When he encountered the first wave of enemies, Ye Feng didn't even have any accidents.

In fact, he seemed to have some illusion of relief. For Ye Feng, the furry monsters in front of him didn't even make him feel much. And, in fact, Ye Feng didn't do it at all. The three monsters had been killed by Jane before they rushed in front of him. In fact, Jane's strength surprised everyone. When Huang Liang and others were ready to take out weapons to deal with the attack, Jane had killed several sudden black hair monsters. For her, it seemed that it was a simple and natural thing to eat and drink water, which surprised Ye Feng. He thought that Jane spent every day eating. Even if her strength was not abandoned, there should be no possibility of progress. However, to Ye Feng's great surprise, Jane could not help becoming a professional gourmet, and her strength increased unabated, which made Ye Feng envy her how she did both work and leisure. Therefore, He then went to ask Jane about it

Although Ye Feng was not surprised by the attack, it does not mean that other people in the team did not respond. Although the enemy appeared very suddenly and there were almost no signs, the most panic was not captain victory, who had been deeply despised by Ye Feng, but the t-boy.

In t-boy's yelling, Captain Shengli was very calm, even a little too calm. At the end of the team, at the moment when the monster appeared, Ye Feng immediately turned his eyes to captain Shengli, who was walking in the front of the team. Facing the black haired monster rushing towards his own side, his first reaction was to turn and run behind the team. This is very in line with his expectations in Ye Feng's heart, so Ye Feng didn't feel so strange.

But the indifference and calmness on captain Shengli's face was unexpected to Ye Feng. If captain Shengli had a panic expression on his face at this time, Ye Feng would think it was very normal. As a person with only a little strength better than ordinary people and no super ability, Ye Feng could fully understand that Captain Shengli's first reaction to the attack was to withdraw. But he didn't show any surprise at all, which made Ye Feng doubt.

And more obviously, it seemed that he was worried that someone would notice him. On the way back, Captain Shengli suddenly put on a frightened expression on his face. There is no doubt that his previous career as a comedian gave him excellent acting skills. The panic expression on his face made captain victory look very natural. This is him. A man who can only say some high sounding empty words needs someone else to stand in front of him when he is in danger.

However, Ye Feng noticed the inconsistency between his front and rear expressions. He was completely sure that the panic expression on captain Shengli's face was pretended by TM. The goods didn't have even the slightest respect for the black haired monster who came to attack. He seemed to have solved it and would encounter obstacles.

Moreover, it was not only psychological effect, but also showed that it was true. In the change of Captain victory's expression, Ye Feng read out a feeling of relief, which was similar to the feeling he had just generated.

Damn it, this bastard seems to know something will come out on the way up the mountain. Ye Feng looked at captain Shengli's side face. The latter was standing next to Jane and kept saying compliments. His eyes twinkled with amazing light and seemed to have a strong interest in Jane.

Ye Feng walked a few steps to Jane's side. He Gu Yu stood between Jane and captain Shengli, separating them.

"What's up? What's this?" Ye Feng looked at the black haired monster who fell to the ground and was knocked down by Jane. "Is it some kind of creature?"

"It shouldn't be. The feeling of hitting is wrong, like the touch of hitting on metal." Jane stared at the monster body on the ground and said to herself, "it seems to be some kind of machinery."

"Really?" cobby came up to him. "Do you want me to cut it?"

"OK." Jane nodded.

Kirby used the beam knife on the arm armor of hell bat to split the black haired monster falling to the ground in two. After the smell of burnt fur dissipated, as Jane expected, the black fur was full of metal parts made of metal. There was no doubt that it was a mechanical monster.

"Good guy, this kind of mechanical beast is worth tens of millions in the market. Maybe it can reach the price of hundreds of millions. It unexpectedly ran into three at one time in this deep mountain and old forest." Huang Liang said in surprise. Generally speaking, only when it comes to money, Huang Liang's poker face will have a small change, making others realize that he is not facial paralysis.

"Yes, who would put these expensive watchdog in such a forest?" Ye Feng looked at captain Shengli intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's not the product of human technology," Kobi said suddenly.

"Not made by humans?" Audrey asked.

