The shocking reaction was completely unexpected.

It can be said that in the whole shield holder alliance, no one expected Lei Ren to make such a move. Lei Ren took the initiative to bring the white dog out of the team at the meeting held by the shield holder alliance, which caught everyone by surprise.

Ye Feng's original prepared impassioned speech was of no use at all. The shocking move made Ye Feng look like a fool. He just stared at Lei Ren and didn't know how to react.

Lei Ren fiercely denounced the white dog. If the people present didn't know the relationship between Lei Ren and white dog, they would even wonder whether Lei Ren exploded the black material of white dog.

Ye Feng wavered in this matter. He didn't know whether he had helped Lei Ren to some extent or whether he had used his hand to drive the white dog out of the shield holder alliance.

Ye Feng soon woke up. He realized that Lei Ren was performing.

All he did was to minimize the damage caused by public opinion. First of all, he needs to show his attitude and divert the attention of public opinion, and the white dog is a perfect scapegoat. The guilt of white dog is too numerous to describe. He has committed too many and too bad things, so that he makes the black history of Lei Ren and others seem insignificant, just a small mistake that normal people will make. This is what Ye Feng didn't expect. At the beginning, he just wanted to expose all the black materials of the white dog and give the thunder party the greatest pressure. He didn't expect that it would backfire. The black materials of the thunder and others, which were contrasted by the existence of the white dog, were not so serious.

This makes Ye Feng mute to eat Coptis chinensis, which is hard to say.

Although we want to make up for it by some means, such as fabricating some shocking black history, all public opinion has pointed the muzzle at the white dog.

The problem of thunder itself is vanity. Compared with those things committed by white dogs, it is much less serious. He pushed the white dog out to block his gun, which seemed unexpected and reasonable. Ye Feng asked himself that if he faced a similar situation, he would also choose shocking practices to minimize the harm through the action of breaking his wrists.

Of course, the white dog suffered. He was directly expelled from the shield bearer alliance and wanted and arrested by the members of the meeting.

Of course I can't find him.

Ye Feng had foreseen this before the meeting. In any case, Lei Ren will not really give up the white dog. His impassioned speech is just a performance of the force field he must show. But on practical issues, he will protect the white dog. After all, it is his pawn.

If the white dog is caught, it is likely that Lei people will also be involved. There is no doubt that if such a thing happened, he would be as disgraced as white dog. After all, to a large extent, white dog, an idiot, can commit so many sins because it is shocking to give advice behind his back.

The thunder man took everyone by surprise. Ye Feng didn't notice. The steel commander seemed very calm, but he didn't speak. Adlin had to hastily end the meeting.

Ye Feng, Edlin and the commander of iron and steel returned to Edlin's chief office. As soon as the door of the office was closed, Ye Feng began to curse.

"TMD, it's really shocking. It's really decisive. I haven't said whether to decide to expel the white dog from the shield holder alliance this time. The boy jumped out first and took the initiative to talk about it!" Ye Feng said unconvinced, "The speech I prepared carefully didn't come in handy at all! You know, I can prepare to run well. That bastard left himself and the white dog completely. Is he a loach? It's shameless! I haven't seen such a brazen person in my generation!"

"Well, calm down. It's already like this. You can't solve any problems by sulking yourself," adlin said.

"Adelin is right. Ye Feng, Lei Ren will make such a move, which shows that he has no other way. I know him. You've forced him into a dead end this time. Otherwise, he won't give up the white dog so easily. Ye Feng, those revelations on the Internet are all ghosts behind your back?" The steel commander looked at Ye Feng's expression. In fact, he already knew the answer. He just wanted to hear what Ye Feng said.

"I did it, iron pimple. I also checked your black history by the way." Ye Feng said, "your boy is much higher than on the surface."

"Don't tease me." the iron and steel commander smiled helplessly. "Ye Feng, you should pay more attention recently, you too, Edlin. Lei is a penny pinching character. He will take action after he has suffered such a big loss this time. You will be careful of his movements recently." the iron and steel commander's expression is very serious.

"I didn't do anything..." adlin sighed, "although I know that as long as I sit in this position, he will dislike me."

"You know, we have no room with them. Either they die or they die!" said Ye Feng.

"You are really confident." the iron commander smiled helplessly. "If only I could be as optimistic as you."

"My optimism is based on strong strength. You can't envy iron pimples," said Ye Feng.

