"Of course, how can I be a gang like this? I don't want to go with Captain Shengli. I've just been using him, and he has the same mentality. I don't understand what he's doing secretly, but my purpose is very simple, that is to protect the safety of the crustal stabilizer behind you. I only care about this. After all, I live in new town now City. If this place turns into ruins, I'm very embarrassed. "

Ye Feng's expression is very sincere, which makes captain Shengli and Gatsby look slightly sideways. The former hates his teeth, while the latter is seriously considering Ye Feng's suggestions.

"Ye Feng! Are you sick?" Captain Shengli shouted. "Gatsby is the culprit of this crisis. He is a madman. You want to cooperate with him? What do you think?" he said, secretly distancing himself from Ye Feng for fear of an accident.

"Gatsby is certainly not a good man," Ye Feng said calmly, "but I have a question."


"Yes, since, according to you, Gatsby wants to hold the crustal stabilizer in his own hands, he has got it. Why doesn't he run away and wait for us? He's obviously waiting for someone."

"Hum." Gatsby didn't speak, but snorted coldly.

"This..." in the face of Ye Feng's question, Captain Shengli was speechless. He was stunned for a few seconds before he kowtowed and said, "he, he may want to threaten us with a crustal stabilizer. He, he may not find a way out! Who knows what he thinks."

"This problem is easy to solve. Just ask him directly." Ye Feng said easily, "Gatsby, what's your purpose in this muddy water?"

"Can I tell you?" Gatsby didn't give Ye Feng a good face. In his eyes, he was just another person he hated.

"Er..." Ye Feng choked a little embarrassed and was stunned for a moment.

"You seem to have a hot face and a cold ass." Kobi quietly mended her knife.

"In a word, Gatsby, if you don't cooperate with me, I'll kill you and captain Shengli!" said Ye Feng.

"Kill?" adlin grabbed Ye Feng's arm. "Why do you have to kill captain victory? After all, he is a member of the shield bearer alliance."

"It doesn't matter. I just don't like him." Ye Feng shrugged. "Killing captain Shengli is the purpose of my trip."

"You've finally spoken your heart!" Captain Shengli looked at Ye Feng angrily. "You're committing a crime!"

"It doesn't matter. You're dead today," said Ye Feng.

"That's not good. Kill him without any reason." Huang Liang said softly.

"Reason? The reason is not where to stand." Ye Feng stretched out his hand and pointed to Gatsby, who was covered with blood. "He will give us a reason to kill the captain, won't he?" Ye Feng turned his eyes to Gatsby, who ignored him and was still staring at the captain.

"Tell me the man's name," Gatsby said to captain victory.

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Tell me the man's name," Gatsby said calmly, "or I'll shoot at this." he aimed the muzzle at the crust stabilizer called the holy thing, the Obelisk placed on the altar.

"Are you sick? What's your name?" a layer of cold sweat appeared on captain victory's forehead. His hands trembled slightly, but his mouth was still biting and pretending to be confused.


Gatsby began the countdown.


"Hey, Captain, you bastard, do you want tens of millions of people to be buried with you?" Ye Feng also let others close to him, and his palm was still quietly buckled on the transmission belt around his waist.


"It's Ye Feng! It's Ye Feng, that man is Ye Feng!" Captain Shengli shouted out Ye Feng's name in a hurry.

"Ah? What's the matter with me?" Ye Feng looked at captain Shengli inexplicably. The latter was relieved to see Gatsby move the muzzle of the gun.

"Maple Leaf?" Gatsby repeated.

"Yes, Ye Feng did it. I remember you had a feud with him, didn't you? Yes, he did it in order to revenge you." Captain Shengli nodded hurriedly.

Ye Feng said angrily, "Hey! This is a naked slander. Although I don't know what you're talking about, it must have nothing to do with me. Captain Shengli, an old liar, really comes with his mouth open! You TM -"

"You're lying to me." Gatsby's tone was very calm, but the muzzle was aimed at the Obelisk again. "I had a grudge with Ye Feng after he was killed!"

"Shit... How can I know..." Captain victory muttered, very annoyed, and noticed Gatsby's fingers tightly on the trigger. He was sweating all over.

"To tell you the truth, you know the name, or don't know it," Gatsby said coldly.

"I... don't know."

Gatsby bit his teeth and decided to bite to death. He would never tell Gatsby the truth. He was dead anyway.

"M." Ye Feng fired a shot directly at captain Shengli's arm. After the gunshot, Captain Shengli's body shook a few times, and then fell straight to the ground. He covered his wound and shouted. The scream startled everyone present.

