“Holly shit!!!”

Ye Feng shouted. As the elevator car began to fall rapidly, Ye Feng could hardly maintain his standing position. He had to squat in the elevator car.

"Hold on!"

Kou Bi shouted, and then contacted the secret mode of hell bat suit to show the excellent elf armor.

"Hold on? Where do you want me to hold?" Ye Feng shouted loudly. He could feel the elevator car approaching the ground quickly. There was no doubt that in a few seconds, he would hug the metal elevator car heavily with the earth. As expected, he would turn into a pool of meat mud

"Damn it!"

Kou Bi shouted loudly. The booster of Zhan Jia's leg suddenly accelerated and made Kou Bi rush up. With the powerful performance of Zhan Jia, Kou Bi forcibly smashed the ceiling of the elevator car. Although some fragments cut several holes in Ye Feng's body, the situation was urgent. At the critical moment, Kou Bi bowed her head and grabbed Ye Feng's arm, and then accelerated again, He got out of the elevator car and flew upstairs.

Ye Feng felt that his arm was on the edge of breaking. He was surprised to find that his arm grabbed by Kou Bi seemed to grow longer than the other arm that had not been damaged, which made Ye Feng scream like killing a pig all the way.

Finally, Kou bifei returned to the floor where the explosion occurred, that is, the floor where Edlin was located. She directly tore open the two metal elevator doors in front of her with her bare hands, still dragged Ye Feng's arm, dragged Ye Feng who had almost turned her eyes, rushed through the dusty corridor and ran to Edlin's guest room.

In the corridor, it was completely inconsistent with the neat and luxurious appearance a few minutes ago. The originally spotless carpet was covered with dust and debris, and there were pools of blood from nowhere. There were panic stricken people in the not spacious corridor. They were dishevelled one by one and kept screaming. Kobi tried to help a crying little girl, but her hell bat costume obviously frightened the little girl, and she cried more fiercely.

"Stay away from my daughter! You madman!" a woman rushed over and hugged the crying little girl. Although she pretended to be calm, what she didn't realize was that she was actually crying.

"I just want to help her, madam, I don't mean any harm." after saying this, Kobi directly kicked open a closed guest room door behind her. After walking in, she started the secret mode of hell bat suit and hid the whole armor. Then she took Ye Feng's hand and went back to the corridor, through the crowded crowd and towards the place where the explosion occurred.

Ye Feng didn't speak all the way. His brain has stopped working. He didn't believe in such a coincidence. An explosion happened in the hotel where adlin lived, and it happened on the floor where she lived. There is no doubt that this is a devastating blow to Edlin. Ye Feng stared at the frightened people in the whole corridor, and his eyes were full of scars. In Ye Feng's opinion, no one can survive such an explosion. No one. Even in the face of such a strong explosion, Ye Feng can't estimate how long it will take him to recover his adult shape. Maybe he can't recover at all. Even a self-healing gene that is almost immortal also has its limits. Being almost immortal does not mean that you are really immortal

"The source of the explosion was not in Edlin's room," said Coby. "It was next door to her room. Damn, if I could be there when the explosion happened, I could protect her from harm, but - damn!"


When Kou Bi said that the source of the explosion was next door to the Edlin guest room, Ye Feng felt a burst of unspeakable pain. His heart seemed to be pinched by someone. The man was extremely cold and cruel. He held Ye Feng's heart in his palm and pinched it hard, which made Ye Feng's knees almost soft and almost kneeling in the corridor.

Fortunately, Kou Bi has been holding Ye Feng's hand, which makes him move forward all the time. Although Ye Feng doesn't want to go any further now, he doesn't want to see Edlin's broken body. He doesn't want to.

"Ye Feng, Ye Feng!" Kou Bi slapped Ye Feng hard. Ye Feng's godless eyes finally recovered a little brilliance. He turned his head numbly and looked at Kou Bi pulling himself.

"Coby, I don't want to talk now..."

"Adeline is not dead, and I can still sense her vital signs." Corby said in an indisputable tone. "Even if you don't believe what I said, you should believe the armor I'm wearing."

"She's not dead? How could it be... You saw it too." Ye Feng pointed to the building that was almost bombed and collapsed in front of her. "She's just a mortal and can't survive this explosion unless she --"

"Unless I had expected this and prepared in advance."

