After being carried into the tent, Ye Feng, under the care of Edlin, lay in his sleeping bag. He still looked like he was going to die at any time. However, although his mental state was not very good, he was constantly muttering all kinds of curses against captain victory and t-boy.

In fact, if he didn't really see that Ye Feng lost half his arm, Edlin thought he didn't have shit. He was just talking endlessly because he lost in a quarrel with others. In fact, if this injury is borne by another person without "self-healing gene", he must be dead at the top of Monterey mountain

"Well, don't say a word. I just came here in a hurry because I know your temper is easy to cause trouble." Adelin sighed helplessly, "but I'm still late."

"Honey, didn't you tell you not to join the fun?" Ye Feng complained to Edlin, "you're very dangerous here."

"I know it's dangerous, but I'm really worried that you will fight captain Shengli. It doesn't matter whether you two are dead or disabled. I'm worried that you will do bad things. The lives of Xindu and tens of millions of people can't go wrong because of the bad things between you."

"... can't you rest assured of me?"

"Don't worry, you? Forget it," adlin said. "In fact, things are moving in the direction I'm worried about. You and the shield bearer alliance have begun to conflict head-on, although you just lost half your arm --"

"Just? Just these two words are a little too understated?" Ye Feng said discontentedly. "Do you know how much effort I spent to ensure that you can still be safely transferred out in the most dangerous situation?"

In fact, in order to deal with the potential crisis, Ye Feng not only worked hard on the people who took part in the action, but also made sufficient preparations for the people left at the new metropolis home. In order to install an emergency escape device in his home, ye fengleng took time to see Dick. He inked in his ear for a long time and said almost all the flattering words Ye Feng could remember. Dick finally agreed to Ye Feng's request. Dick's character is a character that will never suffer a loss. That is, Ye Feng can help him by persistently persuading him.

Dick installed a sophisticated early warning system in Ye Feng's home. If any disaster is detected that is enough to cause great damage, the whole house will immediately start emergency mode. In short, it will send everyone in the house and the whole house to Dick's Orc planet. Originally, Ye Feng wanted to transfer to a safe location on the earth, but Dick's words changed his mind. After all, if passers-by saw a big house suddenly appear in front of their eyes, it might have a great impact. Ye Feng still wanted to solve the problem in a low-key way.

Due to complete preparation, Ye Feng will relax to solve the crisis. Although it seems selfish, even Dick can't transfer the whole new city to a safe place. As for directly asking dick to help solve the crisis, Ye Feng didn't try, but with Dick's usual strange temperament, he certainly refused, and his attitude was very firm, and even threatened that if ye Feng dared to bother him with this matter again, he would close the portal at Ye Feng's home.

Of course, the people in Ye Feng's family do not know Ye Feng's plan and preparations in advance. He just repeatedly told them not to leave home until he sent back the news of solving the crisis. He has prepared enough food and supplies. As long as Gemma and them listen to him, they will not be in danger. In order to ensure their safety, Ye Feng worked hard. He not only discussed similar things with Dick, but also personally participated in the transformation of the room without disturbing others. It can be imagined that Ye Feng didn't have a good rest at night and has been busy with this and that.

He has done so many things to make the people he loves dangerous. This is the ultimate goal of Ye Feng regardless of return, but unfortunately, some people are very stubborn.

But adlin was clearly the disobedient man.

"I'm here anyway. You can't kick me back," said Edlin. "I'll take care of you today."

"Really? It's great to hug." Ye Feng raised his arms hard, with an eager expression on his face, "hurry up."

"You are so hurt, can't you lie down and rest?" Adelin looked at Ye Feng helplessly.

"By the way, Gemma, they --"

"You don't have to worry about them. They are as usual, although I don't know what they are usually like," Adelin said. "But they don't seem to be nervous at all, but the police chief named Kate has been clamoring to go out to work, if Gemma's little girl hasn't stopped her."

"Damn it, I knew Kate wouldn't listen to my advice. You must talk to her when you go back." Ye Feng said discontentedly, "Hey, it will be very safe to stay at home. Even if you may never return to the earth again, who knows if Dick's old bastard will have a wind..."

"By the way, Ye Feng, who is the man named Dick you mention from time to time?" Adelin asked curiously.