"In that case, how are you going to deal with thunder?" the iron and steel commander looked at Ye Feng with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"I don't know," said Ye Feng.

"Don't know?"

"Well, I haven't thought of a suitable idea yet," Ye Feng said frankly. "In terms of playing Yin, Captain Shengli and I still have some distance. If that bastard is still alive, he may think of a way to kill without blood."

"Do you miss him?" asked Edlin.

"Well, I've always regretted that I didn't kill him myself." Ye Feng said regretfully, "it's really cheap Gatsby."

"All right, let's talk about the business," said the iron commander. "The problem now is how to remove the thunder man from the shield bearer alliance. It's just a white dog. It's a drop in the bucket. Maybe it's not a good thing."

"You are worried that the white dog will get worse after being expelled from the shield holder alliance, aren't you?" asked Ye Feng.

"I have this worry," said the iron and steel commander. "Before, the white dog would be restrained by thunder. Now he has become a wanted criminal. Thunder can let him go and do damage. Anyway, he has no worries."

"I didn't think of this in advance. It's my problem." Ye Feng mused. "Maybe we should find a chance to kill the white dog."

"Ye Feng, don't mess around!" Adelin said excitedly. "I absolutely don't allow the assassination to appear in the shield bearer Alliance under my jurisdiction. If you have to do so, I'll resign directly. It's not the chief of this laoshizi!" her attitude is very firm and there is no room for discussion. Ye Feng looked at the firmness in her eyes, so she had to nod helplessly.

"I know. Don't worry. I won't kill the white dog behind your back." Ye Feng said, "but if he wants to die himself, Adelin, I will never be soft. Being kind to the enemy is cruel to myself! Don't you understand this truth?"

"Of course, if the white dog takes the lead in attacking us, you certainly have the right to defend. But you must not take the initiative, you know what I mean? If I know you're behind my back against the white dog -"

"Just let me stay out of your bedroom for a week," said Ye Feng casually.

"Ye Feng!" Adelin blushed and didn't dare to look at the teasing eyes of the iron and steel commander. Ye Feng laughed without scruples, and there was no embarrassment about his words.

"It's all for the old husband and wife. What are you shy of?" Ye Feng said brazenly.

"All right, you two can talk. I still have some things to deal with, so I won't bother you." after that, the steel commander leisurely left Edlin's office.

"What do you think?" Ye Feng asked Edlin.


"Iron pimple attitude."

"He? What's wrong with the steel commander?" Adelin stared at Ye Feng in confusion. "What's his attitude?"

"Didn't you find out? He seems to have expected Lei Ren's behavior at the meeting today." Ye Feng said, "do you think he will collude with Lei Ren and fool us?"

"It shouldn't be." Adelin mused. "The iron commander and Lei Ren have known each other for many years. It shouldn't be surprising that he can speculate about Lei Ren's actions. After all, he is a man who can confront captain victory in wisdom."

"He was kicked out of the shield alliance by Captain Shengli," Ye Feng said. "He was a loser."

"You're also a loser," adlin said mercilessly. "If Jane and Coby Jedi didn't kill each other in Monterey, you would be the defeated leader of the victory captain, and your end would be much worse than that of the iron commander. He was just run away from the shield alliance, but you would be dead."

"You, I spoiled you too much to let you speak freely." Ye Feng looked at Edlin helplessly. "Can you say that you didn't run so much at the meeting just now? Just follow me."

"Hey, I know myself clearly. I'm not your opponent. You're better than me in conspiracy, but you're not your opponent." Adelin said objectively.

"Hey, honey, you are trying to destroy your prestige and increase the ambition of others." Ye Feng said discontentedly.

"If you can really play thunder with applause, you won't be the one who is suppressed in the meeting today," Edlin said, "Lei Ren is really a terrible opponent. He knows how to be willing, which is particularly important. A person who won't lose the war can't be the final winner. And as you said between you and the iron commander, it may not be a good thing to remove the white dog from the team of the shield bearer alliance."

"Don't worry, no one can enter my house." Ye Feng said, "if that bastard really dares to make trouble in my house, I will let him know how the word 'death' is written." Ye Feng has very information about Dick's defense system installed in his house. If someone really dares to die, Ye Feng is very willing to see the tragedy of this unlucky guy.

By the way, I haven't heard from dick for a long time. Isn't this old bastard killed? Ye Feng shook his head. I don't think so. It's a disaster for thousands of years.

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