
To Ye Feng's surprise, when Kobi saw the manuscript taken out by Edlin, she frowned and stared at the more than a dozen yellow papers in front of her.

"I thought it was something more cool. I mean what the manuscripts left by the aliens are so make complaints about toilet paper in my toilet." Ye Feng could not help but Tucao, "Aldrin, are you sure you're not copying the imitation of the future?"

"Of course not. Some manuscripts have been carefully protected for hundreds of years in an unknown place. If it were not for this crisis, you would never see it so close in your lifetime." Adelin said, "what we hold in our hands is a precious antique of hundreds of years. In the eyes of some people, this thing can be used as" priceless treasure " To describe it. "

"Er... Your priceless treasure is being rubbed by Kobi. Kobi, hey, stop! If you hear Edlin's words, we can't afford to pay for the damage!" Ye Feng looked at Kobi who was tearing the manuscript. He wanted to reach out and stop her. He was afraid that his actions would further destroy the fragile manuscript in Kobi's hands, He can only scream like a little girl.

"Coby! What are you doing?" adlin also looked frightened. In the process of her conversation with Ye Feng, she was only distracted for a while, and something unexpected happened, which surprised her and blamed herself. She should be more cautious, not because Coby was a friend of Ye Feng and handed such an important thing to her, Without any protective measures!!!

Facing the screams of Edlin and Ye Feng, Kobi seemed very calm. She tore up the manuscripts one by one as if there were no one else. In the stunned of Edlin and Ye Feng, the stack of yellow manuscripts with wasted years turned into a pile of pieces of paper. On the contrary, a smile appeared on Kobi's face, which made Edlin almost cry, while Ye Feng was embarrassed and at a loss. He wanted to comfort the excited Edlin, but he didn't know what to say. After all, he introduced Kobi to Edlin. Want to question why Kobi has such extraordinary behavior, Ye Feng is afraid that his just recovered body can't withstand Kobi's violent beating. When he is in trouble, Ye Feng has to keep silent and stare at Kobi, hoping that Kobi, who is usually very calm, can give an appropriate reason for this strange crazy behavior at the moment. Even if she is suddenly hungry and has a strong interest in the taste of the manuscript for hundreds of years, Ye Feng can accept such reasons as long as she can explain her behavior.

However, even if ye Feng can accept such a reason, he is not sure whether Edlin can accept it. Although Edlin is definitely not Kobi's opponent in terms of combat effectiveness, after all, behind Edlin is the huge hero organization of the shield holder alliance. If there is an irreconcilable conflict between Edlin and the shield holder alliance, Ye Feng will still feel very difficult, Captain Shengli, that bastard, Ye Feng really wants to slap him hard, but now is not the time. He is not on the right side

"You can shut your mouth and look." Kobi calmly stared at the complex eyes of Edlin and Ye Feng. She stretched out her hand and pointed to a pile of pieces of paper in front of her. Under Edlin's puzzled gaze, those pieces of paper began to rotate. It seemed that there was some magical invisible ability to haunt them, perhaps a transparent hand, We are picking out these pieces of paper. Soon, in less than half a minute, these pieces of paper can not be reassembled into more than a dozen manuscripts with completely different contents and no longer messy. Although they are still yellow paper with the mark of the times, they are reassembled into this brand-new manuscript, Even Ye Feng can see that the strange symbols above have a certain law, and they seem to have a specific meaning. Of course, if ye Feng was given the manuscript to decipher, even if he was given 100 years, Ye Feng could not decipher the meaning of the manuscript. However, such professional matters should be handled by professional people, such as adventure and beauty, which is Ye Feng's professional field.

Although to some extent, Ye Feng's ability is a little weak in his professional field

"Kobi! You are! My God, it's amazing!" Ye Feng said excitedly. At the same time, he breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed because he didn't have to compensate for such precious things. "Honey, you're scaring me to death."

This is the truth of Ye Feng. He had been thinking about whether he should mix up Edlin, and then came home with Kobi and immediately prepared to run away. He was very glad that things had not developed to that point, otherwise Ye Feng would feel remorse for having to hurt Edlin.

Ah? You ask, if something like that happens, how should Xindu solve it? At that time, it will not be Ye Feng's business. Ye Feng believes that without his own help, the heroes of the shield bearer alliance can perfectly solve the crisis. Anyway, in the publicity, they always claim to be the protectors of the world. It's time to pull them out and have a real competition.

