Since you can't see a dog biting a dog, you can only give up the small for the big.

In captain Shengli's initial plan, his ultimate goal was not to kill Ye Feng. After all, Ye Feng was an X factor. When building the action plan, Ye Feng did not exist at all. As for Gatsby, Captain victory planned to get rid of him from the beginning.

I thought of using Gatsby because of a very accidental reason. Captain victory originally wanted to use the conditions for Gatsby to join the shield bearer alliance as bait, but Gatsby took the initiative to ask captain victory about a man's name and asked him if he knew that he died after the other man.

Captain Shengli could not have been more clear about this matter. He sent someone to kill the killer. Of course, only he himself knew this matter. Even the female killer who disappeared later didn't know who the person assigned her task was.

Captain Shengli quietly revealed some details of the matter that only insiders could know, and said that he knew who issued the assassination mission. Sure enough, Gatsby immediately got on the trap and became interested in what captain Shengli said. Once a man has desire, he can be controlled. In this way, Captain victory controlled Gatsby.

In order to make Gatsby play his greatest role, Captain victory specially selected a group of super capable criminals and liberated them from prison. Since most of them were detained in the prison specially set up for the detention of super powers controlled by the shield bearer alliance, Captain Shengli hardly took much effort to get these people out quietly, thanks to the help of t-boy.

After getting these people out, Captain Shengli did not reveal his true identity. At the same time, he imposed freedom on these people as a temptation. Sure enough, under captain Shengli's sugar coated shells, these people became the strength of his men almost immediately. Captain victory asked the group to rob the prison and save Gatsby.

The characters are ready, and captain victory's play officially begins.

First he let out the wind and spread the news of Gatsby's return to the new city. Then he sent Edlin to the new metropolis to investigate, told her about the existence of the crustal stabilizer, attracted everyone's attention to the crustal stabilizer hidden in the new metropolis, and made everyone realize how urgent the crisis is.

Captain Shengli's deception was gradually used. He revealed the news to Gatsby, so that he could always escape the pursuit of Ye Feng and Edlin in advance. At the same time, he also informed Gatsby of Ye Feng's information and asked him to do some destructive actions. In captain Shengli's opinion, Ye Feng and Edlin are both X factors in his plan. If they can be eliminated as soon as possible, they can be eliminated as soon as possible. But the development of things surprised captain Shengli. He didn't expect that in just a few years, Ye Feng grew up from a small role he manipulated at will to the present.

Ye Feng's own strength did not make much progress, but he couldn't stand it. A group of strong men who were enough to become the mainstay in the shield bearer alliance gathered around him, especially these people with outstanding strength, who were all beautiful women like flowers, which made captain Shengli really stunned.

There was a mistake in the plan. Adlin didn't die in the attack set by Gatsby. Ye Feng, a time bomb, dominated the operation, which made captain victory feel tied up. Because Gatsby's people are also his own men, although the two sides have not met with their true faces, Captain victory is sure that he can control these people, so Captain victory didn't want to find some more help when he came to the new metropolis. In addition to his confidant t-boy, he only brought Portos, a man he did not trust, but he may be indispensable. Except these two, he did not bring anyone else. He was also afraid of people talking too much, and there may be more accidents outside the plan.

Captain victory's intestines are blue with regret.

If he could take a few more people, he might not be so passive, but in fact, even if captain victory took a few more people to follow him to the new metropolis, it would be meaningless in front of Kobi and Jane. It will only make the casualties here a little bigger. You can imagine how many t-boy double bodies died along the way.

Captain Shengli was also satisfied with the progress of the plan. After all, even if the existence of Ye Feng made the original plan fragmented, Gatsby led a large number of teams, each with the ability to lick blood on the tip of the knife. If the two sides can really fight face-to-face, the victory or defeat is not certain. Of course, the captain of victory knows that Ye Feng must win in the end. After all, Kobi and Jane are hardly human. He has always wondered why there is no information about them in the database of the shield bearer alliance with such a level of combat power?

If captain Shengli knew that neither of the two women was from earth, perhaps he could solve his inner confusion.

Captain victory has not changed his goal until now. He wants to use this crisis to reshape the great image of the shield bearer alliance. In fact, he made the world realize again that the shield bearer alliance is still an organization that can solve the huge crisis by setting up an enemy that can be defeated!

