Captain Shengli's contempt for Ye Feng is comparable to Ye Feng's contempt for him.

Captain Shengli has been a different person since childhood. He is a leader among his peers, an example in the eyes of teachers and superiors, and the most noticeable existence in a party. In the world of Captain victory, everything comes so easily. There was only one thing that made him feel helpless: he was an ordinary man.

Yes, he is outstanding in both his studies and appearance, but unfortunately, he is an ordinary person. Although his family is not very rich, he is happy and has no worries about food and clothing. Unfortunately, he is an ordinary person. Although he started systematic and uninterrupted physical exercise since childhood, it's a pity that he is an ordinary person.

When all the boys dream of becoming an omnipotent hero, Captain victory's heroic dream has been broken, because he clearly realizes that he is a hero without any super ability, and he also does not have money ability, which makes captain victory feel more sorry.

For a long time, he buried his dream of being a hero respected by thousands of people deeply in his heart, and didn't let anyone or even himself touch it. He finally chose to become an actor instead of the life goal set by his father as a child: a doctor.

Captain victory gets comfort from playing hero. He hopes to become an omnipotent hero in movies or TV dramas and realize his hero dream from another field. But unfortunately, although his appearance was outstanding and his acting skills were OK, Captain Shengli didn't get the hero role he wanted. On the contrary, his acting career soon fell into a quagmire and began to stagnate.

For several years, he has been performing in the theater and making a living as a dramatic actor. Since he broke up with his father, he never returned to his hometown. Instead, he worked hard in the big city with his dream of becoming a hero.

Finally, he waited for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. By chance, Captain victory saw the recruitment information sent by the shield bearer alliance.

At that time, the shield alliance was just a small organization that had just been established. Although several old members were famous heros later, they were still unknown at that time. Because they were young and had little experience, they even experienced some unknown failures in the early stage of the establishment of the shield alliance. It was in this case that Captain victory entered the shield bearer alliance.

At first, Captain Shengli was just a civilian, doing some logistical work. But as captain victory became familiar with the hero of the shield bearer alliance, he began to give advice on their actions. It has been proved that Captain victory may not have the gift of super ability, but God did not favor him. On the contrary, God gave him another very outstanding and indispensable skill, his wisdom and his talent in strategy can even be described as extremely outstanding.

Captain victory's position and importance in the shield bearer alliance are increasing day by day. People who can fight are easy to find. They can even be described as consumables. These heroes who only know how to wave their fists. But the resourceful talents like Captain victory are more important, even extremely important. The members of the shield bearer alliance have made progress and made progress, but Captain victory is gradually expanding this previously unknown organization. Under the propaganda of Captain victory, the name of the shield bearer alliance is becoming louder and louder, and its image in the eyes of ordinary people is becoming taller and taller.

Of course, these achievements are inseparable from the courageous fighting of the shield bearer alliance in many major crises. But in fact, few people now know that not only the shield bearer alliance, but also other hero groups, large and small, have paid a painful price in these battles against the earth. But under the guidance of Captain victory's public opinion, almost all the glory belongs to the shield bearer alliance. It was a past that Captain victory missed most. For him, he was a time he would never go back.

For other hero groups, they just want to work together to solve major crises that can not be solved by one person. These organizations are relatively loose. They exist today and are dissolved every day because of members' departure or accidents. However, the shield holder Alliance under the control of Captain victory is not like this. He controls the development of the shield holder alliance with the idea of running a company. Compared with his peers, he is more visionary and more complex.

It turned out that Captain victory was undoubtedly a perfect businessman. He controlled the shield alliance and developed it into a huge organization. But at the same time, people in the shield alliance began to have more and more opinions about captain victory, because captain victory is not a perfect hero. It can even be said that he is not an old-fashioned hero at all. Maybe he once had something like that, but at some time, he has lost that precious thing, lost in his passion for rights and can't extricate himself.

