Using the holy seal to open a secret passage, Ye Feng and his party returned to the ground from the mountain of Monterey mountain.

"I once thought I would never see the sky again."

Ye Feng looked at the blue sky above him with emotion. For the first time, he felt that life was so beautiful. After looking at Audrey and others standing behind him, Ye Feng thought that he was no longer suitable to be a mercenary licking blood on the edge of the knife. He had too many concerns that he couldn't give up.

It's time for transformation.

Captain victory and Gatsby remain forever in the mountains of Monterey. Ye Feng knew that the two of them would soon die in front of the holy thing, but Ye Feng believed that compared with Captain victory's resentful death, Gatsby must have left the world with a smile. He finally fulfilled his long cherished wish and the idea of revenge.

After returning to the new metropolis, adlin stayed for only a few days. When her wounds were almost healed, she immediately left the new metropolis and returned to the headquarters of the shield bearer alliance to preside over the overall situation.

In fact, when Captain victory died in Monterey mountain, the real controller of the whole shield bearer alliance has become Edlin. Although the shield bearer alliance has few resources left, even its members have few heroes with super powers.

When adlin returned to the shield bearer alliance, he did not disclose the ugly face of the victorious captain to the public. In fact, at the beginning, Ye Feng was particularly dissatisfied with this. If it was his intention, Ye Feng must let people all over the world know what an ugly face captain Shengli's real face is. But Audrey's words calmed Ye Feng down.

"Over the years, Captain victory represents the banner of justice of the shield bearer alliance. If captain victory's actions are suddenly disclosed to the public, public opinion will condemn the shield bearer Alliance on one side. There is no doubt that the weak shield bearer alliance can no longer withstand such great pressure. Captain victory's death has put the whole shield bearer alliance in trouble, adlin This action is also a last resort. Do you think she doesn't hate captain victory? "

Audrey's analysis is very reasonable. In fact, Adelin has recorded captain victory's ugly face in Corby's hell bat armor, and these videos circulate within the shield alliance. After severely condemning captain victory's practice, Adelin has made a drastic and all-round reform of the shield alliance.

First of all, she cleared all the people who knew what captain victory had done, and handed over the relevant charges to the relevant institutions.

Secondly, Adelin moved the headquarters of the shield holder alliance from the previous city to the new metropolis, and established a new headquarters of the shield holder alliance in the new metropolis.

In fact, the headquarters building is very close to Ye Feng's apartment, and it takes only a quarter of an hour to walk.

Finally, Adelin, who took charge of the shield bearer alliance, publicly recruited people with a sense of justice to re expand the strength of the shield bearer alliance.

Ye Feng approved of adlin's actions with both hands. In fact, he had always been like joining the shield bearer alliance, but for the sake of Captain victory, he once gave up the idea. But now the leader of the shield holder alliance is his girlfriend. Ye Feng is in charge and joined the shield holder alliance. It can be regarded as a small dream while supporting Edlin's career.

Huang Liang, Audrey, Kou Bi, Chu Qian, Jane, Rihanna and even Cao Yan all joined the shield bearer alliance and became an organized hero.

Ye Feng is very pleased with this. While fighting crime, they can have complete logistical support and intelligence support, which is a good thing for all of them to reduce the possibility of facing danger. This makes Ye Feng more assured that they can do what they want to do

After all, Ye Feng is a very selfish person. He doesn't like the people he cherishes. He is in danger or even hurt because he saves others. Ye Feng absolutely doesn't want to see this happen.

But he can't stop Audrey and them from carrying out their own justice, so joining the new shield bearer alliance is a perfect choice for both sides.

Ye Feng doesn't have to worry. Audrey and others don't need to listen to Ye Feng's nagging anymore.

In fact, Gemma also clamored to join the shield bearer alliance, but adlin's words dispelled the little girl's idea.

"Are you ready for any adjustment after listening?"

Gemma's answer, of course, was No.

For a person who loves freedom more than anything, a little restraint will make her unbearable, so the idea of joining the shield bearer alliance was easily forgotten by Gemma. She still feels that living with her heart is the most comfortable choice.

In fact, it is.

