Edlin was very confused about the choice of the iron and steel commander. She had yielded to each other, but the iron and steel commander's attitude was really firm.

In fact, the purpose of steel commander is very simple. He needs a new spokesman for the shield bearer alliance. Adeline is a good choice.

For the steel commander, there is no substantive difference between whether he is the chief or not. Any of his words or any of his suggestions to Edlin will be taken seriously and implemented. For him, maintaining the controversial nature of the shield alliance is the most important thing. He doesn't care about any other interest disputes.

The iron commander is very satisfied with adlin. What's more, she is a man without ambition, a general manager without ambition, and the most lacking existence in the shield bearer alliance. The previous victory captain is a clear example. He is indeed much better than Edlin in ability. But he was a man with great defects, and he used his ability in the wrong way.

The steel commander believes in his ability very much. He does have this capital, so what he values now is not a person's ability, but whether the person is really considering justice.

In the face of absolute justice, the shield bearer alliance should also be placed in the second position.

So Edlin is the perfect choice.

The steel commander has another level of consideration. Adeline can arouse people's little attention to the shield bearer alliance. Her existence may be a booster to remind people of the existence of the shield bearer alliance.

In fact, even though the steel commander feels a little ashamed, it is generally recognized that the people welcome the beautiful female hero more. If you let a muscular man make a speech, maybe few people will pay attention, but if you let a sexy and graceful female hero, maybe more attention will be attracted.

For the shield holders' alliance, which is full of waste and waiting for prosperity, it can attract more attention, even if it is a step forward.

Ye Feng and steel commander met several times in the new headquarters of the shield bearer alliance in the new metropolis.

Although due to the great differences in temper and temperament between the two sides, the two people can't sit down and have fun and become good friends without talking, they both have a good impression of each other, and it is still very possible to become a harmonious colleague relationship.

Unlike captain Shengli's prejudice against Ye Feng, the steel commander did not despise him. On the contrary, he seemed to know some of Ye Feng's past experiences and showed great interest in Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng is not very happy that a man is interested in himself.

Everything is developing in a positive direction, and the shield bearer alliance is also on track under the auspices of the iron and steel commander.

But this calm was broken by an explosive incident.

A spaceship forced to land from the sky attracted everyone's attention, especially the shield bearer alliance, which has just improved, has suffered the most powerful impact.

There is no other reason. Several people who came out of this ship are the heros of the shield bearer alliance that the world thinks have died!

They are thunder man, giant Huang, spider woman man and white dog.

These four can be said to represent the highest combat power of the shield bearer alliance. It is precisely because of their deaths that the shield bearer alliance began to decline. Everyone thinks that the heroes who have died in the universe will appear in front of everyone again. It can be imagined how great the response will be.

Edlin sent someone to take the four heros back to the headquarters of the new metropolis for the first time. She was a little nervous at this time. Edlin didn't know what impact this would have on the shield alliance.

"It's all right, dear. I'm here." Ye Feng comforted Edlin nearby.

In order to welcome the return of the four heros, all members of the shield bearer alliance in the new metropolis came to the headquarters building to attend the welcome ceremony. Ye Feng stood beside adlin and noticed that she was very nervous. He reached out and patted adlin on the shoulder.

"I'm just a little nervous. After all, these people have" died "once." Adelin smiled bitterly. "They suddenly come back to life like this. I still don't adapt."

"It should be a misinformation. Maybe they were captured by the enemy and didn't die," Ye Feng said.

"The possibility you said exists and is likely to happen. Sorry, I overheard your conversation." the iron and steel commander said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stared at the little man in front of him. Although he was not tall, the iron commander was undoubtedly a charming man. Ye Feng was jealous of his beautiful beard. Ye Feng also wanted to grow a beard, but it was not suitable for him. Ye Feng knows that the man stores the armor he developed himself in his wrist watch, but Ye Feng is not sure whether he has only prepared a set of armor on his body. Who knows?

"You must be intentional. Well, iron pimple, what do you think of this?" iron pimple is Ye Feng's favorite name for the iron and steel commander. Although the latter hates being called like this, Ye Feng has always been a man of his own way.

"It's hard to say." the iron and steel commander pondered, "I personally have reservations about the return of these four people. What impression this will have on the shield bearer alliance can only depend on the follow-up development."

