"This matter needs to be discussed by the shield bearer alliance," said giant Huang. "I'm not doubting your ability, adlin --"

"What do you suspect? Is her birthday unqualified?" said Ye Feng contemptuously.

"Where did this clown come from?" the white dog asked, pointing to Ye Feng's nose. The contempt and disgust in his tone made Ye Feng almost shoot him in the face.

"He is one of the people I most trust and my staff." Adelin said expressionless. Adelin could accept the doubts of the four people. When she learned the news of the return of the four, she was ready. She knows one thing very well. These four elders of the shield bearer alliance will never have any respect for her new chief executive. But she still didn't expect that these four people would make trouble so early, and they were so straightforward without any cover.

That's good. Let's open the skylight and tell the truth. Thought Edlin.

"The person you trust most? I'm sorry, I can't trust you now." said the white dog unkindly. "Since you say captain victory has engaged in a lot of conspiracy behind his back. As a deputy, should we doubt that you are also involved in what captain victory has done?"

"If I had been involved, it would be captain victory himself sitting here talking to you now," said Edlin contemptuously, "not me, who nearly died in his hands."

"You're making a strong argument -"

"Boy, you are really like a dog, a silly dog who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth." Ye Feng said with a smile. You can't tell from his expression that he is being mean to others.

"You TM -"

The white dog sprang up from his chair. He raised his paws and looked like he was going to do it in adlin's chief's office.

"Calm down." giant Huang grabbed the white dog's arm. "It's very impolite to do so. Now we're guests. We're guests in other people's homes. Be restrained."

"You are not guests, this is the shield bearer alliance, our home," said the iron commander.

"No, this is no longer the shield bearer alliance I am familiar with," Lei said. "Strange chief, strange people, and this strange headquarters."

"What do you mean? If you don't want to treat you, you can go away without asking you to stay." Ye Feng said that he had quietly sent a message to Kou Bi and Jane and asked them to come immediately. Ye Feng suspected that if he fought with the iron and steel commander and the four people opposite, he might not be his opponent. This also counts. The steel commander will indeed help him.

"No, we don't mean that. We'll stay in this strange shield bearer alliance and make it familiar to us," said the Yellow giant with a smile.


Adlin looked at the four unkind people in front of her. She had not contacted the four people before, but somehow she felt that the four people in front of her were so strange, just like strangers talking face to face for the first time, which gave adlin a strange feeling. She can't say how to describe this feeling, but she just doesn't like the four veteran members of the former shield bearer alliance.

Maybe it's related to their attitude towards my leaf maple. Adlin thought in his heart.

"Oh? Really? I really want to see with my own eyes what the shield bearer alliance you are familiar with is that damn look during captain victory?" said Ye Feng.

"Boy, you should show some respect," Lei said coldly. "Except for your total length, you should be in awe of anyone in this room."

"Why? Just because you are ugly? Because you are older than me? Hum, you die earlier than me!" Ye Feng said, without any nervous expression, Has the final say Lao Tzu, Aldrin has the final say. Now the shield alliance has the final say. I have the final say. The iron pimple has the final say. You are just a group of deserters who have escaped from the battlefield.

"Deserters?! you're saying we're deserters!" the white dog ran away directly. Giant Huang didn't hold his arm, but gave away his strength and let the white dog rush to Ye Feng sitting on the sofa.

Ye Feng calmly watched the white dog running towards him. When he heard the sound, the white dog seemed to hit an invisible wall. The whole person fell out heavily and lay on the ground.

In front of Ye Feng, the hell bat suit slowly appeared. Kou Bi contacted the stealth mode of armor and exposed the ferocious and terrible dark armor in front of Lei Ren and others.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. This is Kou Bi, my friend. Now we are colleagues with you." Ye Feng said lazily, "by the way, she has a master of famous flowers. Don't worry about you rough guys."

In fact, when he said this, Ye Feng's eyes glanced at the iron commander intentionally or unintentionally. He was not worried that the iron commander took a fancy to Kobi. He was not such a person, but according to Kobi's reflection and Ye Feng's own observation, whenever he saw the hell bat suit, the iron commander's expression would be very enthusiastic. There is no doubt that this armor has taken all his life Attention was attracted.

