Finally, the meeting between the thunder four and adlin, who became the new general manager of the shield bearer alliance, ended in unhappiness.

For both sides, this is unexpected.

Edlin didn't expect that the thunder four would be so strong. In fact, they showed no respect and attention to her. Even people with such a good temper feel a little angry. After all, nominally, she is the boss and immediate boss of four people.

The thunder four originally thought that adlin would hand over the actual control of the shield alliance, and they would let her continue to stay in the position of the general manager and become a puppet controlled by them.

But it was clear that Edlin didn't want to be manipulated by anyone. The iron and steel commander stood on her side, and Ye Feng, Adelin's strong supporter, Ye Feng and his friends, this group of forces newly added to the shield bearer alliance, is a force that can not be despised. The thunder four people have clearly felt their oppression.

After the thunder four left the office, Edlin sat back in her chair. She held her forehead and didn't speak for a long time.

"Honey, are you okay?" Ye Feng asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but I'm tired," Adeline said. "The difficulties I expected before now seem so ridiculous. It's really difficult to sit in this position as the chief of the shield bearer alliance. I understand why you absolutely become the chief."

"The shield bearer alliance is a huge organization. Even now, its energy and volume are still huge. As long as there are people, there will be disputes." the iron commander said calmly.

"Can't everyone work together to implement the justice concept of the shield bearer alliance?" Adelin said. "I know my idea is naive, but the concept of the shield bearer alliance is so pure. Why do people like Captain victory who are obsessed with power and don't realize appear in an endless stream?" Adelin was very distressed, just dealing with the normal operation of the shield bearer alliance, It has exhausted her. If she divides her energy to have internal friction with Lei Ren and others, Edlin will not be able to bear it, and she doesn't want to bear such meaningless things.

Edlin is a pure person in essence. She doesn't remember the position of the general manager too much. Otherwise, she didn't want to give the position of the general manager to the iron and steel commander before. However, the domineering attitude of the thunder four, which was similar to that of Captain victory, aroused adlin's disgust.

We must not hand over the shield bearer alliance that has just entered the formal stage to such a group of people! Adlin swore in his heart.

"Lei Ren, they are the earliest heros of the shield bearer alliance. They have a high prestige in this organization. Adelin, you can't fight it in the open," said the iron commander.

"But --"

"Let me do what I have to do with them," said Ye Feng. "Anyway, I have nothing to do at leisure. I happen to play with them."

"But --"

"Nothing, but, Edlin, you can rest assured. I'm an outsider who just came to the shield alliance. No matter what I do, they have no reason to accuse me. If it's a big deal, I'll just quit. I don't have much interest in the shield alliance," said Ye Feng, "You can rest assured to do your career. I happen to be very interested in what you are doing with these boring old friends."

"It's just right for Ye Feng to handle this matter," said the iron commander. "As he said, he is an outsider and shocking. They can't find out his details at all, which is very important in the conflict with them. Moreover, Ye Feng is not easy to be assassinated, which is particularly important."

"They can get a weapon that can inhibit the" self-healing gene "in maple leaf, and they should be prepared for this." adlin still looked very worried.

"Kobi and Jane will protect me." Ye Feng said to Kobi, who kept quiet all the time, "right? Honey."

"Those people are very strong," Corby said. "But they are not as strong as Jane and me, but it takes a dozen to know."

"The four of them have cooperated with each other for many years. If you and Jane have a head-on conflict with them, they may fall behind." the tone of the iron and steel commander is very euphemistic, but he is obviously not optimistic about the head-on conflict between Ye Feng and Lei Ren.

"I don't know until I've fought." Kou Bi said coldly. The steel commander just smiled bitterly and didn't refute her.

"Don't worry, iron pimples. I won't go to fight with them foolishly." Ye Feng patted the iron commander on the shoulder. "Play with them first. Wu will see the situation."

Ye Feng didn't pay much attention to the warning of the steel commander. He may be right. Kou Bi and Jane are not the opponents of the thunder four, but there are Chu Qian, Rihanna and Audrey. It's really not good. You can also call Huang Liang and Cao Yan and let Huang Liang call some of his friends.