"Didn't you tell dick to her?" Kobi just entered the tent. She came to check Ye Feng's injury.

"No, I didn't find the right opportunity," said Ye Feng. "Anyway, I'm almost out of action now. It's better today."

In the following time, Ye Feng began to tell Edlin how he got to know Dick, and then what sounded like an incredible adventure. During Ye Feng's narration, people kept coming in and out of the tent, but when Ye Feng, who was thirsty, finally finished talking about what happened to him and Dick (what he still remembered), the tent was full of people.

"That is to say, this great Dick is the root of the matter?" adlin concluded.

"Well, anyway, we should have reached a consensus on dick being an asshole," Ye Feng said.

"I didn't expect your usual life to be so rich and colorful." Huang Liang said, "I didn't know what you did when you disappeared from time to time. Now it's clear that you are going to follow a more crazy person to do a greater death."

"Damn it, that's why I can't live without you. You're always so incisive," said Ye Feng.

"Fuck off." Huang Liang left the tent.

"That is to say, you have ensured that we can evacuate from danger at any time?" Audrey asked softly.

"Of course, as long as you stand within the diameter of one meter next to me, my seemingly ordinary but very NB transmission belt can transport us to a safe position." Ye Feng said, "I have asked dick to calibrate, and the transmission location is set at my home in Los Angeles."

"Your apartment in Los Angeles? Damn it, you haven't lived there for a long time. Can people breathe normally there?" adlin said anxiously.

"Of course, no problem. Every once in a while, I'll ask someone to clean it up." Ye Feng said, "and only when something happens that we can't handle, will we be sent there. So, you're still worried about what tens of millions of people in Xindu should do if that happens. None of them has a way back."

"Yes, well, this incident is really a headache. It's still confused now." Adelin said reluctantly. "You shouldn't have found the specific location of the crustal stabilizer."

"No." Maple Leaf shook his head, "In fact, I doubt captain Shengli, that bastard should know something. Isn't the document left by the deciphered star people in his hands? I don't believe that the aliens hundreds of years ago really didn't mark the specific location of the crustal stabilizer on the document. They were sick. They left half of their back hands and joked with themselves? Although they seem to be right It's really like a joke... "

"Maybe you're right. I also vaguely feel that Captain victory is hiding something from us." Edlin frowned slightly. "Since the document was cracked, he hasn't let me see the original document again."

"What he showed you should be the documents processed by him twice. People with his character can do similar things." Ye Feng said. "When considering captain Shengli's actions, we must think about the disadvantages. In fact, I think it is completely reasonable."

"Well, maybe you're right," adlin said. "You may be a little extreme on the issue of Captain victory, but you certainly see it best."

"Of course, Captain victory and I have two completely different personalities -"

"No, I think you're the same kind of person, so you know him so well," said Audrey. She stood up and walked out of the tent. "I'm going to bed."

"Arrange a tent for me, too." adlin followed Audrey out of the tent.

"Hey, you're all gone. Who will take care of me? If captain Shengli's grandson comes to attack me in the middle of the night -"

"Don't worry, I'll have a tent with you." Huang Liang came in reluctantly. "M, if you snore when you sleep, I'll block your mouth myself. Can you hear me clearly?"

"Shit, why are you? I don't want to stay in the tent with you smelly man. Audrey, Jane, Kirby and Edlin, come here and drive away the bastard with sweat smell!" Ye Feng shouted at the outside of the tent.

"You can save your energy. They forced me to sleep in a tent with you." Huang Liang said angrily. "Otherwise, you think there's something wrong with me? Fei crowded with you. Get out. Where are you going? Don't squeeze me."

"Shit, I'm the wounded. For the smooth progress of our operation -"

"You asked yourself to turn into this bear. Don't ink. I'm sleepy. I want to sleep. You don't have to shut your mouth anymore. I'll put my socks I've been wearing all day into your mouth and let you taste fresh!" Huang Liang's mood is very beautiful at the moment because of fatigue and sleepiness. He threatened, "do you want to try?"

"Forget it, forget it, you'd better leave your broken socks that can wring out of the water outside the tent. Really, they may have the effect of preventing insects. It's really delicious..." ye Fengsheng said lovelessly.

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