By the time we reached the top of Mount Monterey, it was completely dark.

Monterey mountain in the night has a frightening silence, which makes Ye Feng and his party feel a little desolate in fatigue. They finally decided to camp on the flat open space on the top of Mount Monterey and decide how to take the next action early tomorrow morning.

When he reached the top of Monterey mountain, maple leaf was always in a state of fear. For him, he has always believed that in the process of climbing the top, when he is about to succeed, it should be the most dangerous moment. But nothing happened above, which surprised Ye Feng. In fact, there are some small episodes that are not unexpected. When it comes to large animals, there are some white bones buried by dead leaves. There are still many such episodes, but they can not arouse Ye Feng's interest. After all, this is a well preserved primitive forest that has never been developed on a large scale. There are some white bones buried in it, It's too normal. Although the shape of those bones is very strange, Ye Feng can't recognize them at all

Even if it was the kind of mechanical beast he had encountered before, Ye Feng could accept it, but the process of climbing the top of the mountain was extremely smooth without any episode, which made Ye Feng feel that he had been in fear, which was particularly ridiculous. However, Ye Feng didn't fully realize his vigilance. He thought it was just the tranquility before the storm.

The tent was set up in twos and threes, while Ye Feng stood by and stood by, neither helping to set up the tent nor helping Jane cook dinner. He just silently observed captain Shengli's tent, a very huge camouflage tent, enough for five people to live together, enough for him and his two men to use together. In fact, the equipment of the shield bearer alliance is still very excellent. Their equipment is much better than the equipment Ye Feng bought for his own use. Although he is greedy for captain victory, Ye Feng doesn't show it at all. When he looks at captain victory, the scornful sneer always appears on his face, as if the other party is not worth mentioning at all. Although this behavior is a little childish, Ye Feng just can't face captain victory calmly.

At this time, Captain Shengli was finishing the last work of building a tent. He had been buried in his work and could not see any expression on his face. Captain Shengli ignored Ye Feng, who had been secretly looking at him. He hardly looked at anyone. He was just busy with his own affairs there. He looked very leisurely. It even seemed that he was camping in the.

Captain Shengli's calm expression made Ye Feng more and more worried. His heart began to beat. It seemed that he was trembling in advance for a danger that had not yet appeared. Ye Feng hated this feeling. He went to Audrey's side and talked to her.

"Dear, I feel very bad." Ye Feng said softly. He searched for the figure of t-boy and Portos. He made sure that neither of them could hear his voice with Audrey. Then he continued: "I think no matter what secret plan captain victory hid, the plan must be going well."

"Who knows, maybe he is satisfied with our current progress," Audrey said. "Maybe things are not as complicated as you think."

"Honey, I hope I think too much," said Ye Feng. "I'm worried. You know, I've always been good but bad. Now I'm very worried about captain Shengli's bastard. I'm sure this bastard is planning something we don't know, and these things may be bad."

"Bad things?"

"Yes, it's a bad thing," Ye Feng said seriously. "Think about it, the earth's crust stabilizer is related to the safety of tens of millions of people in Xindu -"

"Tell the truth." Audrey looked at Ye Feng with helpless eyes.

"- it's related to our ability to escape from this ghost place in time. If there is some uncontrollable crisis at that time, honey, I'm afraid that Captain victory will make trouble for our evacuation. You know, he is a narrow-minded man and can't watch us escape."

"Are you talking about yourself?" Audrey squinted at Ye Feng.

"It is precisely because I am also a penny pincher that I can distinguish my peers." Ye Feng said helplessly, "Are you satisfied? Oh, Audrey, why don't we tie up captain Shengli's bastard now? There are only three of them, one of them is a young child. The other is a premature old uncle in the Mediterranean, and captain Shengli, well, he is a flower shelf with empty muscles..."

"I don't think your idea is right. It hasn't reached that point yet," Audrey said calmly. "Don't you think you're too extreme, Ye Feng?"

"Yes? Don't you think what I said is correct?" asked Ye Feng.

"It can't prove that your doubt is the truth, so, Ye Feng, you'd better observe for a while. As you said, there are few of them. At that time, we really find him asking for something else, and it's not too late for us to subdue him." Audrey comforted Ye Feng, as if comforting a frightened child.

"Well, maybe you're right..." Ye Feng muttered.

After leaving Audrey, Ye Feng went to Huangliang's small tent. He was lying on his sleeping bag looking at something. Ye Feng walked over and grabbed the book in Huangliang's hand.

