"No," said Ye Feng to Edlin sitting behind his desk. "At present, no breakthrough has been made in the actions of Lei Ren and others."

"As I said, we don't have to take the initiative," said Edlin, frowning. For all kinds of black materials about Lei Ren and others that suddenly appeared on the Internet recently, she thought of who made all this behind her back at the first sight. She immediately called Ye Feng to the office.

Not as she expected, Ye Feng did all this.

"No, waiting for the enemy to attack is the stupidest behavior," Ye Feng said, "We must attack first. Adlin, I'm not afraid of them. I'm just afraid that when they attack, if we don't have any defense, adlin, we will be defeated. Of course I don't care. I don't have any nostalgia for the shield alliance, but you, dear, you can devote all your efforts to the shield alliance, you Do you want to see the cause that has devoted your efforts destroyed by people like thunder? "

"Maybe we're wrong about them," adlin said. "Maybe they're not as bad as we thought."

"No, honey. One of your biggest shortcomings is that you always think of people as good." Ye Feng resolutely shook his head, "People like you are rare, because those who have not learned a lesson have been killed. You are an exception, honey. Your own strength is average, but you are lucky. Someone can always help you in distress. I remind you again that this person is me."

"I know my is gullible, but I think -"

"What you think is unimportant, I must protect you." Ye Feng said, "I must protect you, Edlin. You are my treasure. As for the shield bearer alliance, if one day you feel bored, we will leave here immediately. It is iron pimple or shocking to take power. Personally, it makes no difference to me."

"I don't want to go yet."

"That's not enough, so I'll help you, thunder them, and I'll clean up the shield alliance one by one." Ye Feng said, "I can't do it yet. But the white dog bastard, I can try to expel him from the shield alliance. You should also see the petition post hanging on the official website of the shield alliance."

"I see, Ye Feng, don't say it's also your pen." Adelin looked at Ye Feng helplessly.

"Of course it was my idea. With the help of Gemma, we launched a petition post 'let scum like white dog get out of the shield holder alliance' and put it on the official website of the shield holder alliance. At present, there are already," Ye Feng looked down at his mobile phone, "More than one million people have voted in favor of the post. I admit that I planned to brush the vote at the beginning, but it's not necessary at all. People's anger has been completely mobilized. Look, it's shocking that they can't hold the white dog. That hooligan will end up in disgrace and get out of the shield alliance."

"I've seen the white dog. Has he really done so many things over the line?" Adelin frowned slightly.

"Of course, that bastard didn't do much personnel." Ye Feng said, "that bastard can also enter the shield holder alliance, and we can see how corrupt the shield holder alliance was at that time. Damn, even if the white dog's combat effectiveness is good, can he turn a blind eye to what he did? He should pay a price!"

"You don't seem qualified to say him, Ye Feng. As far as I know, your past experience is not clean."

"I'm different from the white dog," said Ye Feng without changing his face and heart, "Some of the mistakes I made before were unintentional, but the white dog took the initiative to commit a crime. There is an essential difference between the two. I must explain this. In fact, I have been making up for the mistakes I made before. I admit that some people really shouldn't die, but I have been reflecting on what I did

"But white dog doesn't have the slightest remorse for his past experience. You should look at the shameless words he said when spraying with netizens. He doesn't have any remorse at all. Instead, he looks complacent. Damn it, I want to slap him in the face. There are such unscrupulous people in the world. You know, Adelin Tao? I hate idiots who have done bad things and are unaware of them. They think that because they have super powers, they can kill ordinary people at will. Such people must be cleaned out of the team of the shield bearer alliance! "

"Ye Feng, calm down. You're too excited," adlin said.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little irrational. I'm sorry, I reflect." Ye Feng took a big sip of tea and calmed his mood. "I'm just a little angry. You know, he's also a member of the shield alliance and dares to claim to be the messenger of justice. It's a great lie in the world!"

"Well, I see. The shield holder alliance is holding a discussion on whether the white dog should be expelled from the team. Most people stand on your side and think that people like white dog should be removed from the team to restore the image of the shield holder alliance. You know, after you exposed the white dog, our shield holder alliance is also under great pressure." Adlin said weakly that she had been bothered by similar things for several days. She had not had a good rest for several days. She spent every day in various meetings and telephone calls, which had made her anxious.