"Are you? Kirby, how do you realize that these manuscripts want to be torn up in order to restore their original appearance?" Adelin looked at the new manuscripts in her hand and couldn't speak fluently. She knew that with this manuscripts, those old men without much hair on their heads would be able to decipher the specific location of the earth's crust stabilizer, However, it might be more convenient if CORBI could recognize this kind of text. "Corby, you must happen to know this kind of writing?"

"Unfortunately, I just know that this kind of writing comes from the hands of people. It's a kind of writing called" runiwen ". It's the writing of a wandering race in the universe that has lost its parent star. I happened to call them once and saw them write similar words," Kobi said.

"Can't you help me decipher this document?" adlin asked again.

"There's no time. You can find some authoritative linguists who can decipher it in a short time. This problem is not particularly complex. It's just very rare. After all, most of the races using" runiwen "have been extinct, and those drifting to the earth should be one of them," Kobi said, "They are a group of children without families, so there will be some very strange customs."

"You tore up the paper according to their custom?" asked Ye Feng.

"At the first sight of the manuscript, I realized that it was written in" runiwen ", but obviously, the writing method on it was very different from that in my impression. I thought of some rumors about the race using runiwen, such as" annoying "," sick "," posturing "and" playing tricks " And so on, believe me, if a race loses its parent star, they usually don't get a positive evaluation in the universe. "

"I know, just like children without parents, they often encounter isolation by people around them." Ye Feng's expression suddenly darkened.

"It's as if you know it," said adlin.

"I was once isolated because of my excellence," said Ye Feng, "but I let those who dared to isolate me shut up forever." at this point, Ye Feng smiled.

Kou Bi raised her eyebrows and asked, "did you kill them all?"

"Of course not. I didn't see them again." Ye Feng said, "I left myself and those annoying guys. I don't leave my master here. I have my own place. I don't leave my master everywhere. I'll go --!"

"OK, you can shut up. What's the matter with a face? Look what you can do." Adelin glanced at Ye Feng angrily and got the real manuscript. She is in a very good mood now. She can't wait to bring the manuscript to those who can decipher it and get the specific location of the crust stabilizer.

"Hello? Are you leaving now? It's too fast?" Ye Feng said reluctantly when he noticed that Edlin began to query the plane flight with his mobile phone. "At least leave after giving me a reward."

"There is no reward, but there is also a reward for Kobi. By the way, Kobi, don't worry, I will reflect your key role in the report. Do you have anything you want?" Adelin looked at Kobi.

"What I want... Um..." Coby thought for a while, and then said to Edlin, "I want a normal identity."

"No problem. Leave it to me. I can assure you that you will soon be a legal earth man," Edlin said.

"Yes." Corby nodded.

"... I also played a key role, adlin. What about me? What about me? What about my reward?" he turned to Kobi. "Kobi, why don't you go home alone? Adlin and I have something to talk about. Look at you -"

"Let's go together. Don't stay here and delay Edlin's work." Kobi couldn't help but pull Ye Feng up and drag him out of the house.

Ye Feng was dragged by death and couldn't get away at all. He had to helplessly say to Edlin, "sister, write it down. Sometimes I will ask you for it, I will!"

"Hooligan, wait for you," adlin said with a red face.

After being dragged into the elevator, Kou Bi loosened her hand. Ye Feng reluctantly rubbed her arm and said to Kou Bi miserably: "honey, you don't love me and are too rude to me. I'm already your human being. You don't need to do this..."

"I won't drag you out. You've climbed into the big double bed now." Kou Bi said angrily. "I warn you, Ye Feng, dare to be so presumptuous in front of me. Do you have too little time to lie idle in bed to recover from injury?" As she spoke, Kou Bi revealed a part of the arm armor of the hell bat suit he was wearing, and looked at the dark armored Arm Armor. Ye Feng was honest all of a sudden. He stood still with his eyes on his nose, nose on his heart, and stopped talking nonsense.

"Hum, you know." Kou Bi said angrily, "you'd better remember not to push your nose and face."

"I see. You can be gentle with me -"

A violent explosion drowned Ye Feng's words. The whole elevator was shaking violently. Kou Bi directly blocked Ye Feng's body and covered the falling elevator ceiling with his hell bat.

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