"Tell me your name," Gatsby said coldly.

"Tell him your name quickly." Ye Feng also urged, "hurry, don't linger, and then I can take you on the road. By the way, Gatsby." Ye Feng turned to Gatsby, "does this bastard use you?" he stretched out his hand and pointed to captain victory.

"That's right." Gatsby nodded reluctantly. "He planned all this behind his back."

"I said you're fine. Why are you interested in that broken stone?" Ye Feng glanced at the crust stabilizer with his eyes. "This is not your style at all. Your pattern is not so big. Destroy a city? You will never have a similar idea."

"Listen to your tone, you know me quite well." Gatsby snorted coldly.

"The person who knows you is not me, but a little girl with high IQ. In order to hunt you down, she almost picked up your past experience." Ye Feng said, "so I know exactly what you have and what you hold on to."

"Oh? Really?"

"Of course, when you ask this man for his name, I know how he pulled you into the Bureau." Ye Feng said confidently, "he assures you that if you want you to help him succeed, he will tell you the name of the real murderer who killed your adoptive father, right?"

"..." Gatsby didn't speak, but his eyes burst out cold light and nailed it to Ye Feng. His hands unconsciously clenched and trembled slightly.

"It seems I'm right." Ye Feng smiled with a very relaxed expression, "When Gemma investigated the old story, I realized it was a very important thing. I had a similar experience with you. I was also an asshole who saved me from wandering. Although he chose to give up me when facing a choice, I didn't blame him. After all, I learned my skills from him and came back again after more than ten years When I met him, I let him completely forget all the memories related to me, so I have forgiven him.

"The same experience allows me to think from your perspective. If I were you, someone said I could tell me the real name of the person who killed my adoptive father, how would I choose? There is no doubt that I will obey every command of that person, even if I do unforgivable acts. So, all this is right, Gatsby, you Suddenly, to start with a key existence related to the fate of a city, Captain Shengli personally came to the new metropolis to arrest you.

"We can reach a consensus that Captain Shengli has no profit and can't get up early. He can personally participate in an action, which shows that this action is extremely important. For him, what is the most important? Money? For him, it's just a number. I entrusted him to investigate captain Shengli's personal account. The money in it is enough for him to spend a hundred years. Women? Although it has not been confirmed, it has been rumored that Captain Shengli is a person who is not interested in love. Countless paparazzi want to take a close picture of Captain Shengli and women or men, but unfortunately, they never get what they want.

"Thinking of this, there is only one possibility left. He is for the name. Further speculation, he is for the name of the shield holder alliance. At this time, the shield holder alliance has been declining, but Captain Shengli has become the real power holder of the shield holder alliance. He has finally become the real big brother. How can he watch his shield holder who has worked hard for so many years What about the collapse of the shield alliance? He must revive the shield alliance.

"It happened that I had encountered something similar before, and Kobi was involved in it. That's when we met." Ye Feng glanced at Kobi.

"Are you talking about the guardian alliance?" Kobi immediately responded. "This man also has the idea of" star woman "

"Yes, their goal is to revitalize the declining organization, but Captain victory's plan is more comprehensive. He specially set himself an opponent that can be completely controlled by him." Ye Feng glanced at Gatsby, "But unfortunately, the plan is indeed a good plan, but in the process of actual implementation, too many accidents have led to a huge deterioration in captain Shengli's plan, which fully explains the saying 'people are doing, heaven is watching'. You really have to die if you do more injustice, Captain Shengli."

"..." Captain Shengli, who was mercilessly humiliated by Ye Feng, didn't speak, but covered his shot arm hard and looked at the Obelisk on the altar with indifferent eyes, that is, the top priority.

"Do you mean that Captain victory did all this by himself? Captain victory planned the crisis and Gatsby's escape?" adlin stared at captain victory lying on the ground.

"Yes, through self directing and self acting, he wants to create a big crisis that shocked the world and solve it perfectly." Ye Feng said, "what can be more powerful than a victory?"

"Shit, this bastard played with all of us." Huang Liang said angrily.

"Not everyone," said Ye Feng triumphantly, "I've seen through his trick."

"That's because you've been through the same things," Corby said.

"Ha ha, experience is also part of strength."