To some extent, Captain victory's plan is an extremely low-risk operation.

Both sides of the opposition between good and evil are controlled by him alone. If the plan can be implemented smoothly, the big words of the shield bearer alliance will undoubtedly be reported by the media all over the world. Captain victory has even planned his speech at the press conference. For captain victory, for the declining shield alliance, they have been looking forward to this great victory for many days and nights. This matter is related to whether the shield alliance can make a comeback.

However, it was a pity that the plan could not keep up with the changes. Even though captain Shengli had done his homework in advance, everything was in a mess when the plan was officially implemented.

Although he deciphered the information from the alien manuscript and let Gatsby lead the team to enter Monterey mountain from another way, Captain victory didn't expect that the manuscript in his hand, whether it is a carrier of recording information, itself or a keepsake, is a key, that is, the "holy seal" in AI's mouth.

Although captain victory handed him over to Portos for safekeeping, it was precisely because of this that Gatsby and them suffered the most cruel blow because they did not carry the "holy seal". As Gatsby said, what they faced was not a trial, but a complete massacre. Gatsby was able to bring the two surviving players to the holy thing only because they were better lucky.

Captain victory, who did not expect this, realized that he had lost control of Gatsby and others from the look Gatsby looked at him and from the hard to hide hatred and anger. There is no doubt that the cruel fighting these people have experienced has filled them with unforgettable hatred for the person who pulled them here.

"Boss, can you tell who is that man in here?" a team member standing next to Gatsby asked Gatsby softly.

"Keep quiet."


Gatsby was now concentrating on captain victory, and his brain was running fast. For him, he wanted to explore the purpose of Captain victory. Why did he make such a situation?

"You." Gatsby reached out to captain victory. "Why?"

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Captain victory pretended to be forced, "what? Why?"

"I'll tell you, your boy may have poked something in the back." Ye Feng looked at the good play. He asked captain Shengli teasingly, "people ask you why you did it to your friend's daughter-in-law. You two seem to know each other? Hey, Gatsby," Ye Feng looked at Gatsby standing on the altar, "Did this bastard do something to your daughter-in-law? He is such a person. He has three indiscriminate people. They all say that friends and wives can't be bullied. Captain Shengli always adheres to the purpose of friends not being polite."

"Shut your mouth!" Captain victory shouted angrily.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter? You're upset about putting that stupid thing you did on the table? What did you think when you did it?" Ye Feng said angrily, "Gatsby, don't worry, we're old acquaintances. When you say a word, brother, help you catch the adulterer and let you deal with it."

"Ye Feng! Don't talk nonsense!" Captain Shengli shouted. He gradually opened the distance from Ye Feng. "We are people standing on the same ship. Don't forget this!"

"We're on the same boat?" said Ye Feng contemptuously. He buttoned his ears leisurely and said to captain victory, "I don't know you well. After all, I have a family. Stay away from bastards like you." he said to Gatsby, "What? Do you think my suggestion is feasible? I know there are some old things between us, but it has been many years since Nana. The resentment between you and captain Shengli is the most important thing to solve at present."

Ye Feng has long seen that the relationship between captain Shengli and Gatsby is very delicate. Gatsby's cold hatred in his eyes towards captain Shengli undoubtedly explains a lot of problems. Gatsby wants to kill captain Shengli, and Ye Feng also wants to kill captain Shengli. If he can do it by someone else's hand, Ye Feng can't be more willing 。

Gatsby is a good choice.

"You mean you're not with him?" Gatsby looked at Ye Feng.

Gatsby has a deep sense of Ye Feng. He knows that he must not take this person lightly. This is a lesson he learned at the cost of bleeding. Ye Feng seems crazy and has no logic, but he has a very clear grasp of the situation in his heart. If he can avoid a positive conflict with Ye Feng, Gatsby It is also a very necessary choice.

But if ye Feng gets in his way, Gatsby will not make the mistake he made in the last confrontation. This time, he will not despise Ye Feng at all, but see him as a real opponent.

In Gatsby's eyes, Ye Feng at least has a higher status than captain victory. At least Ye Feng is a real villain, not a hypocrite like Captain victory. Gatsby hates captain victory more.

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