When Gatsby first heard a voice claiming to be AI ringing on his head, he knew it had become very complicated.

At that time, he and his team members had just finished the long and narrow channel, and the 12 members, including him, were looking at the spacious space of their God with excitement.

After walking in the narrow passage for nearly an hour, he kept following the passage up, down, left and right. Even Gatsby relaxed about being able to enter a less repressive space.

As the 12 people relaxed, the door that allowed them to enter the spacious space slammed shut.

With a bang of the door, Gatsby's 12 players immediately entered the focused combat mode from a loose state. Gatsby copied the ability of the "steel man" without hesitation, so that he, like him, toughened his whole body and greatly improved his defense.

But what makes Gatsby feel a little helpless is that the danger they face is not the kind they met before, not the kind of real enemies, not the mechanical beasts piled up with sharp blades. Gatsby is faced with a very simple and straightforward problem. It is really a problem.

[in five minutes, the air in this space will be completely drained. Move, intruder, you still have four fifty-six seconds.]

Gatsby didn't even have time to wonder where the sound came from. He instinctively realized that this place was controlled by an AI with some evil taste, so he didn't panic too much, but calmly said to the team members around him: "spread out and search for all possible clues. We must leave here and act within five minutes!"

With Gatsby's calm order, the other 11 team members immediately dispersed in a wide space. Some of them lay on the floor and listened to the sound on the ground with their ears. Some flew to the stone ceiling above their heads and kept searching for suspicious traces. Others were very violent. They bombarded the surrounding walls with their heavy firepower weapons. Due to the spacious space, they were no longer worried about causing friendly damage.

When the team members are trying their best to find the way to survive, Gatsby is seriously thinking. He doesn't hold much hope for the current situation. Obviously, the next journey will be more and more dangerous, but he has no other choice but to go on.

He couldn't help recalling his calls with mysterious people before his action. It was one of the few times that they communicated directly by telephone, rather than through other more complex means.

"Have you seen all the action plans I gave you?"

"Yes." Gatsby could hear from the tone of the person at the other end of the phone that the mysterious man was very excited at that time. Although he wanted to suppress the emotion in his words, that emotion was too hot. Inadvertently, he had revealed his real mood to Gatsby.

Why does he look so excited? Did he foresee the success of the plan before the action began? Gatsby was very confused about this at that time.

"Well, as long as you fully follow the plan I have made for you, there must be no great danger."


Facts have proved that the sentence "really?" I asked at that time was really ironic. Gatsby acted in full accordance with the mysterious man's plan, but the action has just begun and has not made any progress. The people around him have suffered huge losses

"Of course, I have enough information. As long as you are obedient and don't try any dangerous and unnecessary actions, I assure you that you and the group of people I sent you will not encounter unmanageable safety problems."

The mysterious man's tone at that time was very confident. Gatsby could not hear any meaning of deception. Therefore, although he still had some doubts at that time, he still accepted the mysterious man's words. But Gatsby looked around the players who were still looking for a way out in the open space. He had cursed the unreliable mysterious man more than 10000 times

Gatsby doesn't think the mysterious man is deliberately harming them. There is no doubt that the information he has is not as reliable as he thinks.

"Boss! I found something!"

The player who can fly freely in the air with a booster on his back - flying arrow - shouted to Gatsby, who was thinking. He waved his arm excitedly and pointed to the clue he found.

"What did you find?"

"There are some small holes in these stone ceilings, which should not be formed naturally," Feijian said.

It's not natural, but unfortunately, it's not a tunnel for you to escape

After the sound of AI sounded, the flying arrow did not make any response. It still hovered in mid air with the help of the lift of the booster, with a confused expression on its face. Then, when everyone looked at him, the small holes found by the flying arrows suddenly made a slight sound, and then countless fire snakes burst out, burning the flying arrows into a fireman almost in an instant. Before he could scream, because the flame detonated the propeller on his back, he directly became pieces in the violent explosion. The remains of his body fell one by one to the side of those stunned players on the ground. They opened their mouths one by one, stayed in place, and stared at the fragments of those still burning bodies around them.