It was like nothing had happened. The world only knew that Captain Shengli had died. As for how and where he died, few people cared. As the popularity of the shield alliance plummeted, the popularity of Captain victory himself continued to decline. Few people really cared about an old guy - for most people, Captain victory was a person who lived in the past, although the shield alliance had not declined for a long time - so after the shield Alliance announced that Captain victory died unexpectedly, After a short time, not many people have paid attention to this matter. No one was curious about how captain victory died. There are such people, but few, and they are all dealt with by an official statement put by Edlin on the official website of the shield bearer alliance.

Adlin described the death of Captain victory as a major turning point for the shield bearer alliance. She is telling the truth, but only the insiders of the shield holder alliance know who can really understand the meaning, except Ye Feng and others.

Life goes on. The crisis in the new metropolis did not stir up the slightest ripple. In fact, except Ye Feng and others, people in the world who know what happened have died. Ye Feng and others also agreed that it was better not to publish this matter. After all, for the sacred vessel, that is, the crustal stabilizer, the less people know its existence, the safer the world will be.

Ye Feng is very satisfied that he is living a small life now. Every day, he was at ease. He no longer needed to worry about money. Gatsby gave Ye Feng a real gift before he died, a large sum of money in several banks.

Ye Feng realized for the first time that when he took the task, the labor fee was still too small. He never imagined that Gatsby could accumulate such a huge fortune by killing alone.

Of course, this huge wealth is now put into Ye Feng's pocket. Even if ye Feng does nothing but deposit the money in the bank, Ye Feng can live a comfortable life.

Of course, Ye Feng is still a man of great pursuit. Even if he doesn't know how to manage money, Gemma and Avril are both experts. Ye Feng has directly handed over this huge wealth to these two talented and intelligent girls. Every day, Ye Feng can laugh when he looks at his bank account.

Ye Feng had a happy and stable life here, but Edlin was busy. Although Audrey and others have injected fresh blood into the shield alliance, and Jane and Kobi are important roles with strong combat effectiveness, Edlin does not feel much pressure in dealing with the task of the shield alliance.

It was management that stretched adlin. The whole shield bearer alliance has only an empty shelf. She needs to rebuild a strong and just organization from this ruins. The difficulties can be imagined, which is undoubtedly a great challenge for adlin.

However, she can barely cope with almost all the top combat forces in the shield bearer alliance. She is on her side, so she has an absolute say in relevant decisions. This right to speak allows her to carry out drastic reform of the shield holder alliance. She can clarify the corrupt rules that she believes hinder the development of the shield holder alliance or deviate from the original intention of the shield holder alliance, so as to make the system of the shield holder alliance more standardized.

To some extent, adlin is like a doctor holding a scalpel. The shield bearer alliance is a terminally ill patient. He was a very strong man when he was young, but at this time, his body has been weak after his prime of life. For Dr. Adeline, if she wants the patient to be reborn, she must remove all the diseased cells left in his body one by one.

Of course, adlin knows that it is really difficult to achieve this goal, but she is not afraid of this difficulty. In her opinion, the pain period will exist and last for a long time, but it's all worth it.

It's just that Edlin would rather not have this absolute right to speak.

The absolute voice reflects the dilemma faced by the shield holder Alliance: there is not enough organizational core with foresight and management ability. It is not enough to rely on Edlin alone. The shield alliance needs the collision of various opinions and different viewpoints to find the most reasonable plan and development strategy in negotiation and balance.

However, this kind of person is too rare. Adelin dare not easily recruit people to enter the shield holder alliance. She is worried that she may sneak into ambitious conspirators like Captain victory again to control the chaos of the shield holder alliance again.

But it's not without good news. The iron commander, once one of the giants of the shield bearer alliance and one of the founders of the shield bearer alliance, returned to the shield bearer alliance with his subordinates.

The iron commander left before. It was because his ideas were different from captain victory that he broke away from the shield bearer alliance with people belonging to his own faction. Not long after the news of Captain Shengli's death was released, he took the initiative to contact Edlin. In the face of the steel commander's inquiry, adlin did not hide anything, but told the steel commander all the facts that happened in Monterey mountain, and sincerely invited him to return to the shield bearer alliance.

After thinking over and over again, the steel Commander agreed to adlin's request. He led his people back to the shield bearer alliance. Unexpectedly, he did not accept adlin's request to become the chief of the shield bearer alliance, but continued to let adlin be the leader. As the general staff, he helped adlin deal with the affairs of the shield bearer alliance.

This not only surprised Edlin and others, but also the people on the steel commander's own side did not expect him to do so.

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