"Yes, I just don't think you can do anything with me." Ye Feng said sarcastically, "if you're Nb, now take out some helpers from your crotch!"

"Boss, what are you talking about with Ye Feng?" although he didn't come out of his crotch, t-boy came out of nowhere. He stood next to captain Shengli, just like Captain Shengli's son. "It seems that the atmosphere of the conversation is a little fierce."

"Captain." Portos also came together. After he silently called captain victory, he stood behind captain victory silently and stopped talking. It looked like he was sleepwalking.

"You've all arrived, and you should have enough confidence to speak?" Ye Feng said contemptuously. He knew that he couldn't beat the three people on the other side alone, but Ye Feng wasn't afraid to fight them. Anyway, the three goods didn't seem to have weapons that could restrain the "self-healing gene", that is, Captain victory and the three of them, At best, Ye Feng was seriously injured. It's impossible to hurt Ye Feng's life. "Hey, you three seem to be standing there with wire pillars. What's the matter? Performance art?"

"Boss, is he insulting us?" t-boy asked captain Shengli, "I don't think what he said is good."

Damn it, why should I take an idiot out. Captain victory wanted to slap t-boy in the face.

"Of course, he's humiliating us," said Portos solemnly. "And it's mainly aimed at the captain."

"Really? Does he mean that the head is a pedantic old stubborn who doesn't know how to change?" t-boy discussed with Portos as if no one else, "or does Ye Feng think captain Shengli is a double faced person who can only pretend?"

"In my opinion, it should have two meanings." Portos said seriously. "Ye Feng's mouth is really sharp. I dare to say it in front of the captain."

"You two buckle excrement pots on me!" Ye Feng shouted helplessly. "These words are all spoken by you and have nothing to do with me. Captain, you have seen it with your own eyes. Your men slander you without scruples in front of you and me."

Captain victory's face turned white with anger, and his face began to tremble. Captain victory was angry and didn't know what to say about t-boy and Portos's seemingly unintentional words. If he turns against Ye Feng, t-boy and Portos at the same time, there is no doubt that he must be injured in the end.

Under the pressure of anger, Captain victory Tieqing said to Ye Feng with a face: "our men and I have always been one mind. Don't try to stir up the relationship between us. For the future of mankind and the implementation of justice, the shield bearer alliance will last forever!"

"The shield bearer alliance will last forever!" t-boy echoed excitedly.

"Forever," muttered Portos.

"You are really sick," said Ye Feng contemptuously. "Especially you can deceive yourself. Captain, your ability to deceive people can really be called an extremely rare superpower."

"Hey, pay attention to our boss." t-boy walked up to Ye Feng and almost stuck with him. Because he was a little short, he could only look up to see Ye Feng's face. In order to accommodate him, Ye Feng had to lower his head slightly.

"Boy, you'd better develop well at home for a few years and then come out to fill the head of injustice." Ye Feng said disapprovingly, "for goods like you, I'll give you a hand."

"That's what you said." t-boy pasted something on one of Ye Feng's arms, which seemed to be stained with the gum from his mouth. Well, before Ye Feng scolded, he had evacuated from Ye Feng's body and pushed it away. At the same time, with a loud bang, half of Ye Feng's arms became broken meat and scattered on the ground in the explosion.

"Fuck you!" Ye Feng was so angry that he didn't immediately fall to the ground. He had enough injury experience. Ye Feng's body had long been used to facing any possible situation. Therefore, while Ye Feng was just injured, the "self-healing gene" in his body had begun to operate, although he was bleeding constantly, But Ye Feng didn't faint directly because he broke an arm. He staggered and struggled to stand in place. He knew that Audrey rushed to him and held him.

Jane of Huangliang reacted more quickly. The former rushed in front of Huangliang, held two guns and aimed the muzzle directly at captain Shengli and Portos. As for the t-boy who caused all this, Jane had been kicked to the ground, and the latter put her knee on her throat, so she was out of breath and didn't breathe in. As for Portos, he had been watching coldly and didn't come forward to conflict with Jane or Coby.

Captain Shengli smiled at Ye Feng, who was screaming, and was very calm about the chaos in front of him. Seeing the expression on his face, Huang Liang almost pointed the muzzle of the gun aimed at t-boy at captain victory. He really wanted to jump him to death. But Huang Liang still restrained his anger and disgust at captain Shengli. He stood aside coldly and was ready to try.