"Ye Feng, you --"

"Keep quiet." Ye Feng shook his head at Edlin, walked to captain Shengli's side and directly dragged Portos aside. "You stay honest. Huang Liang, help Portos aside." he couldn't help telling him. Then he said to Kobi and Jane: "Stare at the three people on the altar. As long as they dare to act rashly, they will kill them directly."

After ordering all this, Ye Feng looked up at Gatsby: "there seems to be something to be solved between you and this bastard. I'll give you this opportunity."

"..." Gatsby looked into maple Ye's eyes and didn't move.

"I count three, throw down my weapon and come over, otherwise I'll shoot him." Ye Feng pointed the muzzle of the gun at captain Shengli's head and said calmly.

"You dare not."

"I dare not? You should ask these people how much I want to kill this bastard." Ye Feng lifted the captain who fell to the ground sobbing with his heel. "I don't have time to waste time with you, 3,"

"He's real, damn it! Hurry down! Or I'll be killed by this bastard!" Captain victory raised his upper body slightly and shouted to Gatsby, regardless of the sharp pain in his arm.


"..." Gatsby still couldn't make up his mind. He didn't know if it was a double reed between Ye Feng and captain victory.


"Ye Feng!", "Ye Feng?!", "Ye Feng!"

Noticing that Ye Feng's finger was about to pull the trigger, Captain Shengli, Edlin and others involuntarily shouted Ye Feng's name. Just at the critical moment, a bullet hit the pistol held by Ye Feng, making the muzzle slightly deviate from captain Shengli's forehead. The bullet fired by Ye Feng rubbed captain Shengli's scalp and shot on the wall after several rebounds On the thigh of t-boy, who has been watching the play all the time, the unlucky double body covered his thigh and fell down. Even though he cried miserably, no one looked at him. T-boy is still the same as before, but maybe he has suffered too much pain, so t-boy's injury is not very serious , his shrill screams contain a lot of exaggeration. In order to avoid being hurt more, t-boy is still used to breaking out tragic gradually. These are learned from painful lessons. He is really sad

"Good shooting." Ye Feng put his weapon back into the holster and said to Gatsby with a blue face, "you make me feel sorry, you know?"

"Do you really want to kill him?" Gatsby stared at the expression on Ye Feng's face.

"Of course." Ye Feng nodded.

"Of course he TM really wants to kill me!" Captain Shengli, lying on the ground, shouted angrily, "CNM, Ye Feng, you dare to play with me. Really, you wait. If you don't kill me today, I will kill you later!" The bullet rubbed his scalp, which made captain victory completely lose his mind. At the moment, he had only one idea to let these people die! All people die!

But it's a pity that he is just a drowning dog now. So many mistakes have taken place in the plan, and his initiative has been completely lost. In short, as long as Ye Feng and Gatsby have one idea, Captain victory will die miserably in the mountains of Monterey mountain.

"Tell me the man's name." Gatsby looked down at captain victory lying on the ground. "You promised me."

"You'd better die!" Captain Shengli roared angrily. He almost fainted because of the gunshot wound on his arm. Captain Shengli, who has been well cared for, can't bear the pain caused by the gunshot wound at all.

Seeing that Captain Shengli almost passed out in pain, Ye Feng had to nod his head from Edlin reluctantly and motioned her to deal with Captain Shengli's wound so that he wouldn't really pass out or die directly. For ordinary people, even if a shot is shot in the arm, there is a great possibility of bleeding and death. Now captain Shengli can't die, and Ye Feng doesn't want to be such a fool The egg died so easily. It was so happy for him that Ye Feng wouldn't let captain Shengli die so easily.

"I said you are such a waste boy. Just staying in the office honestly is to think about bad things. You have to go out on the task yourself. You're looking for death." Ye Feng shook his head and said to captain Shengli.


It shouldn't have been like this. At this time, it shouldn't be me lying on the ground, but you bastards! Captain Shengli looked at other people's eyes sadly and angrily. From there, he saw his contempt and indifference to himself, which made him even more angry. Captain Shengli couldn't accept the result. He couldn't accept the final result of Ye Feng's smile. The expression on their faces made him angry Unbearable, the final victory must be his, and the last person who survived must be him!

And it must be him. All those who belittle him have become skeletons. Ye Feng and Gatsby are no exception. These two people, as well as those behind them, will see the power of my captain victory! I must let everyone know how miserable it will be to annoy my victorious captain!

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