[one minute and thirty-two seconds left.]

The originator of all this, said with a mechanical sound without any emotion.

"Move!" Gatsby yelled, waking up the shocked team members and pulling them back to reality. "If you don't want to die, find an exit in this minute and a half! Damn, there must be an exit here!"

Gatsby remembered the words mentioned in the plan formulated by the mysterious man. He thought that they might encounter tests in action, but as long as they use the strength of the team, they will be able to overcome them without danger. This is the first time Gatsby realized why the mysterious people sent him these people. But it's a pity that the mysterious man misestimated the form. Even if they were really working hard for the same goal - to live, they couldn't get through the difficulties without danger. Now there are only eleven people left, including Gatsby himself

That bastard must know something. Gatsby thought. Mysterious people must know that they must face many tests to find the damn stabilizer. But he didn't know the essence of this test, so he thought that as long as there were many people, he would be able to pass the test easily.

Damn it, if I can really meet him in the end, I must slap him in the face first! Gatsby was extremely annoyed at the current situation.


With a cry, Gatsby immediately looked in the direction of the sound. A man was looking up at the ceiling. He pointed his arm at it. "Look! There are cracks on those stones!"

Gatsby looked in the direction of his fingers. Sure enough, the stones on the ceiling that had sprayed hot flames were full of cracks. He immediately waved to the steel man. The latter immediately understood and ran up in place. With the help of another strong man, he stepped on the man's hands and jumped into the air, Then he waved his fist of steel and smashed it violently on the cracked ceiling.

At this time, Gatsby focused on the steel man's move. There was not much time left. I don't know whether it was psychological reasons or whether the air in this space had been gradually emptied. Gatsby felt it difficult to breathe and unconsciously began to breathe short and forcefully. Gatsby felt that his throat was burning. The pain was gradually increasing, making him feel unwell. Gatsby believed that he would be more hurt at this time if he hadn't been tempered.

Gatsby couldn't help roaring when the steel man's fist broke the charred stones on the ceiling. It contains too many emotions, anger, helplessness, sadness and excitement. The surviving players who watched the steel man's move with Gatsby also gave the same emotional cheers at the same time.

[congratulations, you've found a way to move forward. I thought you might instinctively ignore your head with the corpse of the man who died miserably in front of you. It seems that the people who designed this mechanism underestimated your complex human nature.]

"You didn't set up this damn trick?" Gatsby asked.

I'm just a grave keeper

"Hum, playing tricks." Gatsby turned away from AI and said to the team members, "act now. We must get out of here as soon as possible!"


The team members who rekindled their hope left and began to take out the equipment in their backpacks, ready to break away from the hole opened by the steel man in the ceiling.

Gatsby was thinking while the team members were busy. Obviously, AI can analyze a lot of interesting information. First of all, the person who designed this place, or some intelligent creature, must not be human. Secondly, the AI will continue to make trouble for them in the next journey. And the purpose of AI is very clear, killing them outsiders.

M, this is what you call "no dangerous action"? Gatsby stamped his foot angrily. To his great anger and fear, this AI and the trap in this place were designed with abnormal ideas. It turns out that only on the premise of burning a person can we find the empty road to the next test. M's is really direct to undisguised malice.

"M, I've seen some..." Gatsby whispered.

In fact, when he realized the existence of an intelligent AI, Gatsby knew that the operation must be bad. The existence of this kind of thing in the mountain of Monterey itself is an extremely unreasonable thing. Especially along the way, it is obvious that no one has set foot in it for decades or even hundreds of years, and there is no trace, which means that it has been isolated from the world for a long time. In an isolated mountain, there is an intelligent AI, which can only be described as unimaginable. If Gatsby was asked to evaluate it, he would say: "it's like discovering an ancient induction cooker that can still be used in an ancient tomb!"

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