"What are you looking at? Is it playboy?"

"Bring it!" Huang Liang grabbed the book robbed by Ye Feng angrily. "Go out. I'm not interested in chatting with you."

"It's so cold. That's how you treat your good brother who lives and dies with you?" Ye Feng sat carelessly on the sleeping bag of Huangliang, looking leisurely.

"You must have made a mistake. I don't know you at all." Huang Liang stared at Ye Feng angrily and tried to continue to concentrate on reading.

"Cut, did you observe captain victory's expression?"

"Yes, that guy has no expression." Huang Liang put down his book and looked straight at Ye Feng, who was getting serious. "I can't see what his idea is."

"Sure enough, you think as I do. Captain Shengli must be studying something behind our back." Ye Feng patted Huang Liang on the shoulder. "Heroes think alike."

"Maybe, it has become his instinct for people like him to poke some shady things behind his back." Huang Liang flicked Ye Feng's hand on his shoulder, "who knows who he's thinking about going to pit."

"His bastard's goal is us." Ye Feng said, "I've experienced the entrapment of people very similar to captain Shengli, and that guy almost killed me..." in front of Ye Feng's eyes, the star female Xia Veronica appeared.

"Really? You've had such an experience. It's a pity that you didn't die at that time." Huang Liang said sarcastically.

"You are really a little proud and charming." Ye Feng stared at Huang Liang helplessly.

"You are proud and charming. Your whole family is proud and charming!" Huang Liang said impatiently. "Go out, go out! This is my tent. You are not welcome!"

"Cut, Ao Jiao, what..."

Being driven out of the tent by Huang Liang, Ye Feng mumbled helplessly. Then he subconsciously looked at the big tent of the shield bearer alliance and just saw that Captain Shengli was also looking at him. Ye Feng walked directly towards the other party.

"Hey, Captain, good evening. What a beautiful moonlight." Ye Feng looked up in the dark to look for the moonlight, but it seemed that the moon was a little shy. It hid behind the clouds and didn't show up, which made Ye Feng a little embarrassed. "It's right there, but you can't see it for the time being."

"Of course, the moonlight is beautiful." Captain Shengli said sarcastically, "Ye Feng, you seem to have been paying attention to me today. Have I got any dirt on my body?"

"Yes, you have a nose on your face." Ye Feng said seriously, "don't you feel it yourself?"

"Your cold joke is not funny at all," said Captain victory calmly. "If you really grow a nose, it might be very convenient."

"Yes, anyway, you just can't find a reason to wear a cool mask. What do you think of turning this childish and ridiculous" Captain victory "into a more cool name such as" masked war police? "Ye Feng said with a smile.

"Personally, I still think the name" Captain victory "is good, and I have no idea of changing it for the time being," Captain victory said.

"Of course, with your taste, this is really the most mature name you can think of," said Ye Feng. "Don't lose heart. You may grow up in a few years."

"..." Captain Shengli's face trembled slightly because of anger. He wondered why he was so easily provoked in front of Ye Feng. Captain Shengli is always proud of his self-control ability, but when facing this disgusting Ye Feng, he usually has difficulty controlling his temper.

Control, Tom, be sure to control yourself. Captain victory whispered in his heart.

"What's the matter? I think what I said is very reasonable. I'm seriously thinking about my suggestions?" Ye Feng asked again.

I control you mlgb!!! Captain victory roared in his heart, but on the surface, he just looked more gloomy and showed no other mood swings.

"You should control what you say. There's a word --"

"Misfortune comes from the mouth, I know." Ye Feng waved his hand with some boredom. "You're not the first person to say this to me, and you're certainly not the last. Captain, I don't know what you're thinking, but don't worry, I'll keep staring at you." Ye Feng stretched out two fingers, pointed to his own eyes and pointed to captain victory.

"I haven't thought about anything. Everything is to solve the crisis of the new city. Ye Feng, don't slander me." Captain victory said solemnly.

"Hum, you know very well." Ye Feng snorted coldly, "Captain, you'd better not let me get your handle." since the words have been said, Ye Feng is not going to beat around the Bush, he said to captain Shengli, "We don't like each other. Before, I was just a nobody and couldn't threaten you, but now, hum, now you need to hold your tail."

"... really? You're so confident." Captain victory sneered. "Do you really think I can't do anything with you?"

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