"What do you mean? Captain victory, are you going to fight directly?" Audrey looked at captain victory coldly.

"It was Ye Feng who caused the trouble. My men just followed Ye Feng's own wishes. He said to let t-boy have one hand." Captain Shengli said calmly.

"Yes, yes, he said it himself!" t-boy, who was firmly captured by Jane, said hard, but there was a cruel sneer at the corners of his mouth, as if he was ecstatic that he could revenge Ye Feng.

"This little bastard, I have to pay him!" Ye Feng, who was supported by Audrey, cried weakly. His face was still bloodless, but fortunately, his broken arm was still no longer bleeding. He was growing granulation at the speed visible to the naked eye and slowly growing into a new arm.

"It's really a convenient ability." Captain Shengli sighed with emotion when he saw it with his own eyes.

"I TM make it convenient for you!" Ye Feng struggled to rush to captain Shengli.

"When you were in my room, you killed t-boy directly. At that time, you didn't know that you killed t-boy's double. In fact, you just wanted to kill t-boy." Captain victory said coldly, "do you need me to remind you? T-boy has the right to retaliate against you."

"You TM -"

"It's just an arm. You're the so-called" God of death ", so small?" Captain victory said contemptuously.

"One arm? What you TM said is easy. Come on, stretch out your arm and let me cut off one!" Ye Feng's face was distorted because of the sharp pain in his arm. He was almost overwhelmed by anger.

"What happened? It's so busy here?"

Just when everyone was in a state of tension, a woman's voice attracted everyone's attention. It was Edlin. Her figure appeared on the top of Monterey mountain.

"Why are you here?" Ye Feng looked at Edlin in surprise. "Don't you have to recuperate at home?"

"I'm busy, and the wounds on my body have almost healed." Adelin noticed Ye Feng's broken arm and looked at captain Shengli with a frown. "What's going on?"

"A little conflict, you know, young people are angry and always act on impulse," Captain victory said lightly. "It's just a little misunderstanding."

"You call this a little misunderstanding?" Ye Feng looked like he was going to bite.

"Ye Feng, are you all right?" Adelin went to Ye Feng's side and looked at his disgusting broken arm with worry.

"Do you think I'm all right? If I didn't want to see you for the last time, I would have been unable to hold on and die in peace." Ye Feng said sadly.

"Fuck off, I'm not a little girl who will be deceived by such words. Ye Feng, it seems that you're OK." Adelin said expressionless, "we're all fighting for the safety of tens of millions of people in Xindu. It's really not what hero should do to ignore this great responsibility because of personal gratitude and resentment."

"You're right. I'll teach my people not to do it again." Captain victory walked up to Jane and looked at the latter. "Can you remove your knees from t-boy?"

Jane was unmoved, but looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is already a miserable look that can be carried away at any time. He was going to let Jane hold the damn t-boy alive, but adlin came up to him and whispered in his ear.

"Really? It's a deal?" Ye Feng looked at Edlin cautiously.

"Of course, it's a deal," adlin said with a red face. Audrey, who has been holding Ye Feng, also has red cheeks.

"Well, that's it. Damn it, you little rabbit, wait for me. Don't let me see you alone. I'll beat you once I see you! Let him go, Jane, damn it, it's killing me." Ye Feng tightly hugged Audrey's waist, like a big caterpillar hanging on her. Audrey had no choice but to let Ye Feng fool around.

T-boy sprawled from the ground and ran to captain Shengli. He led t-boy and Portos back to the big tent of the shield bearer alliance. He didn't continue to confront you with Ye Feng.

"Promising." Huang Liang came to check Ye Feng's injury, "you didn't bite the boy."

"It's no use killing him." Ye Feng said reluctantly, "I'm sure that t-boy is a double body. The real body of t-boy won't do such a thing himself. He's a coward afraid of death."

"It's true that you said that. I don't think that guy felt right when he fought." Jane looked thoughtfully at the direction of the shield bearer alliance tent. "It doesn't feel like hitting a real person."

"You can also tell whether it's a real person from the sense of shock. I'm good, Jane. You really make me feel surprised every day." Ye Feng said reluctantly, "I said if you can send me to the tent to have a good rest. I feel like I'm really going to be hurt..."

"It's not your trouble." Audrey's Blush still didn't completely dissipate. "Can you tell me what you think? One person provoked the other three people."

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