However, it is impossible for the steel commander to understand the hell bat suit. First of all, at the technical level, this set of combat armor made by the Elf race is no longer understandable by the steel commander.

For Kobi's sudden appearance, Lei Ren and other four people's faces were very ugly. They were completely unaware of Coby's existence. Before Corby showed up, they were not alert at all. This is a very dangerous thing. It means that if this person wants to assassinate them, the probability of success will be high.

"Who is this?" giant Huang pointed to Kobi hidden in the hell bat suit. "She is also a new member of the shield bearer alliance?"

"Yes, her name is Kobi. She is the backbone of the shield alliance at present. I rely on her to complete many arduous tasks." Adelin said. "She joined the shield alliance because of Mr. Ye Feng's personal relationship and has great freedom. In fact, she is only interested in helping."

"In other words, your uncontrollable combat power?" Lei said with an iron face. At the moment, he felt that he had no face. As the strongest of the four, he didn't find the existence of Kobi at all. It was even unclear whether Kobi was standing in this office at the beginning or whether she came in quietly halfway. Because the balcony of the office is open, it is possible for Corby to enter the office halfway.

This means that Kobi's strength is not bottomless. At least when she entered the public, none of them noticed anything.

M, this damn bastard, even know such a terrible person? Lei Ren's eyes at Ye Feng are not as contemptuous as before. He has gradually regarded Ye Feng as a noteworthy threat. I don't know how Ye Feng feels about the change of Lei people's impression of himself.

"Kobi is a friend of the shield bearer alliance," Adelin said simply. "I believe you will have a chance to understand this."

"Hum." the white dog has stood up. He returns to his seat and has been staring at Kobi's hell bat suit with vicious eyes. He feels humiliated and is thinking about his vicious plan and how to take revenge on Kobi.

"Are there many people like her in today's shield bearer alliance?" spider woman, who has been quiet, spoke. She felt a strong sense of crisis from Coby. It was this extremely accurate sixth sense that enabled her to save her life countless times in the battle. The dangerous smell emitted by Kobi had made the extremely sensitive spider woman man's cold hair react. She realized that she could not be the opponent of the man named Kobi, at least when she was wearing this dark armor.

"Joined a lot of capable people with strength," Adelin said. "There are three or four combat effectiveness at Cobi's level, and two of them are closely related to Mr. Ye Feng. In fact, it is because of Mr. Ye Feng that they will join the shield bearer alliance."

The inner meaning of Edlin's words is: all of you, old and young, open your eyes and have a good look. There are many people who are much more powerful than you, and they are directly related to Ye Feng who spoke rudely just now. If you know current affairs, shut your mouth to me!

Everyone in the office heard the implication of Edlin's words. The steel commander pretended to be interested in the scenery outside the window and calmly stared at the blue sky. Ye Feng is in a complacent state. He doesn't look at them and looks at his mobile phone.

Kou Bi didn't speak. She just stood quietly beside Ye Feng, like a ferocious God.

The faces of the four people are very ugly. They realized that even if the four of them worked together, they might not be able to control the current shield bearer alliance.

After learning of the death of Captain victory, they immediately rushed to the new headquarters of the shield bearer alliance in an attempt to take control of the shield bearer alliance from Edlin and the steel commander. They didn't pay attention to adlin. The original plan was to try their best to deal with the steel commander. If they couldn't win him, they would do what captain victory did once again: put the steel commander overhead, and it's best to drive him away again.

However, after they really came to the new headquarters of the shield bearer alliance, the development of the situation was not what they expected. In fact, the iron and steel commander is not the most troublesome problem for them. Ye Feng, who is next to Adelin, and Ye Feng's friends, a group of new shield holders, including Kou Bi, have become the biggest difficulty in front of Lei Ren and others. For them, how to remove these people from the shield bearer alliance is the biggest problem they are facing. For Lei Ren, he absolutely can't allow another group of forces that can fight his own chamber in the shield bearer alliance. What he pursues is absolute control.

And adlin will not give up the position of the chief of the general staff obediently. Lei Ren is determined to drive away all these people who hinder the eyes.

In a familiar way.

I hope they don't cry. Lei Ren thought in his heart.

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