More than people, Ye Feng has never been empty! Ye Feng doesn't believe he can't cure them!

"By the way, what kind of aliens did they fight before?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"It's the sicondas," said the iron commander.

"Saikangdasi people?" Ye Feng repeated. He turned to Kobi. "You are familiar with things in the universe. Kobi, have you ever heard of saikangdasi people?"

"Hmm..." Kou Bi pondered for a while. She has started the hiding mode of armor, making armor invisible and leaking out her image, "It sounds familiar. I should have heard it from there. I'll try to check the database. However, there may be no guard, because my database is where the fleet I built before has arrived. The whole universe is too big. There is not much information in remote star regions such as the Milky way."

"Well..." Ye Feng nodded, "it turns out that our planet is in a remote star region."

"Of course, fortunately, otherwise, with the current civilization and technology level of the earth, facing any well-known race in the universe will be the result of being completely destroyed." Kobi said. "Because of that person, you can't experience the length of distance."

Kebi's hint was understood by Ye Feng after thinking about it. In fact, because Dick always used his almost plug-in space-time gate to jump in space, Ye Feng has never been deeply aware of the vastness of the universe. As for Kebi who has actually traveled through the universe, the time span of an interstellar journey is usually carried out in ten years Travel for decades is very common, and the distance is not far.

Dick is a crazy genius. It is precisely because the transmission gun he invented eliminates the limitation of distance that he has become the most famous human in the universe. Every race is looking for him and hopes to get the secret of the transmission gun from him. However, it is too simple for a person to hide in the universe. In particular, Dick is not a fuel-saving lamp. In fact, He is the most dangerous human on earth.

"What does that man mean?" inquired the steel commander.

"Nothing. You don't know a friend of mine. Believe me, you don't want to know him." Ye Feng said in a secret way, "by the way, Adelin, I think you'd better pay attention to your safety recently. Maybe they'll play dirty tricks on you."

"Hmm..." adlin also has a worried expression. She knows very well that if they assassinate her, she is unlikely to survive.

"Here you are. Wear it well." Ye Feng went to Edlin's side and hung a necklace on Edlin's neck with his own hands. "Listen, don't take it off, you know?"

"Ah?" Adelin stared at Ye Feng in confusion, but she nodded, "OK."

"I'll go first," said Ye Feng. "I won't bother you. Shall we have dinner together?"

"OK." Adeline nodded.

Ye Feng hugged Edlin for a moment. The steel commander turned his head and looked out of the window. Ye Feng secretly stuffed a metal ball the size of a marble into Edlin's pants pocket. Edlin was very clever and didn't ask.


Ye Feng led Kobi out of Edlin's office.

Until in addition to the headquarters building of the shield bearer alliance, Kou Bi asked Ye Feng softly, "what did you mean by what you just did?"

"You mean I deliberately put a completely unprotected necklace on Edlin in front of the steel commander?" Ye Feng said, "Corby, you must know my intention."

"You don't believe in steel commander?"

"I don't quite believe it," said Ye Feng. "It's always necessary to have more insurance. If someone has a bad idea about the necklace I gave Edlin, we can immediately tell that it's the iron commander. He doesn't really stand on our side."

"You're just careful of SIDO," said Coby.

"You must have your heart and eyes active," said Ye Feng, "We're facing the old hero of the four shield holders alliance. Let me tell you, I collected a lot of shocking people before. Do you know their influence? And their strength is good. If they really want to poison Edlin, there may be an accident. So, um, if they really do too much If they don't, I can only let them accept the same end. I'll send them to the dustbin. "

"They're hard to deal with," Corby mused.

"Of course, if it's easy to deal with, I'll handle them all by myself." Ye Feng said, "I'm a dividing line now. The people I can deal with by myself are easy to deal with, and the people I can't deal with by myself are difficult to deal with. Hey, when can I become a difficult person in the eyes of others?"

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