Gatsby was very confused.

According to the mysterious man's instructions, he and the group of men who did not listen to his orders entered the forest of Mount Monterey and found a secret cave entrance very smoothly. According to the action plan given to him by the mysterious man, although he hesitated, he took the lead in entering the entrance.

Entering the entrance, he immediately found that it was a passage that he thought was built. There are traces left by various machines in it. In Gatsby's view, the hidden things in this place must be very powerful and magical, because the human and material resources paid to dig a now regular channel in this mountain are an unimaginable and exaggerated astronomical number, and he was very surprised, Based on the age speculation of these traces left in the channel, Gatsby believes that this place has a history of at least 150 years, or even more.

When walking in the passage, Gatsby has been paying careful attention to the wind and grass. In this closed environment, once attacked, it is bound to cause great danger.

But whatever you fear comes. Unlike Ye Feng and others who walk safely and smoothly through the channel, Gatsby has almost just moved forward in this channel for five minutes, and the first attacks have quietly arrived.

It's a swarm of mechanical bats.

When the group of mechanical beasts with huge mouths and bright metal blades rushed to Gatsby's team, Gatsby just panicked and blocked a man beside him in front of him. He controlled the man's body and used his body to protect himself from the first wave of attack by mechanical bats.

When Gatsby finally simulated the ability of a man in the team who could turn his body into steel, the unlucky guy he used as a shield had been cut apart by mechanical bats. The unlucky man is a "prophet". His ability can predict the danger to a certain extent, but he did not foresee the threat, so he sadly became the first victim in the team.

Because Gatsby immediately copied the ability of the tiger backed man who was recognized as the "steel man" in the team with his own ability, he could completely ignore the attacks of those mechanical beasts on his steel body. He was surrounded by several mechanical bats. These ugly mechanical beasts the size of small dogs were quickly turned into parts and scattered on the ground under Gatsby's blow.

And the disobedient subordinates solved the sudden attack of the mechanical beast, and Gatsby inevitably had some complaints in his heart. The mysterious man said that they would not encounter much danger in action, as long as they acted according to his plan. But there is no doubt that the mysterious man underestimated the danger that Gatsby and others may face, so that they all believed it. They really believed that the words of the mysterious man were the truth. Their action was just a simple action, and they didn't need to care much.

Facts have proved that we must not be too optimistic in doing things. The "prophet" is now dead because of his blind confidence in the words of the mysterious man.

With some simple trimming, Gatsby led the team forward along the passage. Gatsby didn't have much regret that he had just lost a useless divine "prophet". The task must be performed, and Gatsby's curiosity was completely seduced by the task given by the mysterious man.

The mysterious man revealed in the plan that he would appear at the right time. He would say a predetermined code to let Gatsby know his existence.

Gatsby wanted to know how the mysterious man who had been hidden in the dark would appear before his eyes. Gatsby still couldn't figure out why he valued it so much and why he was willing to commit himself to appear. Here is an object related to the safety of tens of millions of people in the new city: the crustal stabilizer. Is this really the target of the mysterious man? Gatsby was a little uncertain.

There is no doubt that if the mysterious man wants to get the crustal stabilizer, he doesn't need to take so much trouble. From the clues he reveals, Gatsby is sure that he has enough information. He can organize a team himself and find the crustal stabilizer.

But the mysterious man did not do so, but tried his best to get him out of prison, gave him a team that was not very obedient, and asked him to bring the team here to look for him.

But why did he show up again? Gatsby was puzzled. Since he was coming, why did he let him bring the team? Why do we concentrate all human and material resources together, so that the success rate of action will be higher? But the mystery man didn't do that.

What medicine does he sell in his gourd?

Gatsby kept thinking about similar problems when walking in the channel. He thought he must be trapped in some huge conspiracy, and he was close to the core of the conspiracy. In a man-made cave in this huge mountain of Monterey, there is a magical thing called crustal stabilizer. Gatsby believes he will finally understand what kind of vortex he is in.

But there is no doubt that before moving to that room, he will encounter many dangers, such as the group of mechanical monkeys in front of him.

