Feng in shock. "Do you have a way to contact aliens?"

"Of course, in fact, recently, you have been staying with a real alien," Ye Feng said.

"I knew you were an alien!" Adelin said excitedly. She hugged Ye Feng's shoulder and kept shaking him. "Let me see your true face, let me see your true face!"

"Hey, honey, I'm not an alien. It's a pity that I'm a real human." Ye Feng jokingly pushed Edlin away. He hugged her and said to her, "it's Kobi. She's an alien."

"Corby? Who?" adlin didn't think of Corby for a moment.

"It's the quiet woman with a mask," said Ye Feng. "She's Kobi, a real elf."

"Really?" Edlin realized that she had never spoken face to face with the man named Kobi. If Ye Feng hadn't reminded her, she would have finished the extremely beautiful woman. She recalled Kobi's face with a mask. Even though she had covered most of the face, Edlin could still feel the compelling charm. At that time, there were too many things to do To consider, she hasn't seriously recalled Kobi. At the moment, after Ye Feng said, Edlin realized that she had actually seen the uniqueness of this person at that time.

That must be a beautiful woman, just like the handsome fairy in the rumor

Of course, at that time, she didn't think that Kobi was an alien. After all, other women around Ye Feng were equally beautiful. For Edlin, she was used to seeing more beautiful women around him every time she met Ye Feng again. Edlin had passed a year when she would lose her mind because of jealousy Age, for her, being able to live comfortably is more important and practical than any unreliable oath. For a mature woman who has entered the age of thirty, Edlin has been very open for a long time. Although she still feels a little uncomfortable every time she sees a similar scene, she knows how to regulate her emotions. It is this regulation In fact, if Edlin observed carefully enough, he could still see some famous things from Cobi's gestures.

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