The thunder four did not make any moves in the next period of time.

This makes Ye Feng very strange. He is ready for these four people to rely on the old and sell the old, but the thunder four people seem to want to open up. They have no involvement in the shield bearer alliance. Instead, they travel outside together! I don't care about the shield bearer alliance at all.

Edlin is not so worried about this as Ye Feng thinks. Since they have left her sight and have not had a negative impact on her work, she doesn't want to go deep into what they are doing.

Maybe they are really tired? After all, they survived a fierce battle in space.

But Lei Ren, the four of them are not completely without any action. Although they did not intervene in the shield bearer alliance, they did another thing and attracted Ye Feng's attention.

He found that the thunder four released their experiences in space on the Internet, detailing how the few surviving hero of their four shield holders alliance was captured from the battlefield, and then experienced those twists and turns before finally returning to earth.

Although Ye Feng was reluctant to admit it, he was also attracted by the experience told by the four people. He waited for their updates on the Internet every day, and read all the articles that didn't fall.

According to the story described by Lei Ren, in the tragic battle that almost destroyed all the belligerents, Lei Ren and their four men grabbed an enemy disengagement module, and before the last crazy suicide attack launched by the heroes of the shield Alliance - the ship captain of the shield alliance, ordered the ship to rush to the enemy's mothership, Two giant ships collided directly, and almost all the people who did not leave the explosion range died - Lei Ren and others were acutely aware of the determination and danger of the attack. The four of them realized that they would not change even if they stayed on the battlefield. Make a quick decision. Under the leadership of Lei Ren, giant Huang, white dog and spider woman man robbed a breakaway cabin where the enemy was trying to leave the battlefield, and then fled the scope of the explosion at the critical moment.

Although the four of them survived, both sides of the war were destroyed in the explosion. The small escape pod they drove had little supplies. They could only accept the solution of being trapped in the universe, even if they narrowly escaped the fate of being killed.

Although the thunder four people expressed between the lines that they would not have any effect on changing the situation on the battlefield, the battle has become white hot. Although the number of alien enemies is not as large as the number of Earth Defense soldiers led by the shield alliance, the two sides are at least hundreds of years behind in the level of science and technology, which makes the battle extremely difficult.

Fortunately, in the consciousness of alien enemies, there is no concept of both sides dying together. Because their race is rare and everyone is extremely precious, they did not expect that the human fleet would die together with themselves by suicidal ship destruction.

After all, they suffered from limited vision.

However, Ye Feng doesn't agree with Lei Ren's words. If an escape pod wants to fly beyond the range not affected by the ship explosion, there is no doubt that the people driving the escape pod must predict the possibility of this situation in advance. It is absolutely impossible to watch the two ships collide together and then start thinking about fleeing outward.

In this case, it is impossible to escape from the scope of the explosion.

In other words, the fact is very likely that the thunder four saw that the human defense army fell into the disadvantage. Relying on their own strong strength, they are ready to leave the battle first. On their way out of the battlefield, the time of ship collision occurred. Ye Feng even suspected that they didn't grab the escape capsule by accident. It's shocking that they are likely to have prepared the escape capsule in advance and are ready to run away.

They may also be the same as those tragically dead aliens. They didn't expect that the captain of the human fleet would make such a decision. They didn't have any intention of retreating and directly attacked them. That's why they didn't hoard enough supplies. This led to their near death in the universe.

But their luck is really good. After wandering for a few days, they were captured by a passing cycondas spacecraft. Although they have become prisoners, it is shocking that they can be freed from the situation of death. Their luck can only be described as a disaster left for thousands of years.

After becoming a prisoner, Lei Ren four were very wise and did not resist prematurely. On other people's ships, even if they escape from their cells, can they kill all the secondas on a ship? What's more, even if they did, they wouldn't fly such a spacecraft at all.

The thunder four were taken as prisoners, brought back to a planet of the secondas and imprisoned.

Humans have always been known as weak and small in the universe, so their interest was completely aroused when the people who imprisoned them realized that the strength of these four humans was very strong.