"In other words, I was completely deceived by Captain victory..." Portos said calmly. He stood beside Huang Liang and looked at captain victory with contempt and disgust. "I thought he was just some inflexible means. I didn't expect that he could come up with and implement such a plan."

"I told you that this bastard is not a good cake," said Huang Liang.

"Hey..." he sighed deeply, and Portos didn't say anything more.

"Ye Feng, although you already know about it before, why don't you tell us in advance? Let's also have psychological precautions." Audrey's tone was a little complaining.

"Dear, each of you is really a very powerful hero, but I can't compliment you in acting. If I told you everything in advance, I might as well catch captain Shengli before action. It's more convenient for you to avoid being seen by him." Ye Feng said, with a helpless expression, "Before I met Gatsby, these were just my conjectures without substantive evidence. In this regard, Captain victory was deliberate. In fact, I don't know whether Gatsby was really blinded by lard and had to start with the crust stabilizer.

"Only when things get to this point can I prove that my idea is indeed true. It is precisely because there is great uncertainty in this action that I brought Jane and Cobi. You know my attitude. In order to protect them, I usually don't want them to show up." Ye Feng looked at Jane and Cobi, "You two are powerful and beautiful women. It's impossible not to attract attention. Fortunately, this operation is in the uninhabited Monterey mountain. Otherwise, I have figured out the headline on the front page of tomorrow's newspaper:" where are the two amazing beauties? The beauty hero duo of the new metropolis! "..."

"All right, don't talk about what's not." Kobi said helplessly.

"What should we do now?" Huang Liang asked a very practical question, "how should we deal with this bastard."

"It's very simple." Ye Feng snapped his fingers and said to Gatsby, "this person is for you, on the premise that you will never step into the new city again. How about it?"

"..." Gatsby turned to look at Ye Feng.

"We have a large number of people." Ye Feng pointed to Huang Liang and others standing in his hand. "If you don't agree with this plan, I can only regret to say to you that you and captain Shengli have to die here today."

"Why let me go?" Gatsby asked.

"It's very simple. I don't want such people to dirty my hands." Ye Feng contemptuously pointed to captain Shengli. "If you can help me, one life for one life, I can let you go this time and your little friends." Ye Feng pointed to the two surviving players still standing on the altar.

As far as Ye Feng is concerned, killing captain Shengli easily may be a big hidden danger. In fact, many people are very fond of Captain Shengli's theory, and he still has several crazy believers. Therefore, if you can reduce the trouble a little, Ye Feng still doesn't want to kill captain Shengli himself. If Gatsby can do it on his behalf, it's completely wrong For the best of both worlds, can Ye Feng sell Gatsby a favor and be happy instead of doing it?

"You are very cautious." Adelin whispered to Ye Feng. At this point, she doesn't want to persuade Ye Feng any more. Captain Shengli takes tens of millions of people's lives as a trifle for his own selfish desires. Now she has no sympathy for him.

"Of course, don't you understand your man?" Ye Feng said softly.

"I really don't understand..."

"I accept your proposal on the premise that you ensure that my players can get out of here safely," Gatsby said to Ye Feng.

"Deal, as long as you don't make some small moves, I can ensure your safety," Ye Feng said.


After reaching a verbal agreement with Ye Feng, Gatsby's uneasy mood weakened a little. He knew very well that even if ye Feng pointed the muzzle of the gun directly at him, he was completely unable to resist. In fact, he was at the end of a powerful crossbow at this time. If captain victory hadn't been shot in the arm, maybe he couldn't even beat captain victory.

At the moment, he is completely supported by an obsession in his heart. It can be said that he has reached the desperate situation of running out of oil and light. There is no doubt that he will not leave here alive. In fact, Gatsby has no extravagance about whether he can survive. At the moment, he has only one idea to revenge, not for himself, but for the cold man who raised himself Cool man, avenge him.

Gatsby's life has nothing to do with happiness and happiness. It can make him realize that as a person, only the back of the indifferent man. He taught Gatsby how to control his power. He saved Gatsby from hell for a short time. Gatsby is willing to give everything for his little kindness to himself Report to him. Gatsby has been living in deep water for more than ten years, just to have such a day!

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