"It's the same as I didn't. You should change your bad habit of half talking, or you'll be beaten." Ye Feng said earnestly. "Of course, there are many people who can beat you in the world, but I happen to know several."

"Come on, Ye Feng, you're really bad enough." the iron commander said with a bitter smile.

"Here they are," adlin reminded.

Under the guidance of several people, hero of the four shield holders alliance, thunder man, giant Huang, spider woman man and white dog, walked into the hall on the first floor of the headquarters. Then, they were surrounded by a burst of fierce applause and cheers. All the members of the shield bearer alliance present were filled with excited smiles. The return of these four people undoubtedly made the shield bearer alliance stronger. This idea came out in everyone's heart.

"Adelin, I heard you are the top leader now? Commander, I thought you would become the chief commander after captain Shengli died." Lei leiren shook hands with the steel commander.

"I'm still used to staying behind the scenes," said the steel commander.

"Hey, man, how's it going?" the white dog warmly greeted the steel commander. "There are too many new faces here. It's a lot more comfortable to see you, man."

Spiderwoman just nodded and looked very calm.

Giant Huang is a big man. It's just that he hasn't changed. He's already two years old. He was holding his arms and looking at the surrounding environment coldly. In fact, of the four, he is an intellectual. Of course, after his transformation, he became a destroyer.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, all four ignored the dialogue or eye contact with Edlin, the new leader of the shield bearer alliance.

Ye Feng was the first to be angry with them for their neglect of Edlin. He had to argue with Lei Ren and others in the last period, but Edlin firmly grasped his arm and didn't let him speak rashly. She doesn't want any conflict in this situation.

After a brief speech, the four returned heros also spoke a few words. Edlin asked the others to return to their work. She led the four heros, the steel commander and Ye Feng back to her office.

"Your place is much more luxurious than the previous headquarters," Lei said. "It seems that the rumors I heard on the road about the decline of the shield bearer alliance are not true."

"You're kidding," adlin said.

"How did captain victory die?" asked the white dog suddenly.

"Hasn't anyone answered your question?" asked Edlin, looking a little nervous.

"No, what I want to ask you is that you left him to Gatsby? Captain victory is a comrade in arms who has fought with us for many years! You threw him to a damn killer?" the words of white dog were extremely fierce, which surprised Edlin and Ye Feng.

"Boy, how do you talk to your boss?" Ye Feng said.

"Boss? Just her? Hum." the white dog said contemptuously, "she is not qualified. Commander, why do you find such a person to take charge of the shield bearer alliance? Really there is no better choice?"

"Adelin is the best candidate." the steel commander said calmly, but there is no doubt that he used this short sentence to show his force field, which moved Ye Feng and Adelin very much.

"You --"

"Calm down, dog brother." Lei Ren raised his arm and stopped what the white dog wanted to say. He looked at Edlin with contempt in his eyes, which was not good at all to hide, "your name is Edlin, right? I remember you had been with Captain victory before."

Adlin nodded. Obviously, the four people are not good at coming. They may have been angry with each other. We should give her some color to see.

"So, did you betray captain victory?" Lei Ren asked.

"That's not betrayal. Captain victory is a real bad man. He went astray. I just tried him under the condition of last resort," adlin said.

"It wasn't a trial, but you threw him to a man who didn't belong to the shield bearer alliance, a criminal killer," spiderwoman said.

"..." adlin looked very angry. "What do you want? Under the circumstances -"

"In any case, Captain victory is a member of the shield alliance. How to judge him should be decided by the shield alliance. You have no right to represent the shield alliance," Lei said.

"I'm sorry, she has," said Ye Feng. "She is now the leader of the shield bearer alliance!"

If ye Feng had doubts about the attitude of the thunder four before, now he can be sure that they are not good. There is no doubt that these four people, led by Lei, will become the backbone of the shield holders' Alliance against adlin. Compared with them, adlin's foundation in the shield bearer alliance is still too shallow. Lei Ren was a veteran who joined the shield bearer alliance at the same time as captain victory and steel commander. His qualifications are undoubtedly his biggest weapon.

As a trusted chief, many people in the shield alliance do not know her abilities. It can even be said that some people are waiting to see her make a fool of herself. Their return at this time makes the situation more complicated.

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