"Of course I know, but this kind of pain is still very necessary. If a strong man breaks his wrists, he must kick the white dog out of the shield bearer alliance," Ye Feng said firmly, "If we want to deal with Lei Ren, we must strike first and weaken their strength. Although many people in the shield bearer alliance are on their side, Lei Ren is not afraid as long as we clean up the white dog, yellow giant and spider woman man beside Lei Ren from the shield bearer alliance." Ye Feng became more and more excited. The spitting stars from his mouth almost splashed on Edlin's face.

"Come on, you're excited again." Adelin wiped his face with a paper towel. "I said ugly things ahead, Ye Feng. If you do too much, I will never agree. In fact, I won't agree with your behavior this time. You should at least discuss it with me." She looked at Ye Feng with reproachful eyes. The latter was not ashamed, but still calmly met Edlin's eyes.

"I can't discuss with you in advance, Edlin. I know you too well. You will never agree to use such a trick to deal with thunder people." Ye Feng said, "you will say that we all come together for the same goal. In order to implement justice, we shouldn't have internal friction." Ye Feng imitated Edlin's voice, "You'll say something like that. I'll bet my life on you."

"That's right." Adeline waved impatiently. "I might say that, but I really think so. Although Lei Ren is a bit sinister, we can't --"

"It's enough that this man has a problem. I don't have time to distinguish what his ambition is. As long as I'm sure he wants to be disadvantageous to you and point fingers at your shield holder alliance, I'll kill him!" said Ye Feng.

"It's not my shield bearer alliance. It's the shield bearer alliance of all mankind," Edlin corrected.

"But Lei Ren doesn't think so. What he wants is Lei Ren's shield bearer alliance." Ye Feng said firmly, "I can see his greed in his eyes. Don't tell me you don't see his hostility to you."

"Well, indeed, I feel the pressure exerted by Lei Ren on me from all aspects, but Ye Feng, I am a newcomer and the new general manager of the shield bearer alliance. As the founder, Lei Ren feels that he is more qualified to be the general manager than me. I can fully understand it," Adelin said.

"No, Lei Ren is the defeated general of Captain victory." Ye Feng said, "in the struggle with Captain victory, he was played into the universe. Captain victory won the final victory. And you took over the power of the shield bearer alliance from captain victory. You are the most qualified person." Ye Feng's eyes are very firm.

"That's because you've been helping me -"

"That's because you attracted me to you. In the final analysis, it's because of you, dear, I'm willing to pay for you." Ye Feng said affectionately, "I don't care what kind of person that Lei Ren is, but I know you. I know you really want to make the shield bearer alliance better, let it play its due ability and make the world better. I believe you are enough."

"Maple Leaf..."

She was overwhelmed by Ye Feng's sudden confession, but Edlin felt the true feelings in Ye Feng's words, and she couldn't help tears.

"Dear, we will keep going. No matter where you want to go and see what kind of scenery, I will accompany you." Ye Feng said emotionally.

"Promise me one thing first," adlin said.

"What? You said, as long as I can do it, I will do it." Ye Feng said with a guaranteed ticket.

"Break up with Corby and them -"

"Sorry, Edlin, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. It seems that the natural gas valve in the kitchen is not closed. I'll go back and check it. Will you come back for dinner tonight? Chu Qian said to make curry. OK, that's it. I want to go home and have a look at the faucet. Er, it's the valve. Whatever it is..."

Ye Feng ran out of Edlin's office, leaving her helpless shaking her head.

"Ye Feng, are you really..."

For Ye Feng's amorous character, Edlin can only accept it reluctantly. Ye Feng is an amorous person, but he is also a devoted person. If he is just an amorous apprentice, Edlin will never be so affectionate to him, because she knows Ye Feng's character and knows that he loves her wholeheartedly. Otherwise, how can an excellent woman like Edlin Are there any other women who are willing to put up with their own men?

However, it is impossible to say that she has no resentment against Ye Feng's behavior. Of course, Edlin expects Ye Feng to only love him wholeheartedly. Even though she knows it is impossible, Edlin is very willing to beat Ye Feng with this thing from time to time.

In fact, adlin can't tell whether he can't live without Ye Feng or Ye Feng can't live without her, but anyway, if she can, she hopes this day can continue

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