Edlin came out of the ruins. She was not unharmed. Her clothes were ragged. It was not difficult to see from her moving steps that one of her legs should have been injured and her left arm was unnaturally drooping. However, there was no doubt that Edlin was not dead, although she suffered many injuries.

"Adeline, you're okay!!!"

Ye Feng excitedly ran to Edlin's side and hugged her, but because he was too excited, he met the wound on Edlin's body in the process of hugging, which made the latter gasp with pain. Kou Bi directly reached out to pick up Ye Feng's neck and threw him aside. She helped Edlin and flew directly from the gap in the wall opened by the bomb to the nearest hospital without taking care of anything else.

Ye Feng watched Kou Bi leave with Edlin, but he had to limp downstairs. Now he didn't worry about Edlin's safety. He began to feel a headache for Kou Bi. There is no doubt that within five minutes, there will be a piece of news on the Internet about a flying beauty in Y City


"---- in other words, you thought you might be attacked, so you took a power field shield with you?" Ye Feng said admiringly while peeling Adelin's apple skin, "yes, plan ahead."

"Why don't you prepare more when you're out." Adelin used his uninjured hand and ended up with half an apple handed to him by Ye Feng, "In fact, I still underestimated the virulence of Gatsby's gang. After investigation, the guy who detonated the bomb in the guest room next to me was not one of Gatsby's gang. He should be just a unlucky guy found at random. Alas, this way is really immoral."

"It's also the safest kind. No evidence will be left. After all, people and all the evidence have been blown away." Ye Feng said, "do you think that unlucky guy is controlled by Gatsby, so he can be cruel and blow himself to pieces."

"Although we don't know how Gatsby's gang used, there is no doubt that the innocent man should have been remotely controlled, perhaps some kind of mental control, or compiled his memory, or some more strange way. In a word, they did it very neatly this time, leaving no trace like the last explosion Suo. Damn... "Adlin sighed helplessly," I thought I could take advantage of this opportunity to find Gatsby's Gang, but I didn't expect them to let them calculate everything. "

"At least they didn't succeed in killing you," Ye Feng said. "And there is no doubt that they don't know that you have a precious manuscript that can lock the crustal stabilizer in your hand. Otherwise, they wouldn't want to blow you up so urgently."

"It should be," said Edlin.

"What about the manuscript?" asked Ye Feng.

"It has been sent to the relevant people. Don't worry," Edlin said.

"You shield holders are really fast enough," Ye Feng said. "Although your reinforcements will never arrive at the critical moment."

"I've found that too." Adeline said with a bitter smile. "Captain victory, that bastard doesn't care about my life or death. As long as the manuscript is safe, he'll be relieved." her tone could not hide her anger, "That bastard is a selfish guy. I really don't want to work under him. You know, Ye Feng, several veteran members of the shield bearer alliance, has left the alliance because he doesn't want to waste time in the internal friction with Captain victory."

"Your shield bearer alliance is really shaky," Ye Feng said.

"Who said no. damn it... I shouldn't have told you this, Ye Feng. You'd better forget what I just said," Adelin said.

"Well, well, I see. I've always had the best door --"

"Always the most unreliable. Hey..."

"..." Ye Feng looked at Edlin helplessly. "You should believe more in me. Really, Edlin, I'm not a good for nothing."

"Of course you're not a worthless person, Ye Feng. You have many lovely places that girls like very much, but you can't deny that the word" reliable "doesn't match you at all. Really, if you can be a reliable person, I believe we have entered the palace of marriage now -"

"I don't want to --"

"- I know you don't want to get married. In fact, I don't want to marry you. When I think that life after marriage may be a history of fighting little three, I don't want to mention the word" marriage "anymore," adlin said.

"... sorry, dear," said Ye Feng with some shame.

Adlin said gently, "it's all right, honey, who makes me like you."

"Well, me too." Ye Feng said affectionately that in his eyes, an indescribable light is flashing. This is the light of love, which a woman most wants to see from the eyes of her loved one. But Ye Feng's eyes are not exclusive to someone, which makes his originally precious light a little cheap. In fact, Ye Feng has no idea how to be self-conscious It's very handy to control the love in your eyes, and adlin knows this.

"Don't look at me like that," she said calmly. "It's too fake."


Ye Feng helplessly stared at the beauty in front of him. Perhaps it was because of her discerning mature temperament that he became more and more involved.

"You are so beautiful today, honey."

"Wasn't I beautiful yesterday?"


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