These mechanical monkeys appeared from the suddenly opened holes above their heads, taking Gatsby and others who were moving forward in the channel by surprise. Several people's heads were directly torn by the sharp claws of the mechanical monkeys.

"Don't shoot!"

After yelling, Gatsby immediately rushed to the side of a man who was being attacked by a mechanical monkey, grabbed the mechanical monkey and asked him to crush it. In this narrow space, if someone shoots, there is no doubt that it will cause accidental injury. It is likely that the enemy was not hit, but other people in the team were hit.

Because the people in the team are basically desperate people licking blood on the tip of the knife, these sudden attacks of mechanical monkeys did not make them panic and collapse completely. They were indeed a little flustered when the attack appeared, but soon, under Gatsby's leadership, this group of people with combat effectiveness began to use their unique ability to fight back against the mechanical monkey.

"Boss! This kind of thing keeps coming!!!" a team member is shaking with three mechanical monkeys. His body is covered with all kinds of scars.

"Damn it..."

Gatsby looked at the ceiling above his head, where circular holes appeared. From inside, the mechanical monkeys seemed to jump down endlessly. Gatsby immediately realized that compared with the group of mechanical bats he had met before, there were too many mechanical monkeys. They were the main dish, and the previous one was just dessert!

"Break out, break out!!!" Gatsby shouted and ran to the deep of the channel. He was very glad that he had not been in the state of tempering, which made him hardly hurt, except that his clothes had become very broken.

Hearing Gatsby's cry, the remaining team members who are still fighting with the mechanical monkey immediately get rid of the enemies around, and then try their best to catch up with Gatsby.

In desperation, several team members who had lost their mobility and had not died had to detonate their explosives, smash more than a dozen unloading monkeys still around them, and were buried in the earth with them.

Gatsby heard the explosion behind him. Before he could make any response, he had been violently hit on his back by the air wave aroused by the explosion, and the whole man flew forward. It seemed as if Gatsby had experienced a long process in the air, and Gatsby's body finally came into contact with the ground. With a loud bang, Gatsby fell to the ground and immediately fell into a coma.

When he was woken up again, Gatsby looked at the team members who still had the ability to move next to him and found that there were only 12 people left in the team of nearly 20 people, including himself.

"Boss, Jenny and Matthews ran too slowly and were burned to death by the fire triggered by the explosion..." a team member said with a disheartened face. He looked very sad. After getting along day and night during this period, they have formed a deep friendship. Seeing the tragic death of their friends, all the survivors present are very depressed.

"M, those bastards detonated too many explosives..." Gatsby muttered. He knew he was not qualified to evaluate the crazy actions made by those dying people, but he still felt very angry.

"The only good news is that the passage is blocked." a team member stretched out his hand for a few meters, and the passage is piled up with earth and stones. "Those damn mechanical animals can't chase us anymore."

Gatsby subconsciously looked up at the ceiling. To his relief, there was nothing like a hole in his head.

"Fix it, we need to move on," Gatsby said expressionless. "Even if it's not for that damn action, we can only go down. The way back has been completely cut off."

Gatsby, who was still lucky, has now fully realized that he has only one choice but to move on. Even if there is no doubt that there is a greater danger waiting for him ahead, he has no way back. Whether to sit here quietly and wait for death, or move on and try to fight for your life, which choice is actually clear at a glance.

Gatsby hardly hesitated, and he had no chance to hesitate. Even if he abandoned the remaining players, he could not go out alone. In fact, Gatsby doesn't think they have much chance to get out alive even if they rely on everyone's strength. He is a very pragmatic person, and he is used to thinking about everything to the worst result. Although this seems negative, he has already foreseen the worst situation he may encounter when the facts really progress, so Gatsby can calm down quickly in the face of crisis. This is one of the important reasons why he has been able to turn bad luck into good luck for so long.

But it shouldn't be so lucky this time.

Gatsby thought in his heart. This action is somewhat attributable, so he can't help muttering in his heart: is he here? Rather than die here, Gatsby would rather go back to his cell

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