After seizing a spaceship from sakpolsky's manor, the thunder four finally embarked on the journey home. Because they killed all the sakpolsky family, no one knew that the people in the spacecraft were actually four slave humans. Although there was a little accident when leaving the planet, although the spacecraft was very convenient to drive, and almost all of them were handed over to the shipboard system and can, when they entered space, Inevitably, they were routinely checked.

In short, because the spacecraft was not large, the inspectors did not log in and check, but simply asked a few questions. At this time, the Yellow giant's talent played a role. He perfectly imitated sakpolsky's voice and tone and answered questions like a stream. The secundas who examined them did not act in full accordance with the rules and regulations, but carelessly and directly allowed them to enter the universe.

A few hours later, the news came that the sakpolsky family had been killed. But at this time, the thunder four people have driven the spacecraft into the superluminal flight. It has become impossible to lock their position. In particular, they adjusted the spacecraft to silent mode, and they became invisible in the universe.

Then there was a long trip home. Fortunately, they didn't repeat their mistakes this time. When seizing the ship, the four of them stuffed almost all the supplies from sakpolsky's family into the small ship. In order to put more supplies, they even threw away all the weapon systems on the ship. In fact, their approach is very wise. The road to return home is even farther than they thought.

When they almost gave up and returned to the earth after countless space jumps, the blue planet finally appeared in front of them. Thunder four people can get lucky to return to the earth. On the one hand, they have never given up hope and have been tenacious against life.

On the other hand, they must also thank the scientific and technological level of the secondas people. According to the coordinates of the earth in the Milky way provided by the giant Huang, the spacecraft can navigate automatically and return to this star domain.

When Ye Feng saw here, he couldn't help feeling. If these four people encounter even a small accident in the process of returning home, perhaps they will not come back alive. Perhaps Edlin and the shield bearer alliance will not need to face the trouble caused by them.

But reality is reality, there is no if. In front of Ye Feng is Lei Ren. The four people have safely returned to earth from space. Together, they will pose a great threat to Edlin and the shield bearer alliance just on track.

In fact, the threat has quietly formed.

As Lei Ren's memoirs published on the Internet are very wonderful, the plot is exciting, fascinating and ups and downs. So the thunder four people, who were already very well-known, pulled up another step. They have almost reached a level that no one knows.

In this way, Ye Feng is very jealous.

After all, the number of Ye Feng's fans may not be as much as their fraction, which makes him very unhappy.

At the same time, he also realized that this is an invisible crisis. With the rise of their popularity, Adelin, as a newly emerging general manager of the shield bearer alliance, especially she is just an ordinary person without any super abilities, which makes her look eclipsed in front of the thunder four.

Even Edlin's most advantageous affinity was defeated in front of the sexy and cold spider woman man. People in the world are very fond of spiderwoman's cold queen temperament. Her support groups emerge one after another all over the world, and the number has reached an unimaginable level.

This makes the thunder four become the real spokesman of the shield bearer alliance in some ways.

The iron and steel commander and Ye Feng thought of this matter. He asked Ye Feng out and the two met in a bar.

"The situation is very good, for them," said the steel commander with a bitter smile.

"Yes, now they have really become a climate. In just a few days, almost the whole earth has stood on their side." Ye Feng drank a beer and said helplessly, "by the way, iron pimples, I have always had a question."

"If you don't call me iron pimple, I can answer you any question." the iron commander said half jokingly and half seriously.

"Iron pimple, why do you stand on Edlin's side? You and Lei Ren are old comrades in arms?" Ye Feng wondered. For the iron commander, standing on the Lei Ren's side is the decision he should make without thinking. Why should he support Edlin?

"The shield bearer alliance is in their hands. There will be no change at all, but it will become more and more rigid." the iron commander said. "Maybe they will make the shield bearer alliance grow stronger, but they will only become a bloated monster that deviates from the original idea. Unlike Edlin, Edlin really believes in the idea of the shield bearer alliance."

"Do you still believe it?"

"Well," nodded the steel commander, "even captain victory once believed it."