Let's first talk about the secondas in the eyes of Lei people. Even the most ordinary secondas, their physical quality can reach the level of human top athletes, while those secondas who have undergone formal training can reach a level that makes Lei people feel difficult. Of course, not every sicondas star can exercise such strong strength, but the sicondas star people who can threaten the thunder four can still be seen.

A business minded man bought four thunder men from a slave trader and took them back to his home. Of course, the thunder four are equipped with a device to prevent their resistance, a foot ring that can make the wearer unconscious in an instant. It is made of special materials and is indestructible.

According to their memoirs published on the Internet, the man who bought them was called 'sakpolsky'. He was not very rich, so he bought them not for fun, but to make money from them.

Sakpolsky used the gimmick that the thunder four are powerful humans to let them duel with the combatants of different sikandas in their own arena.

Of course, at the beginning, in order to avoid the four thunder people being easily killed, sakpolsky's opponents were all inferior goods. In front of the thunder four, they are all killed by the second.

Gradually, after the thunder four became famous, there were more and more challengers attracted by their names. Similarly, the strength of these challengers was stronger and stronger one by one.

Fortunately, after sakpolsky realized that the enemy's strength level was too high, he chose to change the duel from one-to-one to four. For the thunder four, their strength alone is not so brilliant (compared with the abnormal physical quality of the secondas), but with the tacit understanding of the four, they can kill the Challenger through cooperation. After all, few of these challengers fight in a long-term team. They are temporary teams. When facing the perfect cooperation of the thunder four, they have no Parry ability at all. Even from the perspective of combat effectiveness, these challengers are stronger than the thunder four.

However, sakpolsky is also a very chicken thief. He usually displays some small skills so that the challenger can't give full play to his due strength. For example, before the battle, he warmly entertained the challengers and corrupted them with delicious food and wine. Even he would immerse these challengers in the gentle countryside, greatly limiting their own strength and unable to play at all.

For sakpolsky, these four earthlings are his cornucopia. Easily, he won't let them be really threatened. Although it has sometimes been proved that sakpolsky's little tricks are just superfluous, their own strength is not weak. But just in case, sakpolsky did his best every time to minimize the risks faced by Lei Ren and others.

In fact, they have no complaints about sakpolsky's move. The audience who came to watch the battle, they are more concerned about seeing these strange people, rather than indulging in the battle.

Both sides take what they need and win-win.

Sakpolsky relies on the four Lei people and makes a lot of money. Correspondingly, the living conditions of the four Lei people are becoming more and more comfortable, and they are becoming more and more free. They are almost no longer a slave except that their foot rings as insurance are still not taken off.

When sakpolsky gradually relaxed his vigilance against Lei Ren and others, they finally waited for the opportunity. They've been trying to get on well with sakpolsky. Although Lei Ren did not specify in his memoir how they became close to sakpolsky, Ye Feng suspected that spider woman man should have played a vital role.

And it must not be worth pointing out.

Ye Feng obviously felt that between the lines, the memoir intentionally or unintentionally did not mention the existence of spider woman in the account of contact with sakpolsky. If a person wants to hide something, it must be disgraceful for him, so he deliberately doesn't mention it.

Ye Feng wanted to ask the cold spider girls' school face to face. What price did she pay? In order for her to say nothing about it, she just revealed the final result: sakpolsky removed the safety device from spider girl man and gave her a chance.

This story can shoot at least more than 50 episodes of TV dramas. Ye Feng thought of his evil taste.

No matter what happened in the middle, in short, perhaps under the "pay" of spider woman man, sakpolsky made a very stupid move. He removed the safety device from spider woman man. The first thing the latter did after restoring complete freedom was to kill sakpolsky.

After lifting the restrictions on their companions, the thunder four were very determined to kill all the people in sakpolsky's family, leaving no one alive. Although he despised their behavior, Ye Feng had no sympathy for sakpolsky. Those who play with fire will eventually be burned by the fire one day. Ye Feng just feels a little sad for sakpolsky's family and employees who died miserably in the hands of Lei people.

Some people preach justice, but leave a dead body on the ground when they leave.

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