Some of the elders who established the shield bearer alliance left by themselves or were run away by the victorious captain in various ways. Those who remain in the shield bearer alliance are also sent to carry out missions with a high risk factor and lose both with the enemy in the battle with aliens. There is no doubt that Captain victory himself is responsible for the current situation. In fact, from the beginning, he intended to purge the shield bearer alliance of those who have the qualifications and ability to fight against him. Of course, what he didn't expect was that this awakening was so successful that all the effective forces of the shield holder alliance were washed away. When he heard the news, Captain Shengli was also very helpless. For him, it was indeed a great victory, but in a sense, he was also a complete failure. He had become a lonely man. His former companions walked and died, leaving him still beside the dying dragon of the shield bearer alliance.

Captain Shengli became the real helmsman of the shield bearer alliance, but unfortunately, the giant ship he dreamed of and worked tirelessly for for many years has become riddled and almost crumbling. He must set sail again and create the next myth.

Captain victory didn't give up. In fact, he thought it was just a small challenge. Having experienced ups and downs in the shield bearer alliance, Captain victory recognized the fact that bad guys will always be born again, and heroes will also appear in waves. Heroes will not disappear, that is to say, Captain victory can always find supplies for such consumables. In fact, Captain victory did.

Although the old heroes have lost all in the battle to defend the earth, with Captain Shengli's unremitting efforts (in fact, it didn't take much effort), he found a large number of potential people, some of whom are still observing, and some have been introduced into the shield bearer alliance by Captain Shengli and become a new effective force. These young heroes who have become members of the shield bearer alliance, although they still seem a little immature, over time, Captain victory believes that they will become as good as the old heroes. Of course, we must turn them into people on our side. Captain victory has been carrying this out.

In captain victory's view, justice will never be absent, but who is holding high the banner of justice? In captain victory's view, this is a point worthy of deliberation. There is no doubt that in captain victory's view, this person should be himself, and can only be himself. Besides, he is also the most suitable person. This is not the arrogance of the victorious captain, but that he has indeed made great achievements in the battle with the evil side for many years, although the price paid is the result of the final disintegration of the shield bearer alliance.

And in the evil struggle that Captain victory thought, Captain victory gradually lost himself in victory. The captain who can win with the enemy by unscrupulous means has paid the corresponding price, and he has become the kind of person he once hated most, because there is no doubt that the lower the bottom line, the more efficient and favorable the decision is. It is precisely because of the disdain for the means to combat evil that many hero finally chose to leave the shield bearer alliance.

It is this unscrupulous way that has achieved the success of the shield bearer alliance, but it is also this unscrupulous way that has finally become an important reason for the decline of the shield bearer alliance.

Captain victory once asked himself if he was right. But he is no longer the human who has hero dream in his heart. In his opinion, it is the most important point to obtain absolute control over the shield holder alliance. As for everything else, it is not so important

Captain victory did not regret what he had done. He did not regret it, but he felt very lonely. No one could understand him, no one could share the pressure with him, and even his men for many years still made captain victory feel incomparable fear. He was worried that someone would see through his inner weakness and greed. He was worried that when everyone knew his true purpose, he would pull him down from his current position.

Captain victory, not many people have confided in him for a long time. From time to time, he would recall the time when the shield bearer alliance had just been established and he was still a small assistant. At that time, he could be excited just by listening to the hero's description of the battle and mission. Those days were many years ago. I do not know from that second, he began to drift away from others, began to face all the pressure alone, and began to betray his relatives in order to obtain the absolute control of the shield bearer alliance.

In a speech, Captain Shengli once faced a little boy's question. The thin little boy with strange light in his eyes asked captain Shengli how to become a hero and how to join the shield bearer alliance to fight crime. Captain Shengli was stunned for a long time before he said some high sounding words, such as studying hard and exercising hard.

Captain victory used to be familiar with the brightness in the little boy's eyes, because he also had that light. But I don't know when he lost that light, and he was very afraid to see that light.

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