"But he later left the word" justice "behind." Ye Feng said, "I'm sorry, I have to leave him to Gatsby. I owe him and captain victory owes him."

"We haven't been friends for a long time. When did captain Shengli and I start to go our separate ways?" the steel commander fell into meditation. After a while, he shook his head, "I can't remember..."

"Because of this?" asked Ye Feng.

"That's why," said the steel commander.

"What you mean is that adlin is still a man with a naive dream and has not reached the point of hopelessness. Is that what you mean?" asked Ye Feng.

"Well, indeed." the steel commander nodded. "Edlin may be able to hold the bottom line in front of power, who knows."

"She is not a waste like Captain Shengli," said Huang Liang. "There is no doubt that she is a strong woman. But in the face of shocking them, she has no advantage at all."

"What you're talking about is the situation we're facing at present." the iron commander said calmly, "it's shocking that they have deep qualifications and strong ability. Both their own strength and management ability are above adlin. We must admit that adlin is indeed incomparable with them."

"What you said is really cruel."

"But management experience can be learned through hard work. Some things can not be changed. It is the essence of life and a person's soul." the iron commander said, "in today's world, there are few people with a pure heart, and few people can stick to the bottom line in the face of great interests."

"I don't think such a person exists at all." Ye Feng said casually. "There is no betrayal just because the temptation is not big enough. I have a deep understanding of this. Even Edlin, who has a sense of justice in your eyes, can make her yield as long as the method is correct. For example, threaten her with my safety."

"Fortunately, you are not a very easy person to die." the steel commander said half jokingly and half seriously.

"Hey, it's really a headache. If only they could be sent back to space again, it would be better if they didn't exist," Ye Feng said.

"It's impossible. In the final analysis, they are members of the shield alliance, and now they have become the idols of people all over the world. To be honest, it is because of their return that the influence of the shield alliance has been qualitatively improved," said the iron and steel commander.

"Which side are you on?"

"On the side I think is right."

"Do you think they are wrong?" Ye Feng asked.

"If they master the shield bearer alliance, there will be no change from before," said the iron commander. "Moreover, I don't know why, I always feel that the four of them seem to be different from them before. As for which place is different, I can't say. It just feels wrong and very wrong."

"I can't see. You still feel flowing." Ye Feng said sarcastically.

"I always believe in intuition," said the iron commander calmly. "Although it was mysterious and mysterious, it did save my life several times."

"That's true." Ye Feng nodded, "although generally speaking, my intuition has always been good but bad."

"How did your intuition tell you about their return this time?" asked the steel commander.

"My intuition tells me to kill the four of them as soon as possible," Ye Feng said.

"I can't do it. The four of them are not the ones who will be caught without a hand. To be honest, I don't agree with them from the perspective of the shield bearer alliance." the iron commander said, "the battle between you is likely to tear up the organization that has just recovered a little strength."

"How many percent of the members of the shield bearer alliance do you think stand on the thunder side?" Ye Feng asked.

"At least 70%, which is still a conservative estimate," said the iron commander. "There is no doubt that almost all superpowers are on the thunder side, and they are the core combat power in the shield bearer alliance."

"We don't have the upper hand in number and combat effectiveness at all. OK, I understand." Ye Feng drank up the beer in his glass. "It's almost what I think. It seems that we have to find a way."

"What do you think?" asked the steel commander.

"Let's see who has more black material!"

For maple leaf, thinking of such a method is as simple as breathing. Influenced by Dick, Ye Feng has long learned his skill. Although it is not as limitless as Dick, in Ye Feng's view, it is more than enough to clean up the role of thunder. Ye Feng's purpose is very simple, which stinks their reputation. For these people, face may be more important than life. Ye Feng is ready to use this to deal with them. In fact, even if they have no black history, Ye Feng can make some gossip the day after tomorrow.

And Ye Feng knows one thing very well. It's shocking that it's impossible for them to dig out black history. In fact, what Ye Feng is worried about is not that they have too much black history. He is worried about how to select the most powerful from the vast black history and deal a fatal blow to them.

Play, you have to play a big ticket.

If I don't burn them, I'll lose. Ye Feng is full of confidence in this.

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