"Yes, it should be the product of alien technology," Kobi said. "Although it is not sure which race's technology product is, there is no doubt that it is not made by humans. Moreover, this technology is not very clever, it is quite backward technology."

"Well, even if it's very backward, we are still being a treasure." Ye Feng Tucao make complaints about it.

"Human beings have mastered this level of technology," Kobi said, "but the machinery made by human beings and this mechanical beast are not in the same system."

"You seem to know a lot about races other than humans," Captain victory said, looking at cobby.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Kobi walked away without looking at captain victory.

"..." Captain Shengli's face was very ugly.

Ye Feng was very cool, but he showed a considerate look and said to captain Shengli: "beautiful women are hard to get close to, especially they look like an ill intentioned pervert. Relax, we all know that you are not a pervert, she just doesn't know you."

"Hum." Captain Shengli's face was so blue that he pushed away Ye Feng's hand on his shoulder. He walked aside and stood with his two younger brothers t-boy and Portos.

"How do we deal with the wreckage of the three mechanical beasts?" Audrey said a very practical problem. "I'm afraid it's not good to put it here."

"Well, simple." Ye Feng thought for a moment and shouted to Portos, "Mediterranean, can you put these debris away? I remember you have a portable Heterodimensional space."

"No problem." Portos answered listlessly, and then walked slowly to the wreckage of the three mechanical beasts. He didn't know what he had done. In the blink of an eye, the metal parts scattered on the ground disappeared.

"Remember to give it back to me." Ye Feng told Portos.

"OK." Portos nodded coldly and walked back to captain victory.

"Everyone, you've heard it. Here's a proof for me. If he defaults, you're all my witnesses." Ye Feng muttered seriously, but no one paid attention to him.

After this episode, the party began a long mountain climbing trip again. After all, they trekked in the dense primitive jungle. The speed of the party was not very fast, or even a little slow, which had something to do with their cautious advance formation.

In fact, this is what maple leaf strongly demands. Although on the surface, Ye Feng's reason is that they have now occupied all the advantages, Gatsby's group would never have dreamed that Ye Feng has led a team of people to start searching for crustal stabilizers in Monterey mountain, so they don't need to climb up the mountain top too urgently, and may leave some clues on the road.

But Ye Feng's real intention is that he wants to observe captain Shengli as long as possible. With the passage of time, Ye Feng is confident that he can uncover the mask of camouflage on captain victory's face. Although Ye Feng does not know the real purpose of Captain victory, there is no doubt that his purpose must not be as simple as to defend the earth's crust stabilizer before Gatsby and others. Ye Feng's intuition tells him this all the time.

Therefore, Ye Feng wants to explore the real purpose of Captain victory. If ye Feng can stop him before some of his ulterior plans are officially implemented, this is the best choice. In Ye Feng's eyes, Captain victory's proposal to climb the top of Monterey mountain first is a link in captain victory's evil plan.

Although Ye Feng doesn't know whether this link is important, there is no doubt that Ye Feng will never let captain Shengli realize his plan so easily and slow down the implementation of his plan. It's definitely not a bad thing for Ye Feng.

Moreover, he is really not interested in trekking in the dense woods. If he can walk slowly, maple leaf will have more time to think. After all, for Ye Feng, thinking has never been his strength.

When Ye Feng was afraid of Captain Shengli, similarly, Captain Shengli was secretly observing Ye Feng who was observing himself. He knows what the damn psycho seems to be aware of. He has been trying every means to obstruct his plan. But Captain Shengli is convinced that Ye Feng, a psychotic, doesn't know the whole picture of his plan. He is just organizing his plan instinctively like a child. Of course, this kind of obstruction has made captain Shengli hate Ye Feng more and more.

Ye Feng's hostility to himself is very clear to captain Shengli. He can feel someone's eyes staring at him all the time, which makes him feel like a lump in his throat. If ye Feng could be killed immediately, Captain Shengli would be willing to pay any price. But the reality is in front of him. The strength of Ye Feng's side is far more than that of his own side, which further deepens the captain's dislike of Ye Feng.

I don't know when this mentally ill guy gathered a group of capable people around him. Captain victory couldn't understand this from beginning to end. Are Jane and Coby really blind? Why would you follow the man with no style? Is that maple leaf worth following?

Captain victory was puzzled.

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